Chapter One

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In some sort of vortex of energy and light. What appears to be a spacecraft zooms through. A much larger vessel is chasing, and firing upon it. As best as it tries to evade with evasive action it is ultimately shot causing significant damage to the ship. On board agirl with orange hair is struggling to keep it flying, most of her features are obscured by darkness, yet her eyes flicker between a state of glowing and regular orange pupils. She grits her teeth asshe dives into the edge of the vortex vanishing below. On the larger craft, two individuals look at the results of their actions from the ship's bridge. The shorter one with glasses speaks up. "We can't lose her, we will have to abandon the flagship for now to chase herto that world. Quickly." The other man simply nods and rushes outof the bridge to do just that.

A young man sits at a desk, bags in his eyes, mindlessly typing away athis computer. It seemed like only yesterday he started working at this job. Everyday was the same, so dull, so boring, and the pay was insultingly low for any amount of effort he would put in, but here hewas feeling trapped and with no other choice but to toil. Time seemed to stand still as he kept working on what felt like pointless busy work. He looked around at his co-workers. While they didn't seem tobe happy being there, they were much more content and had long accepted this was pretty much their life now, Clyde not so much. He leaned back in his chair, letting out a sigh of frustration as the clock slowly counted down to the final hour, then at least he could finally go home and find a few hours of enjoyment for his hobbies. It was the longest five minutes of his life, all he could do was contemplate it. How could anyone accept this? Had he not worked hard enough? Was there a better option he didn't see? The clock reachedthe end of the hour, releasing him from his thoughts for the moment.He quickly gathered his things and rushed out the door, clocking out right away to the dirty looks of some of his co-workers who would stay longer for very little reward.

He walks the streets looking around at everyone out and about, this town had nothing going for it, in his opinion there was nothing to do. No interesting people to interact with. Slowly he reached his dwelling place, a small home he had managed to invest in. The only place he felt somewhat alive. "I just wish things were more interesting."He sighs, taking out his keys to unlock the door. Before he could doso, the ship from the vortex flashed into the sky and faster than he could think collided with his house, destroying all but the very doorhe was about to open. It rested not far, coming to a complete halt.

He freezes for a moment before taking a deep breath opening the door andwalking through it before looking up at the sky and saying. "Thanks?"He was taking it surprisingly well, all things considered, this was technically what he asked for. His attention was drawn to the spaceship as the door opened, billowing out a large amount of smoke. A very imposing-looking shadow within its confines. As the smoke cleared, the big shadow revealed it was really just a girl with long hair who is now choking up a storm. She was wearing a black coat, shorts, and a captain's hat that didn't seem to fit her perfectly asit was a little big.

She seemed to pay him no mind, assessing the damage to his vessel fromthe outside. "Man, I need to work on crashing huh? The damage is worse than I thought" She said to herself. Clyde, still confused ,took a moment to take in her words. "Wait, you mean you destroyed my house on purpose! I still had like a million payments on it!" He said, starting to remember the reality of this dilemma. She only nownoticed he was there, not turning around to face him. "I mean, I technically did. One of us had to." She said shrugging. His anger started to boil over, getting the better of his curiosity. She didn't seem to be that sorry about it, but he could also tell she was a little nervous like she had bigger concerns.

"Look, I don't know how they do things in space tiny alien girl, but..."He started to say, only for her to turn around finally and cut him off in annoyance. "I'm not tiny or an alien, I'm human just like you! Mostly anyway. Look, I'm sorry about your house, but I'm in a..." She froze after getting a better look at his face like sherecognized him from somewhere. He shook his head. "I guess it doesn't matter what you are, either way, you can't just destroy people's houses like that!" He said in protest.

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