Chapter Twenty Five

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The Three Stooges were getting their powers evaluated. Like worlds they had visited before this world had a power that was tethered to this one. That power being magic. Clyde's class and powers were off the charts, but that was most likely more because of the sword than him. Both Raleigh and Rebbecca were in support classes. "What do you mean I'm a healer? That's so lame." Raleigh said very disappointed that most of the powers granted to her by the supposed goddess involved healing. Rebbecca didn't seem to mind, she summoned a small little fire wisp smiling. "I think it's cute," The Hacker says looking like she wants to reach out and hold but her arms are still dead weight. Raleigh grumbled ignoring her. 

The person evaluating them spoke up. "Alright, you are all set to leave whenever you're......" A guard rushes in, interrupting her. "Noble hero! The demon lord's army has reached the west gate, please save us." Clyde seemed more confident and sure of himself. "Don't worry, we'll get over there." "Hold on, Clyde, do me a favor. These arms are slowing me down like this, would you take them off for me? We can keep them in your bag since you're a big strong man" She asks, teasing him a little. "You want me to what?" Clyde said, a little uncomfortable. "Nope, I'll do it. It's not like he would know how anyway." Raleigh said, seeming to be a little more defensive of Clyde. 

"Aw, Raleigh, I didn't know you were so eager to get physical with me." She said to her with a grin. "Zip it." is all she said, studying her arms to try and find the way to disconnect them, not firing back any remarks. "You're no fun," Rebbecca said, pouting as she ripped them both off one after the other, handing them to him. Clyde took them, feeling a bit weirded out, but she surely did seem to be more nimble now. The evaluator seemed to feel the same way but didn't say anything.  

Like he said they went to the gate seeing the army standing there waiting for them. A larger one stepped forward. "I am one of the demon king's five generals! I challenge the hero to a duel!" At first he's hesitant but both Raleigh, and Rebbecca nudge him forward. "Alright, I guess." He draws his sword it gives off a slight glow. He laughed. "Don't take me so lightly Hero." He took out two large axes from his back. "I would never do that." He said in response focusing ready to give it his all. His weapon started to glow brighter like it was charging he didn't seem to notice. As he swung forward energy shot out the sword cutting the general in half along with his entire army, and the mountain behind them. "Holy shit!" He said shocked hoping no one was living on the mountain. They both seemed shocked as well.

All the knights still inside the walls cheered they never doubted this outcome. The head knight opened the gate coming out. "I'm amazed, noble hero. There has been word that a second demon general is marching toward a city to the west. They'll need your help." Clyde's head was growing larger because the stunt he just pulled. "Well let's gather the men, and let's go then." He said only for the Knight to shake his head. "We can't the Prophecy says the Hero must only go with his party." Clyde groaned again tired of this whole Prophecy nonsense. "What are you going to do if the city falls before I get there, or whatever." "It won't the divine revelations are never wrong." He sighs but sees he won't convince him, and considering his current overpowered status he relents, and leaves to save them himself.

When they get there they also beat the next demon general with ease. Raleigh and Rebecca didn't even get to do anything. Clyde was growing smug for once. They all showered him with praise, he was reveling in it. "If the other three are this week there won't be a problem. Why don't we get a little musical accompaniment." He points to a bard who starts to play a nice fantasy melody. Clyde shakes his head. Doing something with the sword he isn't even sure how he did to make the music turn from that to heavy metal even though it functionally shouldn't be able to. They travel the lands felling demon generals to bad ass music one after the other till they are all defeated with ease and they finally reach the Demon King's Castle.

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