Chapter 4

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He lands another punch to the guy's head and he sprawls to the floor, knocked out. The other guy looks at Ya Muhammad in fear then down at his friend before turning around and running away.

All I could do was stare at the man on the floor and realizing that he could have easily killed me. My hands were shaking as the adrenaline seeped out of me. I gulp in a deep breath making my lungs ache from the exertion and my head pound.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hear a calm but deadly voice question.

I look up to see Ya Muhammad look at me with an icy glare and a frown on his face. He is still in his suit from earlier today but his jacket is unbuttoned and so are the top buttons of his white shirt. He has to be like 6'5 from the way I have to crane my neck to look at him. He stares down at me as his frown grows bigger.

"I asked you a question." He practically growls.

"I didn't do anything. I was attacked." I say simply.

"Why did you come out here, all alone, when you've never been here before?" His voice starts to rise and his fist clenches.

"Asma needed to get something and I was tired. I knew where Hassan parked so I came out. I didn't expect to be attacked." I say quietly, I can't look at him anymore so I look at the bags strewn all over the floor.

"Is Asma inside?" He asks as he rubs his temples.

I nod as I shuffle my feet.

"Use your words." He growls impatiently as though I am a child.

"Yes she is." I say.

I can feel the heat of his gaze on the side of my face as he released an aggravated sigh. He makes me feel like a dumb child who couldn't make decisions. I knew what I was doing. It wasn't my fault.

"Get in the car." He orders. "Pack up the bags and get in the car." He repeats more harshly when I don't move.

I quickly pack up the bags and the few things that rolled out of them before rushing into the car he pointed out. I drop them in the back seat and slide in next to them before shutting the door.

He picks up his phone and taps a few things on it before bringing it to his ear. My window was rolled down so I could hear everything he was saying.

"Asma come out, I'm waiting for you... Hassan is not picking you up. I am... She's with me, now hurry up." He hangs up the phone and waits for Asma to show up.

She finally comes out after a few minutes with the other bags and new smaller one.

"Sorry Yaya, akwai layi in the shop." She gives him a small hesitant smile.

"Do you know how I found that girl?" He says instead and the smile drops off Asma's lips as she spots me in the car.

"What are you talking about?" She asks quietly.

"I'm talking about the fact that I found that girl being strangled by two men as they attacked her." Asma gasps and looks at me.

"I-i didn't know. I thought Hassan was waiting for us." She squeezes the bags in her hands.

"I don't need excuses Asma, she was your responsibility not Hassan's. She just arrived here and she's a child for god's sake." My brows furrow at that. "You are older so I would expect you to be more sensible about things." Why is he talking like I have no common sense. I'm not an idiot nor a child and it isn't Asma's fault.

"I'm sorry." Asma says quietly as tears fill her eyes.

He stays quiet for a bit and just looks at her before sighing and pulling her into a hug. "Just be careful next time, okay?" His voice is softer now as he wipes her tears.

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