Chapter 21

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Madeenah's POV

I didn't sleep at all the night before; my mind was running, and I kept on tossing turning on the bed. Every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was his face. Hie sculpted, handsome face. It would be a dream having that type of man as mine. But I am not dreaming, I'm in reality and I have to think about this.

"Madeenah!" Hafsa shakes me, snapping me out of my head. "I've been calling you. What are you thinking about?"

I look around the classroom and see a few eyes turned toward us. "After class." I whisper back and try to focus on the few remaining minutes of the class.

We leave the class 10 minutes later and Hafsa drags me to a lounge in the building.

"What is it?" She asks as we sit.

"I don't know how to say it." I fiddle with my fingers, suddenly nervous.

"Just tell me." She says.

I take a breath before blurting it out, "Ya Muhammad asked me to marry him."

She sputters, "What? Ya Muhammad? As in that guy you have a crush on?" She asks.

"Yes him. He asked me yesterday and I'm supposed to give him an answer today." I tell her, "I don't know what to do."

She snaps her mouth, that is still hanging open, shut. "But you like him. You've been crushing on him for a while now." She points out.

"But that's a crush. This is marriage." I grab her hand.

"I get that but what if this is your one true love story and you lose it because you're scared?" She asks.

"But what if I end up ruining my life? What if he doesn't love me?" I ask what I've been thinking about since the night before.

"Do you love him?"

"No. I like him though." I shrug.

"Exactly. You'll learn to love him if you agree, and he will also learn to love you. But only if you agree to give him that chance." She urges.

"You think I should say yes?" I ask. I need someone to tell me what to do.

"If it was me and a man as handsome as him proposed to me, I would definitely say yes." She says and we both laugh. "But looks isn't the only thing that matters. His character does too and the type of man he is."

"He is a good man. I know that. And a good father. He's just sometimes a bit... broody." I say, "And I talk a lot, what if he can't tolerate that."

"You'll never know until you give it a chance." She squeezes my hand. "You like him, he likes you and you never even have to worry about in-laws cause you've been living with them for like three months." She points out.

"Yeah, you're right about that." I shrug. "I just don't want to make a mistake."

"When you go home, pray to Allah. Do istikhara. You'll know what the right thing is."

"I will. I'll tell him my answer after." I nod, finally having a sense of what to do.

When I got home, I went to my room, brought out my prayer mat, and prayed. I prayed to Allah to help me make the right decision. I prayed that whatever came my way I would be bale to handle it. I prayed and prayed and prayed until I fell asleep right there. When I awoke, in the deepest part of my heart I knew what decision I needed to make.

Muhammad's POV

I was a cruel man. I accepted that after Madeenah left my car yesterday. I had done exactly what I had promised myself not to. I gave her false hope. I lied to her. I told her I wanted her, and I wanted to be married to her. I couldn't tell her that I just needed to marry her. I lied for my own agenda because I knew that was the only way she would agree. I don't why I wanted her to agree. It would have been easier if she didn't. I would be able to say I gave it a chance, but it didn't work out, but now. Now I'm not so sure.

I haven't seen her since yesterday and it's now time for dinner. I should just take back my offer. I can't. I already made the decision, and I can't take it back. It would hurt and embarrass her, and I've already done enough of that lately. But I do need to set the facts straight. I am not planning on falling in love with her. I am not planning on ever being intimate with her. I will definitely perform all my duties as a husband to her except that.

When I see her after dinner, I'll tell her. I have to.

She sits next to me as we eat. Mami keeps on staring at the two of us as though expecting me to announce here that I decided to marry her. She has this questioning gaze, probably trying to guess if I had asked Madeenah.

Madeenah didn't look at me once throughout dinner. She didn't even talk much throughout. Abba finished eating and told Mami he needed to talk to her. She shot me a glance before she stood up and left the table. Hassan and Zayn left then Hussein stood up and left too. Madeenah wasn't even done eating. Normally she would be one of the first to finish, but tonight it was like her mind wasn't there.

"Meet me upstairs when you're done." Asma says to her then leaves.

Madeenah looks around the table confused as if just noticing they had all left. Her eyes meet mine, nervous and unsure.

"Madeenah..." I start, hoping to just get it out.

"I have an answer for you." She cuts me off.

I'm a bit shocked that she decided so soon, and apprehensive that it might be the opposite of what I'm expecting. I just stare at her, waiting for her answer.

She takes in a deep breath, "Yes. I'll marry you." She says.

I feel relief at the fact that I accomplished what I set out to do. That she agreed to marry me. But I also feel shitty at the sight of the hope glittering in her light eyes. I search her face. Her young face that has a tentative smile on it. She still looks unsure but also stubborn in her decision. It's cute.

"Okay. I'll inform Mami." I nod.

We sit there looking at each other for a bit, registering what just happened, before she clears her throat and gets up. She's about to leave when she stops.

"You should talk to my brother. My father won't care that much." She says then walks away.


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