Chapter 15

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It's our second day here. We spent the day the at the mall, just shopping. We went to different stores; Ya Muhammad just gave me a card to buy whatever I want. He took Inayah with him to a kid store while I went to different shops. I felt weird using his money, so I only bought a few things for myself and Asma when he texted me. I had glanced at my phone and could feel the crush in me multiplying.

Ya Muhammad: Stop being shy and buy whatever you want. I don't want a thank you.

I still didn't go overboard but I did buy enough things. I got jewelry, a few t-shirts, and more jeans since I didn't really have many. I also got these sweater dresses that were so cute. Some were knitted while others were soft cotton; I got them in different colours but mainly my usual, pink, purple and blue. He texted me to meet them at the food court we had passed, so I grabbed my three shopping bags, and met them there. His hands hold four bags in each, and from what I could spy they were mainly pink and purple glittery stuff. We were only separated for an hour; how could Inayah get so many stuff?

"You guys have no restraint." I laugh as I reach them.

"It's all Inayah." He chuckles as we both look down at her cheeky smile.

"Daddy say anything." She says.

I chuckle, "Okay smarty-pants."

"Alright come let's eat." Ya Muhammad says.

"Ya Muhammad." I call after him. He stops and turns around to look at me. "Here's your card." I say as I reach into my bag and hand him the card.

"Keep it. I'll take it back when we go back to Nigeria." He says and begins walking away.

"What if I lose it?" I blurt out as I quicken my steps to reach them.

"You won't." He says.

The rest of the day was full of activities. We got on a double-decker bus, sat upstairs, and did a lot of sight-seeing. Ya Muhammad was on his phone a lot in the beginning but with the different places we saw and the more me and Inayah kept pointing things out to him, he became more relaxed. We went to another restaurant and ate fish and chips; it was so crowded and there was a lot of ruckus, but the food tasted good.

We went back to the hotel after Maghrib, I prayed with Inayah in my room, and she tried on all her new clothes and did a mini catwalk in front of me and her dad, after she dragged me to the parlour.

"Daddy look at me!" She says as she comes out in a rainbow tutu and a matching top.

"Pretty." Ya Muhammad says with a smile aimed at his daughter.

"Deenah." She turns to me.

"Wow! You look like a ballerina." I gush at her.

That's how it keeps on happening until all the outfits are done and I bathe her, and she sits to watch TV. I change into a hoodie, sweatpants, and socks, since it's cold, then enter the kitchen to cook dinner. We've been eating out throughout the whole day. I had bought shrimp and a few spices in Whitechapel, when we saw the tower bridge, so I made a shrimp fried rice and a chilli sauce on the side for Ya Muhammad. I know how he loves anything spicy.

I call Inayah to the dining and serve her food before walking over to his room door and knocking. His voice comes through 'yes.'.

"I've made dinner. Do you want it in your room?" I ask through the door.

He's silent for a bit, "I'll be out in a few minutes."

"Okay." I say then walk back into the kitchen.

I load up my plate, add a bit of the chilli sauce over my rice, then start eating. Inayah is watching the TV as she eats, so I just grab my phone and send a picture to Asma. She responds with a crying emoji and promises to show the boys to show how Ya Muhammad is being spoiled. Her words.

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