Chapter 14

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Madeenah's POV

We pile into the taxi as we land at Heathrow airport. It takes a while to get through customs, but I loved every part of it. I had finally travelled and the first place I had gone to was London.

"Deenah." Inayah pulls on my abaya sleeve as she sits next to me with her father in front. She passes me her drink that she didn't finish. We stopped at McDonald's and ate something before we came out.

I took the cup from her; she lays down on my lap as Ya Muhammad tells the driver which hotel we're staying at.

The hotel looks so nice when we arrive, and our suite looks even better. I carry a sleeping Inayah in my arms as I drag her smaller suitcase behind me. Ya Muhammad is taking mine and his. The living room was spacious with wide windows that looked down to the front of the hotel. There was a small kitchen on our right then a dining table of four.

"Put her in my room. It's the one on the left." Ya Muhammad tells me.

I carry her to the room he directs me. The room was big, with a bed in the middle, a work desk under a window, a couch, small closet, and a TV mounted high up on the wall opposite the bed. It has windows spread out on the right wall with the same view as the one in the living room. I carefully change Inayah into her pyjamas then lay her down on the bed and cover her up. I walk out just as he comes out of the room opposite his.

"This is yours. Your suitcase is inside." He says then walks away into the living room.

I enter my room which was smaller than Ya Muhammad's. It was mainly just beige, white, and brown furniture spread out in the room. The bed was big and facing another set of windows with a different view than the other two. There's a TV mounted opposite it and a work desk too on the side. There's a couch too and next to it I find my suitcase there.

I enter the bathroom. It follows the theme of the bedroom with white marble and brown cabinets. There's a shower and I almost want to enter and take one, but I refrain until the morning. I use the bathroom, open my suitcase, and take out my toiletries, brush my teeth then change into pyjamas. I switch off the light of the bathroom and the room as I crawl into the soft cotton sheets. It doesn't take me long before my eyes close, and I fall into darkness.

I open my eyes to warm sunlight beaming down on me. I stretch my hands over my head and crack my neck before getting off the bed. I open up my suitcase and take out one of my favourite floral dresses. It had pink, blue, and lilac flowers all over the white fabric. I tie my hair up in a high bun and enter the bathroom and finally take a hot shower. I don't take that long because I know Inayah might be waking up soon. I step out of the shower then get ready. I put on my dress, fix my hair then wrap a veil around me before I step out of my room.

I find Ya Muhammad sitting on the dining with his laptop and some documents in front of him. He's in a black t-shirt and sweatpants as he focused on his work. I'd never seen him look so casual. My heart can't take it.

"Ina kwana." I say and he looks up. Scans me from head to toe.

"Lafiya." He says then goes back to his work.

I stand there awkwardly trying to figure out what I even came out to do. Oh yes, Inayah.

"Should I wake up Inayah?" I look at the clock in the kitchen. It was 9:15.

"Yeah, you can." He nods without looking at me.

I turn to go to his room, but I halt. "Is there anything I can make for breakfast? She's always hungry when she wakes up." He finally looks at me with his usual unreadable expression. Do I see a hint of delightful surprise?

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