Chapter 13

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Muhammad's POV

"I need all reports on my desk by the end of today. I want to go through them because I'll be travelling in two days." I stand up from my chair in the conference room. "End of today." I say one more time before walking out with Mary trailing behind me.

Throughout this whole week I've been trying to complete any work I haven't before I go to the UK. I'm going to be away from work for a week and anything could go wrong. There are some board meetings I need to attend in London, regarding expanding our company to a bigger international market. Right now, it's only in parts of Africa we have offices but if things go well, then we might be able to expand to the UK, which would open up the way to other European countries.

Maryam's dad is also in a hospital in London so I can see him for the few days I don't have any work to do. The main thing I was worried about was Inayah, who would stay with her when I was at my meetings. I didn't have anyone I could trust with her in London, and I couldn't leave her with Umma since she was already taking care of Baba. But then Mami decided to offer a solution. Madeenah.

She was the only one who had a clear schedule during my trip and who I knew could take care of Inayah. Even Asma could easily forget about her in spirit to hang out with her old university friends. Madeenah, I knew I could rely on. I'd basically been relying on her to take care of Inayah since I noticed how responsible she was in the two months she's been here. Unknowingly of course. Inayah now refused to sleep with her nanny Jamilah, and instead would either sleep with me or drag Madeenah to stay with her in her room until she fell asleep. I've found her on two occasions completely passed out on the rocking chair next to Inayah's bed, as they both slept. I had to send Asma to wake her up to go back to her room. It was cute.

Her Visa just came out yesterday so not everything was confirmed until today. We would spend ten days in London before coming back here. Inayah and I had a UK Visa from the last time we went, three months ago, so there was no problem with us flying. It was Madeenah's we were worried about but my contacts at the embassy managed to pull things off.

I go into my office, throw off my suit jacket on the back of my chair and slump down on it. I was exhausted. I didn't sleep last night trying to make sure all my work was done and having to deal with a mess some incompetent workers couldn't. Thankfully, Hussein was here to watch over a lot of things and him, I trusted. He had the same work ethic as me and never liked to disappoint. He never once has.

I already had a few files on my desk that I needed to look through before I headed home. It's going to be a long day.

Madeenah was the one who cooked tonight's dinner. It was really good. She made brown rice and this really soft lamb that everyone had second helpings of. She was that good. Everyone complimented her and she shyly thanked everyone as she kept her head down.

From what I heard from her and Mami's conversation, she had already finished Inayah's packing and was almost done with hers. Not once since Mami announced we would go together did we talk to each other about it. I just didn't feel the need for any conversation to be had. She would only follow us to take care of Inayah. Nothing more, nothing less.

The table was filled with conversation and laughter as everyone remembered Asma's attempting at making shepherd's pie. It was horrible. Mami made each of us taste it even though it was bad. Even Asma refused to eat it and laughed silently as the rest of us forced it into our mouths. She was never allowed into the kitchen ever again. I sometimes think she did it on purpose so Mami would not make her try to cook again. Even I chuckled at the memory, earning a small smile from Madeenah.

From the corner of my eye, I see Mami look between the two of us with a look in her eyes. I know the sight was weird. Madeenah smiling at me and me actually returning it, but I didn't know what could make her look like that. She sits back in her seat slowly but keeps glancing in our direction. I face forward.

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