Chapter 16

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Muhammad's POV

I was seeing her in a different light, and it was only our second day here. Maybe actually being here with her was a bad idea. But why does it feel like the best one? I don't know how from cooking a really good meal, it turned into a conversation I never thought I would have with her.

Seeing her sit there, forcing a smile on her face as she told me things that not many could keep a straight face while talking about it. And to see her try to reassure me that she was fine, that the pain she had gone through was needed, that it didn't matter anymore, it pissed me off but also made me in awe of her. She was a 19-year-old girl, and she was so mature for her age that I sometimes forgot that. All I could think was what if it was Asma in her situation. What if that was Inayah?

I didn't know what to do to wipe off that sad look from her face, so I took us for a walk. The ice cream place was the first place I saw, and it ended up being the perfect place to take her. A genuine smile actually appeared on her face rather than the fake ones she kept on giving me when we were eating dinner. Of course that was all Inayah's doing, I don't think I could ever make someone smile, I mostly make them angry or cry.

I shook my head as I stepped out of the shower. Inayah was still asleep, almost completely covered by the blanket. I wore my suit and stepped out. I had the first of my meetings today, so I had to head out. I stepped out of my room grabbed my briefcase from the living room then entered the kitchen to grab an apple from the fridge before I head out. I don't have time to cook anything. I was about to open the fridge when I saw a plate on the table. I removed the cover on it. It was toast, scrambled egg, and sausages. It was still warm, so I knew Madeenah had probably left the kitchen as I finished showering. A smile pulls on my lips as I sit down and eat it all quickly then head down to where Colin is waiting for me.

"Our company has already branched out to other countries in Africa, and we have seen a similar success in each of those countries. Our main goal now is to expand into different continents but firstly, Europe." I say as I sit back down on my chair. "My father has already shown you all the statistics backing my statements about our success. That should've either convinced you or not. I'm here as a formality."

"Mr. Abdullahi you're company has had one of the fastest growths in the past 4 years you've been on board. We have seen the statistics, and we aren't blind. We can start investing more in it, but you do have to realise that the UK's demographic is different than the one back in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. It will take different adjustments and changes for the company to truly be a success here." Mr. Lewis says as he sits across the table from me. "I am interested in it and willing to work with you on it." He gets up and stretches his hand to me. I shake it.

"Thank you." I say to him.

We discuss a few more things before he walks me out of his office. Colin is waiting for me as I walk out of the building. I slip in the car, and we head back to the hotel. As I step out of the elevator on our floor, I see Inayah and Madeenah running at full speed towards me. Madeenah manages to brake as she sees me but Inayah barrels into me with a gasp. I look down at the little gremlin under me to find her covered in full face makeup. She has different coloured eyeshadows on her eyelids, so much blush and powder on her face and a dark purple lipstick smudged all over her small lips.

"Daddy you back?" She recovers and hugs my legs, smudging her makeup on my pant leg. "You like makeup?"

"Whose makeup is it?" I ask as I pick her up.

"Deenah." She points at Madeenah who is still panting.

"Why are you guys running?" I ask Madeenah.

"This little gremlin of yours went into my room while I was in the bathroom and used all my makeup. I've been chasing her for like 10 minutes." She fixes her veil around her head as she glares at Inayah. I almost laugh when she also calls her gremlin like me.

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