Chapter 18

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Asma and Hussein pick us up from the airport. Asma is jumping and squealing when she sees the three of us walk out. She quickly runs and crashes into me with a huge hug. I stumble back but hug her back the same.

"I missed you so much, you won't get it." She says.

"I missed you too crazy girl." I chuckle.

She pulls away and hugs Inayah, pinching her cheeks. She likes to bully Inayah until she makes her so frustrated that I have to intervene.

"Leave her alone." I push Asma away as Inayah moves behind me to get away from her aunt.

"She just needs to toughen up." Asma shrugs as she moves to her brother who's talking to Hussein.

She pushes him so she can hug her brother. Ya Muhammad rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around her. "I missed you, Yaya." She says dramatically as Hussein sighs.

"After you are done with everyone ba." He says as she releases him.

"Don't you know the saying 'save the best for last'?" She smiles at him.

"Hmmm." He hums, "Let's go home."

Me, Asma and Inayah sit in the back seat while Hussein drives. We greeted before I entered the car but apart from that he hasn't spoken again. I understand why him, and Ya Muhammad get along so well. They bond in silence.

Asma keeps on asking me to show her pictures from my trip even though I barely took any. She reminds me that I have to cook that shrimp fried rice that I did for Ya Muhammad. We finally reach home and Asma drags me and Inayah into the house saying the men will manage with the suitcases.

Aunty Salmah is coming out of the living room as we walk in. Inayah runs to hug her as Aunty Salmah coos over her. "My baby, I missed you." She kisses the top of her head.

"Me too Mami." Inayah says then goes into the living room to look for Abba.

"Madeenah am. Mi yejjiti ma." She says as she hugs me. (I missed you)

"Mi yejjiti ma kadi." I say. (I missed you too.)

"Noi London? A nani beldum?" She asks. (How was London? Did you have fun?)

"Ko dume beldum." I pull back and smile at her. (Everything was fun.)

"Wait a minute." Asma interrupts. "You can speak Fulfulde?" She asks shocked.

"Yes now." I say.

"When? How?" She asks.

"I always have."

"You've never done it before."

"I have with Aunty Salmah."


"Cause she's the only one who can speak it. Why else?" I ask her.

"I am so offended right now." She crosses her arms.

"Am I wrong though?" I smile at her when she hesitates.

"No." She says lowly, "But still."

"Toh I am sorry." I try to appease her.

"I won't forgive you." She huffs dramatically, "Unless you make me that rice." She smiles slowly.

I roll my eyes, "I'll make it tomorrow."

"Yes!" She pumps her hand in the air.

"So, you can ask someone to make you food, but you won't enter the kitchen ba." Aunty Salmah hits her over the head.

"Come on now Mami, that isn't fair." She whines as Ya Muhammad and Hussein walk in with our suitcases.

"Abeg I can't deal with you. Let me see my son." She says as she approaches her first child even though she didn't actually have him.

Asma drags me upstairs as Ya Muhammad and his mom talk. She enters my room and I immediately collapse and the big bed. My sheets were changed and the whole room smelled like incense. It was amazing.

"How was your trip really?" She joins me on the bed.

"It was good. Fun actually. Inayah drove me up the wall a few times but nothing I couldn't handle." I say as my eyes start to flutter shut. I am so tired.

"Are you actually going to sleep right now?" Asma asks.

"I'm so tired but I have to eat dinner first. I am hungry." I force myself to sit up, walk to my bathroom and wash my face.

I come out and we go downstairs together. I greet Abba then we all settle down to eat. Inayah is eating with Jamilah in the upstairs living room, and everyone is in their usual seats. Laughter is all around the table as the meal goes on.

"Wait I just realized something." Asma says as she stares at me and Ya Muhmmad, or rather, our clothes. "You guys are totally matching. Even Inayah." She smiles widely.

"Haka fa." Hassan chips in. "Did you guys' bond ne?" He teases as he and Zayn laugh.

"It was a coincidence." Ya Muhammad says simply, seeming so unbothered as he eats his food.

"You guys looked so cute though." Asma gushes followed by a squeal as I pinch her thing under the table to shut her up.

"What is it?" Aunty Salmah asks.

She hesitates, "Nothing. Just being entertaining."

"More like annoying." Zayn mutters to Hassan.

"I don't like you guys." She scowls.

"We know you love us." Hassan grins at her.

The table is not quiet for even one moment as everyone chips in on the conversation, even Hussein who is normally quiet and closed off, joins in on the conversation a few times. It is freeing being around family and finally being home. It makes me smile, having a place in a home like this and all it does was make me miss Hamma and Mama and oddly enough even Baba. I wipe those sad thoughts and join the laughter.

The next week the table is the opposite. Ya Muhammad gets a call from Hiba and before he even utters anything all of us know what to expect. We can all hear her sobbing through the phone and the next is Ya Muhammad muttering 'Ina lillahi wa ina ilayhi rajiun.' He ends the call after a bit, announces that Baba died in his sleep then he gets up and leaves the table. Just how quickly do things change?


I decided to give you guys a double update although this chapter is pretty short. 

Thank you for the support. Will try to update soon again.


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