Chapter 20

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Madeenah's POV

Today was not a good day. I had back-to-back lectures that drained me, and I had to submit different layouts of corporate buildings we were assigned to design. I hadn't slept yesterday, trying to complete it and luckily it seemed to have paid off. The instructor told me mine was the best so far.

"Madeenah I am this close to dropping out wallahi." Hafsa groaned as we sat on a bench.

"We only have one more semester then we are done. We can do it." I lean against the bench.

I regret wearing this thick abaya because I am sweating. I pop open the buttons so I can get some fresh air, my jeans and t-shirt are both baggy so I can really feel the fresh air. Hafsa does the exact same thing next to me.

"Do you have another class?" I ask her.

"Nope." She says popping the 'p'. "You?"

"No." We both don't make a move to get up.

"Shouldn't we be going home then?" Hafsa says.

"Yep." I reply.

She dusts of imaginary dust from her body, then gets up with a groan. "Come on Madeenah." She pulls me up and I follow with my own groan.

We walk to the parking lot, and she immediately catches sight of her brother. We say our goodbyes then she walks over to him. They enter the car and drive off, leaving me to search the lot if Nasiru, the driver, is here for me.

"Madeenah." A voice calls over and I turn to look at Khalil leaning against a car.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes, "Khalil." I acknowledge then go to walk past when he joins me.

"How was your day?" He asks.

"Busy." I say hoping he gets the hint and leaves.

"Me too." He says, "We need to catch up me and you." He glances down at me as I put more distance between us.

"I am very busy."

"Too busy for me." He pouts.

"I'm sorry."

He slips to stand in front of me almost making me crash into him. "Come on Madeenah, don't be like this."

"Khalil what do you want?" I finally come out and ask.

"You know what I want." He says lowly with a hard tone in his voice even as his gaze trails slowly down my body.

"No, I don't." I try to walk away but he moves to block me again.

"I want you. I've always wanted you Madeenah, ever since we were kids." He comes out and says it.

"You got married. You didn't want me. It was all a lie." A pinch of hurt seeps in but it is mostly indifference towards the man in front of me.

"I messed up, I'm sorry. You know I loved you, and a part of you loved me too. Give us another chance." He pleads his gazed trailing down again.

"Khalil...." I trail off.

"Madeenah please just give me another chance. Let me love you the way you deserve." He tries to reach for my hand, but I am pulled back by the back of my abaya.

Before I even look up, I already know who it is. This exact same scenario happened a month back and the presence of a tall looming person behind me is all too familiar. I look up to find Ya Muhammad staring down Khalil with his signature condescending, hard gaze. I try to move to the side like last time, but Ya Muhammad uses his grip on my abaya to pull me to stand beside him.

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