Chapter 3

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My room was big. It was bigger than I had ever seen and I had my own bathroom with a closet. It was mostly beige but also had a lot of pink, my favorite color. I know it's cliche but I do love all things girly, which is perfectly fitting since I am a girl. My bed is a queen-size and I have two bedside drawers then a dressing table. There's a huge window just by my bed that looks over the garden at the back of the house.

Asma left after helping me unpack the little thing I had with me. They were all old and thrifted clothes, some even belonged to her I think. It barely filled a quarter of the closet. I take a shower in the bathroom before changing into a plain dress. I comb my long hair and used the hair oil I found on the dressing table. My mom was Fulani and I inherited her long black hair, luckily it was soft so it wasn't hard to take care of. I brush out any tangles before I put it in a low bun. I tie a scarf on my head just as Asma walks in.

"Mami said we're going shopping, unless you aren't up for it." She throws herself on my bed as she sighs dramatically.

"No I'm fine. We can go." I tell her.

"Okay then come on. We are going with Hassan cause he's the nice one." She grabs my hand and gives me enough time to grab a jilbab before we went downstairs.

One of the twins was standing by the door on his phone as he waited for us. He was tall but not as tall as Ya Muhammad. He had darker skin and dark eyes too but they were soft unlike Ya Muhammad. Stop comparing them.

"Hassan. Let's go." Asma says making him look up from his phone and nod.

We walk out of the house, me taking care not to strain my ribs, and into one of the cars parked. Asma sat in front while I slid into the backseat. Hassan put on some music before we left the house.

"So, Madeenah, where are you from?" Hassan asks.

"I'm from Kano." I answer him.

"How old are you?"

"I just turned 19." I say.

"Woah, you are younger than me." Asma says, "I'm 20."

"No one asked you." Hassan smirks as Asma gasped dramatically.

"Leave me alone Hassan. Madeenah you wanted to know right?" She turns to look at me.

"Yes I did." I say with a chuckle.

"She definitely didn't." Hassan laughs at Asma which causes her to punch him in the arm.

"Where are we going?" I ask Asma.

"Oh Mami said we should go shopping for anything you might need so we are going to the mall and anything else we'll order online." She explains.

"I don't really need anything." I say quietly. I didn't want to be a charity case.

"Well I do and I've always wanted to have someone to shop for and Allah has brought you." Asma smiles at me.

We arrived at this huge mall and Hassan parked in the underground parking lot since the top and lower level were full.

We entered the mall and all around me there were displays of jewelry, shoes and clothes of different sizes and luxury. Asma dragged me into a boutique full of long dresses.

She starts pulling out different dresses of different colors. She puts them against my body to check the height and pushed me into the changing room to check if they really fit. Some were too long but I found a lot that were perfect, some a bit fitted around the waist and some flowy.

She noticed that with most of the choices I chose bright girly colors as she said. She did make me choose a few dark colors 'just for variety.'. We left the store with like 5 bags.

She dragged me to so many other stores for shoes, some t-shirts and pants, bags, veils, and what she called vintage scarfs. She also bought shampoos and a lot of things for hair and body. At some point I asked her how she was paying for it, she shrugged me off and said Abba was paying for her credit card.

I was getting so tired but she wasn't done at all. She begged me to stay for a bit but my ribs were aching so bad.

"Okay we can go." She says although I could hear a bit of sadness in her voice.

"No you stay and I'll go to Hassan. I know where he parked." I tell her

"No I can't let you go out there all alone. What if you get lost?" She says as she shakes her head.

"I won't get lost. We are close to the exit so I know where to go." I usher her to head into the store she wanted to enter. "Go. I'll be fine."

"Okay but please be careful." She yells over her shoulder as she runs into the store.

I carry the bags I had in my hand and walk out of the mall. I walk towards where I remember Hassan parking the car. It was darker now since it was past maghrib. I head into the parking lot since he had parked way at the end. I'm getting apprehensive since I can't spot the car but I head further in to check.

After a while I couldn't find him so I turn to head back in to Asma but there were two men blocking my way. I had noticed them earlier watching me and Asma when we first went in.

"Pretty girl. Give me your number na." One of them says and my chest starts pounding.

"Please I don't want trouble. My sister is waiting for me." I lie and try to walk past but one of them grabs my arm and pulls me back. The bags in my hand fall to the floor.

"I am talking to you." The same man raises his voice.

"Please leave me alone or I'll scream." I say trying to hide my shaky voice.

"Try now." He grabs my neck and squeezed tightly making my voice cut off as I try to scream.

He pushes me against a wall and I try to hit him but the other man holds my hands down.

"I told you to give me your number but now I want money. You want to be stubborn abi." He growls into my face as he cuts off my air. Why do I always put myself in this type of position?

All of a sudden they are pulled away from me roughly making me release a ragged breath.

I look up to see a man as he lands a punch to the guy who strangled me and kicks the other guy.

Ya Muhammad???


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