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As Win and Bright left the restaurant, unease gnawed at Win's insides despite his agreement to the meal. He quickened his pace toward the parking lot, Bright keeping stride beside him. Arriving at the car, Win scanned the empty surroundings before gesturing for Bright to join him inside.

Once settled in the car, Bright proposed taking the wheel instead.

"Why?" Win inquired, a hint of suspicion tainting his tone.

"I sense you're not quite yourself at the moment," Bright replied.

"It's nothing. I'm fine," Win insisted, starting the engine.

Silent tension filled the car as Win navigated the streets, his mind a whirlwind of doubts and questions.

"Why is he always so composed? Has he been through this countless times? He talks about everything so casually, as if it's all just biology. Meanwhile, I'm here, always feeling vulnerable to his touch. Was Shyle right? Am I just some experiment to him?" Win's thoughts raced, his attention momentarily diverted as a speeding car veered dangerously close. It was Bright's quick reflexes that averted disaster.

"Keep your eyes on the road," Bright advised, breaking the silence.

Win slowed the car to a halt at the side of the road, visibly tense.

"What's wrong? Did I cross a line by touching you?" Bright inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"It's not that," Win began, his words faltering.

"Then what is it? Why are you overthinking everything? Why can't you just let go and not try and find meaning behind everything?" Bright pressed on.

"Isn't what we have meaningful to you?" Win questioned, his gaze fixed on Bright.

"Please don't twist my words," Bright responded firmly.

"Tell me honestly, am I just some sort of experiment to you?" Win's voice trembled with uncertainty.

"Do you feel like an experiment to me?" Bright countered, his own uncertainty reflected in his eyes.

Silence hung heavy between them as Win grappled with his thoughts, unable to find the words.

"You must find it amusing, don't you? That I'm so easily flustered, despite having harbored feelings for you for so long. It must be quite the spectacle," Win admitted, a tinge of self-deprecation in his tone.

"What's going on in your head? Talk to me," Bright urged, his voice soft yet insistent.

"It's nothing, forget it," Win attempted to dismiss, reaching for the ignition.

Bright, however, intervened, turning off the engine.

"Is this about arousal? Are you ashamed because you find it hard to control yourself around me?" Bright's directness cut through the tension.

Win remained silent, unable to meet Bright's gaze.

"There's no shame in it, Win. You've developed feelings for me, emotions that understandably affect you. But if you don't want those feelings to consume you, you need to learn to be comfortable with them, with me," Bright reassured, his eyes locked on Win's.

"I'm not using you as some experiment. You know my history. I don't invest my time in anyone who doesn't captivate me," Bright affirmed, his sincerity palpable.

"That's another thing," Win admitted with a hint of unease.

"The truth is, I'm always worried you might pull away from me," he confessed, his voice tinged with insecurity. "I may act tough, but I don't know what I'd do without you," Win added, laying bare his vulnerability.

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