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Win was in the final year of his undergraduate program, and he had chosen to attend college primarily to be close to Bright or catch a glimpse of him now and then. Despite coming from a wealthy background, with his mother owning a successful beauty business, Win maintained a down-to-earth demeanor, blending seamlessly with his middle-class friends.

His childhood was marked by the early loss of his father to illness, a poignant chapter that shaped his perspective on life. Growing up alongside Shyle and Bright, Win developed strong bonds with both of them, transcending the boundaries of social class.

As the hour grew later, Win patiently awaited Bright's completion of his duties at the cafe. A tableau unfolded as Bright observed Win, slumbering peacefully upon a table. Drawing closer, Bright noticed Win had sketched something. Intrigued, he examined the sketch, discovering an exquisitely rendered portrait of his own visage.

Turning his gaze to Win's serene and beautiful countenance, Bright found a moment of reflection disrupted by Cyrus emerging, attired in fresh clothes and carrying a bag.

"Wake him up, buddy; we need to close," Cyrus declared.

Bright nodded in acknowledgment. Playfully, he nudged Win's shin, eliciting a sudden awakening. "What?" Win exclaimed.

"Planning on making this table your bed? Head home; we're closing up," Bright advised before making his exit from the coffee shop.

Promptly gathering his belongings, Win hastened after Bright, the pursuit of camaraderie echoing through the night.

"Where are you heading?" Win inquired.

"Back home, naturally," Bright replied.

"No, let's grab a drink," Win suggested.

Pausing, Bright turned to look at Win. "I've put in a full day's work. I need some rest," he asserted, the seriousness in his eyes prompting Win to reassess his casual suggestion.

Win nodded understandingly, "You're right, you need your rest."

They continued walking together, Win falling into step with Bright.

"Turn back and head home," Bright advised.

"No, I'm sticking with you," Win declared.

Bright halted.

"Why the sudden decision?" Bright inquired.

"It's uncomplicated. I just want to be with you," Win stated.

Bright grinned, "Alright then, let's go."

Win, however, became skeptical about Bright's swift agreement. Questions swirled in his mind. "Has he started liking me too? Does he have some other alternative plan?"

Win stood in the same spot, deep in thought.

"What's going on?" Bright questioned, turning around.

"How did you agree to what I just said?" Win asked, his confusion evident as he hurried towards Bright.

"Well, it's late at night, and I wouldn't want you traveling that far," Bright explained.

Win felt a sense of contentment hearing Bright express concern for him. With a happy heart, he followed Bright to the apartment.

Bright unlocked the door and stepped inside, with Win trailing behind. As Bright flicked on the lights, the room illuminated, revealing the unfolding night.

"Wow, your apartment is so clean," Win remarked.

"Yeah, my flatmate loves cleaning," Bright replied, placing the bag in his room. Win glanced around, genuinely impressed.

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