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Bright and Win slipped back into the familiar comfort of their hiding place, a secluded retreat where the world melted away, leaving just the two of them. The night had been playful, full of laughter and stolen glances, but here, in the safety of four walls, it became something deeper.

"See? If you really want something, the whole universe comes together to get it for you," Bright chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Win laughed, the sound soft and warm in the quiet space. "You really wanted to go out that badly?"

Bright stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Win's waist. "Yes. But more than that, I wanted to go out with you," he whispered, his breath brushing against Win's cheek. The simple truth of it sent a shiver through Win.

Win tucked a loose strand of Bright's hair behind his ear, fingers grazing his skin. "You're so beautiful."

Bright smiled, his eyes softening with affection. "Not more than you," he replied, voice low.

Win playfully pouted, adopting a more feminine tone, mimicking shyness. "You're always like this..."

Bright burst out laughing, unable to resist. "I think," he said between laughs, "I can't control myself anymore."

Their laughter faded into a shared silence as Bright's lips found Win's, a tender kiss that quickly deepened, full of the desire they'd been holding back. But as they pressed closer, the fabric between them became a nuisance—wigs slipping, stockings stuck to their breasts. They both laughed at the absurdity of it all.

"Let me take this off," Bright said, reaching for Win's wig, carefully removing it. Win helped him too, and they tossed the pieces aside.

"And these," Win gestured to the fake breasts strapped to his chest.

Bright grimaced in agreement. "Yes, very uncomfortable." He pressed a hand against Win's chest and grinned.

Win laughed, raising a brow. "Happy now?"

Bright nodded, his smile widening as they finally peeled off the stockings that had been clinging to them all night.

Bright sighed, collapsing back on the bed.

Win glanced at him, amusement flickering in his eyes. "What is it?"

"I feel like I could write a song right now," Bright mused, his lips curving into a small, thoughtful smile.

Win blinked, caught off guard. "What?"

Bright's eyes shone with sudden inspiration. "I don't know... it's just... it's coming to me. A song for you."

"Alright," Win chuckled, intrigued. "Tell me the lines."

Bright's voice softened, words flowing like a gentle melody. "Why do I feel... it's the love that's not new but as old as the earth itself? Why do I feel like I've known you forever? Why do I feel like I'll do wonders just by being by your side? Why do I feel... I'm a wonder, born of your love?"

The words hung in the air, delicate and profound. Win's smile faded, replaced by something deeper. His eyes shimmered, tears brimming unexpectedly. Bright's expression shifted from playful to concerned in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Bright asked, worry lacing his voice. "Is the song that bad?"

Win shook his head, unable to speak for a moment, the emotion choking him. Bright's brow furrowed as he leaned in, concern etched across his face.

"Tell me, my love," Bright whispered, his voice soft, yet urgent.

"I've heard this song before..." Win mumbled, his voice barely audible.

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