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The next morning, Bright woke to find Win snuggled up beside him. He took a moment to study Win's beautiful face—his eyes, his nose, his lips. Win looked almost unreal, like he was sculpted from porcelain. Day by day, Bright was falling deeper for that face, that incredible smile, and that spontaneous, living-in-the-moment personality.

Bright smiled, overwhelmed by his emotions. He never wanted to let go of this feeling—the feeling that made him feel complete, wanted, and, most importantly, alive. These days, he was happier than he'd ever been.

As he marveled at his own emotions, his eyes drifted to the clock.

"Nine? Oh my God, wake up!" he shouted, suddenly tossing Win's legs to the other side of the bed.

Win was startled awake, springing up as if ready to fight. "Who's there? Who's there?" he asked, bewildered.

"We're late! Look at the time. I have to go to the agency as well," Bright said urgently.

Hearing this, Win threw a pillow at him. "Why are you scaring me?" he grumbled.

"Get up. Breakfast is a no-go. Let's just get ready and run," Bright urged.

"I'll take a bath and go," Win mumbled, still showing no sense of urgency.

"Alright, I'll get ready and head to the agency. I'll meet you at the office," Bright said, quickly jumping out of bed. He grabbed his clothes and rushed to the bathroom. Win watched him in amusement.

"How can he go anywhere without taking a bath?" Win wondered aloud.

"We took a bath last night before bed. How dirty do you think we got just by sleeping?" Bright shouted from the bathroom. "Also, we need to save water. The earth is dying, you know."

"Well, you save water. I'll take a bath and go," Win shouted back.

"Suit yourself," Bright replied.

After a while, Bright emerged from the bathroom, dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. He sprayed on some cologne, grabbed the scripts, and was ready to leave.

Win was still sitting on the bed.

"Take this key, lock the door when you go," Bright said, tossing the key to Win. "Eat something at the cafeteria. When I get back tonight, I'll put up a chart of duties," Bright added as he laced up his shoes.

Win looked at him in disbelief. "Chart of duties? What does that even mean?" he asked.

"Well, you want to share life with me. In that case, you must share some chores too," Bright said, chuckling.

Win smiled. "See ya then," Bright said, rushing out the door.

Win waved goodbye, a smile lingering on his face as he watched Bright leave.

After a while, Win got ready and left for college. Upon arrival, he felt exceptionally hungry and decided to hit the cafeteria before heading to class.

Meanwhile, Bright arrived late at the agency. His manager, Barbara, and the team were waiting for him.

"I'm sorry, I overslept," Bright apologized to Barbara.

"This is the last time. In this industry, professionalism is highly rated. You must be punctual," Barbara replied, walking alongside him.

Bright nodded in agreement.

"Did you read the script?" Barbara asked.

"Crazy is the Word, right?" Bright responded.

"Good choice, but are you sure you can handle such a complex role? That character has many layers, and it's your first project. Why not start with something easier?" Barbara suggested.

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