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In the stillness of the night, Bright stirred and awoke to find Win had moved to the other side of the bed, nestling close to him. Instantly, Bright's heart softened; Win must have been cold. Rising quietly, he gently draped a blanket over Win, who lay curled up, lost in dreams. As he did so, Bright's fingers brushed against the handcuffs clasped around Win's wrist.

A strange sensation tickled Bright's heart. He chuckled softly and shook his head, bemused. Tenderly, he caressed Win's hair before slipping back under the covers, settling beside him.

At dawn, Bright woke before Win. He stepped outside and was greeted by a perfect morning. The sun was hidden behind a blanket of clouds, promising rain. He sat on the porch of their cabin, gazing serenely at the flowing stream.

Win awoke alone in the cabin, panic rising until he spotted Bright outside. He rushed out, his worry palpable until he saw Bright's calm demeanor.

"Good morning," Bright greeted him, a serene smile on his face. "Isn't it an extraordinary sight today? Looks like it might rain."

Win glanced at the sky, then back at Bright. "How could you sleep so well after making me mad?" he demanded, still hurt.

Bright stood and wrapped Win in a hug. "She was flirting, and I didn't respond. Yet you accused me of flirting. I've never had sex with anyone, but you called me a liar. I've never known true love until you, and here we are, nine dates in. True love withstands the test of time, but in one night, you branded me a cheater, a liar, a fake. Yet, here I am, holding you, because I want you to understand me and trust me."

Win froze, realizing the truth in Bright's words. He had let his insecurities cloud his judgment. "That's true," he whispered. "I actually judged you unfairly. I say I love you, but I didn't even trust you."

Bright smiled gently. "I'm not hurt. I'm just glad you chose to love me in this whole wide world."

"Love?" Naira and Sam's voices interrupted, having overheard the intimate conversation.

Bright turned, slightly annoyed at the intrusion. "Good morning. Do you need anything?"

"No, we're fine," Sam replied, guiding Naira away, her face falling as her plans for breakfast with Bright dissolved.

Bright turned back to Win, who was still teary-eyed. Bright hugged him tightly, and as they held each other, the rain began to pour.

"Let's go out," Bright suggested.

Win looked at him, surprised. "It'll be very cold."

Bright laughed. "Who cares?" He dragged Win outside into the rain. They got soaked, memories of their childhood flooding back.

They smiled at each other, their joy pure and beautiful. "Shall we?" Bright asked.

Win nodded, and they held each other, jumping and twirling as they had as kids, doing their specific rain dance, unburdened by worries of the future or regrets of the past.

Onlookers peered from their cabins, amused and touched by the sight. Sam discreetly filmed the moment, capturing the joy radiating from the pair.

Eventually, Bright and Win noticed the eyes on them and ran back inside their cabin, laughing and breathless.

"We still remember," Win said, laughing.

"Yes, It's was so much fun," Bright said. "But we need to warm up," He added. "Let's get into some warm water before we catch a cold."

Bright drew the warm bath, steam rising as the tub filled. Win, unbothered by modesty, shed his wet clothes in front of Bright and slipped into the water with a contented sigh. Bright watched, a smile playing on his lips.

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