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As Bright and Win wrapped up their snacks, Bright remarked, "Well, I should probably head off. It's getting late, and I need to catch some Z's."

Win glanced at Bright, silently urging him to stick around a bit longer.

"Why don't we just chill here for a bit?" Win suggested, tapping the wooden bed they were sitting on.

Bright grinned back, understanding Win's subtle hint that he wasn't ready to call it a night just yet.

Agreeing with a nod, Bright settled onto the bed, followed by Win.

"Hey, no stars out tonight," Win observed, looking up at the sky.

"Yeah, looks like it might rain. I should probably make a move," Bright replied.

Suddenly, a noise cut through their conversation. Win shot Bright a look, signaling for silence. They both realized Shyle was making her way upstairs. Motioning urgently for Bright to hide, Win swiftly located a corner and gestured for Bright to join, ensuring he remained out of sight but within earshot. With a quick motion, Win stashed the snack bag and nonchalantly settled back onto the bed, as if nothing had occurred.

"You're here! Thank goodness," Shyle exclaimed upon seeing Win. "I popped by your room, but you weren't there. I was worried you might be feeling down and unable to sleep."

"Nah, I'm all good. Just felt like getting some fresh air," Win reassured, glancing around.

"Oh, sweetie, you must be feeling a bit down," Shyle sympathized, taking Win's hand. "I'm sorry about my son's behavior. He shouldn't have led you on like that."

Listening in from his hiding spot, Bright couldn't help but feel amusement by the conversation unfolding before him.

Win cast a whimsical smile at Shyle. "It's a relief that he agreed. I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. At least now I'll know what it's like to have him near me," Win remarked.

Shyle attempted a smile. "I understand, sweetheart. I know how much you care for that fool. Don't be disheartened. If you ever feel like traveling or doing something to take your mind off things and lift your spirits, just let me know. I'll accompany you. I read somewhere that traveling helps with moving on," Shyle said, showing her phone.

Bright couldn't help but smile as he listened to the exchange.

"Well, I have football and college, and there are so many other commitments I need to stick around for. I don't think traveling would be a good idea, but thank you, Shyle, for always looking out for me," Win said, embracing Shyle warmly.

Shyle gently ran her fingers through Win's hair. "I'm always here for you. Don't lose heart. Try to get some rest, okay? I don't want to see you hurting yourself over anyone."

Win nodded in agreement.

As a raindrop fell on Shyle's head, she suggested, "Looks like it's going to rain. Let's head downstairs."

"You go ahead, I'll join you in a moment," Win replied.

"No way, I'm not leaving you alone when it's about to rain," Shyle insisted. "I know it might look cool in dramas for the protagonist to stand in the rain and cry over heartbreak, but unlike those stories, your mom is still here. So come on, let's go."

"I'm not a child anymore, Shyle. I promise I'll join you," Win insisted.

"If it were any other day, I might have let you stay, but not today, dear. You must come with me," Shyle said firmly, gripping Win's hand with an unusual seriousness in her eyes.

Feeling as though he had no other option, Win glanced towards where Bright was hiding and called out, "Looks like I need to head downstairs."

Shyle's smile was approving. "Good boy," she said.

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