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The next day dawned as a lazy Sunday for Bright and Win, both of whom showed no inclination to vacate their cozy spots on the sofa. The television murmured in the background, casting a soft glow over their still forms.

"Why don't we take a bath?" Bright suggested, his voice breaking the comfortable silence.

Win's lips curved into a mischievous smile. "You've done enough yesterday. From now on, I'm bathing alone."

Bright looked puzzled. "What did I do?"

With a laugh, Win pulled off his T-shirt, revealing faint marks and slightly swollen lips. "See? I've got the marks to prove it."

Bright chuckled and ruffled Win's hair, who was lounging upside down on the sofa, his legs propped up against the wall. "You asked for it."

"No, I did not," Win replied, joining in the laughter.

Their playful banter was interrupted by the ringing of Bright's phone. He glanced at the screen and said, "It's Barbara." He answered the call, listening intently.

"Hey Bright, are you at home? I'm coming over now," Barbara said briskly.

"Oh, oh, oh, why?" Bright asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

"There's something important we need to discuss," Barbara replied before disconnecting.

Bright turned to Win. "Barbara's coming over."

"What?" Win exclaimed, instantly sitting upright. "I need to take a bath. I can't let her see me like this." He quickly headed towards the bathroom, grabbing a towel on his way.

"Wait, we said we'd bathe together," Bright called after him.

"You attend to her. I'll be back," Win shouted back, his voice echoing from the bathroom.

A short while later, Barbara arrived. Bright opened the door to find her marching in with a determined expression, carrying scripts and a large handbag. She sank into the sofa with an air of urgency.

"I thought it was your day off," Bright remarked.

"It was, until you chose 'Crazy is the word' as your first assignment," Barbara replied, her tone exasperated. She pulled out an iPad and began scrolling through dates and activities. "You're going to be very busy soon. The company is banking on you, so don't disappoint. Do well."

Bright looked confused. "I don't understand."

"You need extensive preparation for this role," Barbara explained, her gaze piercing. "You have to embody a psycho genius, down to the way you walk, talk, and breathe. Workshops, preparation, it's all necessary. This role is going to be big."

As Barbara spoke, Win emerged from the bathroom, impeccably dressed and radiating a fresh scent that filled the living room.

"Are you going somewhere?" Bright asked, momentarily distracted by the fragrance. Barbara, too, seemed momentarily taken aback, as if she had seen an angel.

"Hi Barbara, I'm Win. Bright's friend and an aspiring actor," Win introduced himself with a charming smile.

Barbara's eyes widened. "Oh my God, that's your boyfriend?"

Bright's eyes flicked to Barbara's shocked expression, while Win walked over and extended his hand. "Yes, I am his boyfriend, at least until we get married," Win said, chuckling.

Barbara took Win's hand and smiled. "Nice to meet you."

Bright, eager to steer the conversation back on track, asked, "So, what were you saying?"

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