Chapter 14: THE CONTRACT

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Bright stepped into the modest apartment; the bundle of scripts tucked under his arm like a precious treasure. The weight of the papers, though light in reality, felt substantial—laden with the promise of new beginnings. As he closed the door behind him, the familiar sight of Win still curled up on the bed greeted him, stirring a warm chuckle from his lips. Win was in q peaceful slumber, with the sheets tangled around his limbs.

Bright approached the bed quietly, a mischievous glint in his eye. With the gentlest touch, he brushed his fingers across Win's face, mimicking the lightness of a fly's landing. Win stirred slightly, swatting at the invisible annoyance and then settling back into sleep. This small game amused Bright, and he continued to poke and prod, each touch eliciting a sleepy swat and a soft murmur from Win.

Eventually, Win's patience wore thin. He squinted up at Bright, irritation clear in his sleepy eyes, and groaned, "What is it?"

Bright laughed, the sound rich and genuine. "Good evening. I just wanted to check if you were alive or dead."

Win blinked, confusion giving way to surprise as he grabbed his phone from the bedside table. "Evening? What time is it?" He squinted at the screen. "4:20 PM? Wow, I slept a lot. It's almost evening."

Bright grinned, teasing, "Living the high life, aren't you?"

Win's chuckle was warm and affectionate. "Well, my boyfriend does make life pretty great."

Bright's smile softened, and he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Win's forehead. "Go freshen up and eat something. Do you have a headache?"

Win shook his head. "Nope, I'm good."

"Great. I got you something to eat. It's on the table," Bright said, heading to the small dining area where he'd left the food. He then returned to the living room, carefully laying out the scripts on the coffee table.

Win, now more awake and curious, joined him. "What's all this?" he asked, eyeing the stack of papers.

"I went to the agency. They gave me these scripts to choose from," Bright said, excitement threading through his voice.

"Wow, it's really happening," Win said, his eyes widening with awe. He picked up a script, flipping through the first few pages. "Can I help you choose your first one?"

Bright's heart swelled with gratitude and love. "Sure, but only after you've eaten."

Win nodded, smiling. He quickly freshened up, took a shower, and ate the food Bright had brought. Reenergized, he found Bright lying on the bed, a look of tired satisfaction on his face.

Win joined him, a script in hand. "Things are moving so fast," Bright confessed, a hint of anxiety creeping into his voice.

Win turned to him, his expression calm and reassuring. "I know it feels overwhelming, but let's just take it one step at a time. Think of it as an adventure."

Bright sighed, feeling some of his tension melt away. "Why do you think they're so interested in me? It feels surreal."

Win considered this, then said, "Have you felt uneasy about any of this so far?"

Bright shook his head. "No, not at all."

"Then trust that," Win said softly. "Sometimes good things happen unexpectedly. We just have to believe in ourselves and in each other."

Bright nodded, feeling the truth of Win's words settle in his heart. Together, they began reading through the script.

They settled on the couch, scripts spread out before them like a treasure trove of possibilities.

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