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     Seungmin unhooks the mask from his ears and sets it down, taking a long puff out of his inhaler while everyone else was looking at him like he was out of his mind. "How are you so calm right now?!" Changbin yells, and Seungmin puts his finger up to his lips, telling him to be quiet. He wasn't the only one that wasn't freaking out.

     Felix sat on the edge of the ring, braiding Hyunjin's shoulder length hair who was sitting on the floor below him. "There's not much we can do about it." Hyunjin says as he slips his mask off as well.

     "Scroll down! There has to be something else. Maybe a cure?" Jisung asks, and Jeongin continues to scroll without hope. But farther down the page there was something else. One paragraph.

     "I tried to see what would happen if you could hold out in stage one. But you just cough up blood until there's not enough left in your body. As soon as you get to the first stage... there's nothing more you can do but wait. But who knows. There could be some specials out there who aren't affected by the fog."

     However, the fear on Changbin's face turned to anger. "So, we're just supposed to sit here and wait to die? And who knows this could be some stupid prank!" Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix look up at him, more frustrated than anything.

     "So how do you think the bodies got there? How do you think the car ran over Felix? How do you think we coughed up blood? How the hell do you think the fog that's probably covering the entirety of Seoul got there?" Hyunjin was trying his best to keep his voice down, and Felix turns from Changbin and focuses his attention back to Hyunjin's hair.

     Changbin was silent and so was everyone else. It was bad enough that they knew they were infected and now arguing with one another was making it worse. "We shouldn't argue with each other." Felix whispers, yet the environment was so quiet that everyone heard him perfectly. "Let's not die any sooner than we have too."

     He picks his head up and smiles at everyone, and the 1 of the 8 boys begins to break down. Jisungs's demeanor quickly shatters as he stands up to walk to a room. 5 other boys follow, walking into separate rooms, leaving Hyunjin and Felix alone outside.

     Hyunjin sat quietly. He couldn't feel a thing. Not a drop of emotion was left in his body. All he could feel was Felix's hands in his hair. There was another odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. Was it relief? Could the boy be glad... that his time was almost up?

     To be honest, if it wasn't for this situation... Hyunjin would have already killed himself.

                                                         2 days ago

     Hyunjin lays in his bed looking up at the ceiling. In the cage that disguised itself as his home. "HWANG HYUNJN. GET DOWN HERE." He listens to his mother scream his name, over and over again. He just wished he could go to school with the ones he actually cared about.

     He should know by now not to ignore his mother. Because when he does, he can always recognize the heavy footsteps of his father walking up the stairs. His eyes widen, and he rushes up to get his back against the headboard. His father bursts through his door, and the sound Hyunjin wanted to let out got caught in his throat.

     His father walks up to his side. "If you make a goddamn sound. You are no longer my son." Hyunjin's eyebrows furrow and his eyes fog up with tears.

     "I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR SON-" His cries were cut off by his father grabbing him by his hair and slamming his head into the wooden headboard. His tears were falling but not another word came out of his mouth. He could feel the back of his head wet with blood, but he was numb to the pain.

     Through his blurred eyes he could see his father looking back at him. But no matter how much he wanted to; his body wouldn't move. His eyes fluttered open and closed until they shut.

     He felt cold. Maybe that was the last time he really felt something. He hated everyone related to him, because they didn't care about him. Just because they had the same blood, didn't mean Hyunjin would call them family.

     "Are you okay?" Hyunjin hears Felix call for him and he sighs, getting out of his thoughts.

     "Yeah. I just have... a headache." Felix nods, and they continue in silence until Hyunjin speaks again. "Are you tired? Go to bed." Silence again.

     "It's like I can just get up and walk there on my own." Felix says sarcastically and Hyunjin chuckles quietly before standing up and slightly bending over with his back facing the other. "Get on then." The blonde hesitates for a moment, but he slides off of the ring and onto Hyunjin's back.

     "Which room do you want?"

     "Whichever one is close to yours." Felix shrugs, and Hyunjin smiles.

     "You love me~." The raven teases, and Felix's expression falls straight.

     "I hate you."

     "Yeah, sure." Hyunjin walks over to the room next to his and opens the door, setting Felix down on the bed. But instead of leaving, he stops, and stands in front of him. The younger stares up at him, wondering why he wasn't moving. Hyunjin began to sway back and forth.

     To him, the world seemed to be spinning, and a throbbing pain in the back of his head. Hyunjin's chest began to feel tight, and it got harder to breathe. His nose started to bleed, and Felix watched as he fell to the ground.

     Not knowing what to do, Felix listens, hearing vomiting in the other rooms. But when he wonders what's happening, he spits up blood once again, seeing it bubble out of Hyunjin's mouth as well.

     Fast footsteps made their way to Felix's door, and it opened. Blood was still dripping from the corner of Seungmin's lips but that wasn't the main concern. "I heard something fall." He crouches down over Hyunjin. "Out of everything we brought from the store, no one brought any medical equipment..." He mumbles. A second person runs inside.

     "What happened?" Chris asks, yet they hadn't had a clue.

     "I don't know. He said he had a headache." Felix talks slowly to not stumble over his words, and with that information, Seungmin slides his hand under Hyunjin's head. And when he brings it back out, Hyunjin's blood stains his hands. 

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