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     "Everyone doesn't have to go." Chris grabs the phone and tucks it into his back pocket.

     Yeonjun closes his laptop, standing up. "I'll go too."

     "Do you have any weapons I could use?" Felix asks, and Yeonjun smiles.

     "I think I do, yeah." He brings Felix to his car outside, Chris follows. But before he leaves, he turns to look at everyone.

     "We'll be back soon. Okay?" He waves to the boy's and Hannah before he goes and gets into Yeonjun's car. Yeonjun pulls up a map, glancing at it every few seconds to make sure he's going to the right place.

     Then, Chris gets a call from Hyunjin, and he answers. "Yeah?"

     "Hyung... are you sure about this?"

     Immediately he knew what the boy was talking about. "I'm sure. I chose you because I trust you. You're my best friend. But you don't have to worry about it right now. We have time."

     "Okay. Be careful." Shortly they pull up to a trailer in the middle of the forest. Chris pulls out a small pistol and walks up. Quickly he opened the door, but there was silence after that.

     "He's not here!" Felix and Yeonjun look at each other, and then start scanning the area. Far ahead they see a boy running away.

     "Shit. My gun can't reach that far." Yeonjun mumbles, so Felix looks at the bow and arrow that rests in his hands. He had never used one before, so he couldn't expect to be good at it. But he had to try.

     Felix grabs an arrow out of the bag hanging on his shoulder. He pulls it onto the bow and releases it. The arrow flies for a while... and then hits the boy square in the back. He stumbles and falls to the ground. A huge smile grows on Felix's face and Yeonjun chuckles. "Good job." He gives the blonde a high five, and they run over to the boy.

     His back was bleeding, of course looking like he was hurting. "What do you want?" He asks, and Yeonjun rips the arrow out of his back. Vernon yells out in pain, making Felix's eyebrows curve upwards into worry.

     "Are we going to kill him?" Felix asks, and Yeonjun shakes his head.

     "No. We just need answers." He hands the bloody arrow back to the other. "You have one more chance." This time, Vernon was close enough for Yeonjun to shoot him.

     "Whatever you want... is in the bottom drawer of my dresser."

     "Felix. Go look in the dresser with Chris." The blonde nods, slowly backing away. When he gets to the trailer, Chris is still just standing outside.

     "He said look in the dresser." The raven nods, and the two go inside, rummaging through the dresser until they find it. There was money, weapons, and a business card. The card had a picture on it. And the words read "Hyundai Motor Company". "I guess that's where we're heading next?" Felix looks up at the other, and Chris agrees.

     They grab the card and leave the trailer, seeing Yeonjun walking towards the car as well. "I'll drop you two off. I don't know what you found but let's hope that we can make use of it.

     While getting in the car, Felix swore he saw blood on the grass. When Yeonjun drops them off at the house, they eat lunch. The day goes by quickly, and when Chris goes upstairs, he sees Seungmin standing by the window, staring up at the night sky. "Hey." Seungmin looks over his shoulder.

     "Hey." He smiles. Chris walks over and stands by him. They stand in silence. But not the type that makes you fidgety and awkward. The type that makes you comfortable and safe without having to say a word. "Chris..." Seungmin calls out to the boy, and the other looks over at him


     "Do you have anyone that you like?" The question catches Chris off guard, but he tries his best not to show it.

     "Yeah, I do... but I'm afraid that if I tell them then our friendship will be ruined." Seungmin's heart beats a little faster when he hears this.

     "Tell me about them."


     "I just want to know." Chris stares at him for a second before shrugging.

     "Okay uh... they have brown hair-"

     "Be more specific."

     "Come on, you asked me."

     "Okay, sorry. Keep talking."

     "They have a nice voice. It's calming to listen to them talk. The most beautiful smile I think I've ever seen." Chris looks over at Seungmin who has a small smile on his face while looking out of the window. "Honestly it's almost as if someone stole the stars and put them in their eyes..."

     Seungmin looks over at him with a small chuckle. "Sounds like you're in love with how you describe them."

     "Maybe... Do you like anyone?"


     "Tell me about them too."

     "They have brown eyes~" Seungmin smiles at him teasingly, and Chris laughs.

     "Alright, be more specific."

     "Hm... their hair is really soft. I don't do it a lot, but I like to run my fingers through it. They have dimples. So, when he smiles, he looks really cute." While talking to him, Seungmin notices Chris' eyes travel down his lips.

     Chris' face seemed to get closer by the second, and his hand goes up to Seungmin's cheek. "He's also..." Seungmin felt distracted. He couldn't focus. "Uh..." The closer Chris got the more nervous the other felt.

     Suddenly, Chris' head lowers, and he slowly takes his hand away from Seungmin's face. "Shit... I'm sorry..." He walks away, leaving the brunette standing there. To be honest, Seungmin was getting tired of just watching the boy walk away.

     So, he sighs and walks after him. As soon as he leaves the room, he sees Chris standing in the hallway with his head in his hands. Seungmin grabs the boy's wrist, making him turn around. "I like you. So don't ignore it. Don't avoid it. If you like me, show me." Chris' eyebrows furrow when he listens to Seungmin's words.

     Then, he grabs Seungmin by his waist and pulls him closer. Chris' mind was all over the place. And the only thing that Seungmin was focused on was the way Chris' lips felt against his own.

     There wasn't much to say about what was happening. But if you were to walk out into the hallway at that very second, you would've seen two people kissing slowly in the dark.

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