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     What? It was impossible for them to die right? "So... you... you killed him?"

     "Ye-" The woman's voice was cut off by screaming. It sounded like static for a hot second and then... nothing.

     "Hello?" No answer. "Hello?" He repeats. Still no answer. He looks around at the white walls that have been stained red with blood. Something happened.

     Over at Hyunjin's room it was silent. In the room... were three dead bodies. 3 men. One in a white shirt and black pants. One in a black shirt and white pants. And one in a white shirt and grey sweatpants. However, the third dead body was different. The man didn't really seem... dead. There was a pool of blood surrounding his head but why did he seem so odd?

     Then, a soft groan echoes throughout the still room. The third man stands up. His head was bleeding, but he couldn't feel anything. He couldn't feel... Pain. Something was bothering him, so he lowers his head towards the floor, and something falls. Through his blurred vision he sees a bullet on the ground. What was going on?

     He hears a click and turns to see two other men standing in the doorway. Were they here to take him away? Why could he barely see? Why was his heart beating so fast? "That should have killed him." He hears someone say. He couldn't tell if it was a woman or a man, it just sounded distorted and muffled.

     "What... what did you do to me...?" He mumbles, not sure if they could understand. He looks around at the two other men on the ground. Did he kill them? He didn't remember doing that. The man trudges past the others by the door and out into where the beds are.

     Why was everyone looking at him like that? The next thing he hears is fast footsteps. Yelling. "...in... jin... HYUNJIN!" Then everything went dark.

     It seemed like days had passed when he woke up. But in reality, it had only been a couple of hours. Standing over him when he woke were Chris, Keeho, and Soul. They looked nervous. As soon as his eyes open, Soul exhales in relief. Frankly they thought he was dead.

     They had all gotten out since they passed their tests. But Hyunjin wasn't there. The woman told him... that he was dead. But Chris refused. He was frustrated. If only he let Hyunjin stay back, and he went by himself. Minutes passed, and they heard some commotion from down the hall. When they looked down there, Hyunjin was walking slowly. He looked like a zombie. He had blood splattered all over his clothes. And the worst thing was they didn't know if it was his or somebody else's.

     Chris' eyes widen and he immediately gets up, running towards the boy, screaming his name. That's when Hyunjin passed out. Here he was, in clean clothes, lying down on his bed. "...Are you okay?" He asks, as Hunjin just stares at him.

     "I'm fine..." Chris reaches down and moves the boy's hair out of his face. And on his forehead... was a scar. A scar from a gunshot.

     "They shot you?"

     "I guess..."

     "Weird." Keeho folds his arms, almost as if he were thinking. "I heard that they have some kind of special bullets. Ones that can only kill specials. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be dead." Hyunjin sighs, sitting up on his bed.


                                                                    6 months later

     "Seungmin... wake up..." That voice... it sounded familiar. "Seungmin... come on, wake up..." He felt someone shaking him. So hesitantly, he opens his eyes. Standing over him... was Chris.

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