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     There were no words said at that moment. There was a scream or two. Someone's name... was being called. Multiple. But only two. Separated from each other by a long field of grass. But regardless of being separated, Chris cut through the grass like his life depended on it. His feet were moving while his mind was still struggling to catch up. Seungmin. It was Seungmin, it was really him.

     Immediately Chris wraps his arms around the boy. Seungmin's eyes were wide as he held onto him. "Is this real...?" He mutters, and Chris only squeezes him tighter. Chris... hadn't cried in years. It was an odd feeling. His eyes stung and his throat burned in agony but he couldn't think about anything. It hurt... but it felt good to let everything out. Not only crying about this, he was crying about everything. When Felix died. When Hyunjin died. When Seungmin died. When he got drunk that night and reminded Hyunjin of his trauma. When Keeho... died in front of them.

     Everything he was just... letting it out. Jeongin rushes forward and pulls Hyunjin into a hug which makes the raven groan. He backs away and notices him holding his side which was bleeding heavily. "Are you..." Jeongin starts and Hyunjin nods his head.

     "Yeah... I'm okay..." He pauses. "Just a little tired..." Minho looks from behind Jisung to see Misun standing there, still holding tightly onto Hyunjin's hand. She looked nervous in front of all these people, sticking close to the raven's side.

     Minho walks over to her with a small smile. Kneeling down in front of her, Misun stares at him. "Hi." He says. She just stares at him, not responding. Most people when first meeting Minho are scared of him. They think he's intimidating. He was kind of expecting this. However, Misun reaches up and places her hand in the middle of his face.

     She starts to giggle while Minho just blinks in confusion. "You have pretty eyes..." She whispers, bringing a smile to Minho's face.

     "...Thank you." He returns his answer in the same soft tone that she had used.

     Hyunjin looks around but... where was he? Felix... he wasn't there. "Hey where's Felix?" He asks.

     "He's sleeping..." Seungmin says with Chris clinging onto him.


     "Ever since you were taken, he's been having a really hard time. He'll sleep all day... sometimes he won't even eat..." At this point Misun had already let go of his hand so Hyunjin starts to make his way towards the door. "Wait!" Hyunjin pauses when Seungmin yells at him. "You can't go see him yet."

     "Why not?"

     "In the state you're in? Yes, him knowing that you're back would be great. But you waking him up and him seeing you bleeding and on the verge of passing out would give him more stress." Hyunjin hated the thought, but Seungmin was right.

     Hyunjin turns around. He wasn't mad. Of course, after six months of missing Felix he would want to see the boy again. "So, what should I do?"

     "I suggest you let me dress your wound. You can sleep downstairs on the couch, and you'll be fully healed by morning. Then, first thing you can go see Felix." Hyunjin nods and they all head inside.

     It was quick. Seungmin didn't bother to stitch up his wound because he knew that it would probably be healed by midnight. So, all he does is stop the bleeding and wrap his lower stomach with bandages. Hyunjin sighs and walks out to the couch, lightly running over the bandages with his fingertips. Hannah was going to sleep on the couch in Jeongin and Changbin's room since their room was the only one with a couch.

     "I'll take care of you now, okay?" Seungmin says, turning to Chris, and the raven nods. So, they say goodnight to Hyunjin and then make their way to the bathroom. Seungmin gets a first aid kit and sits on the counter, Chris stands in front of him, in between Seungmin's legs.

     He opens the first aid kit and pulls out a pair of tweezers. "Take your shirt off." He says. Chris was still wearing the clothes from the lab, white t-shirt with grey sweatpants. Anyway, Chris complies and slips his shirt over his head. With his back facing Seungmin, the brunette begins to fish into the small hole for the bullet, but he could feel Chris flinch. "...Does it hurt?"

     "A little... yeah..." Why was it awkward? After 6 months of not seeing each other and being afraid that one would die shouldn't they be... you know... talking? Wouldn't they have so many questions for each other? How have you been? Did you take care of yourself? Even after leaving you... do you still love me? However, it was just quiet.

     Seungmin gets the bullet out and drops it in a small cup full of water. It was important to get the bullet out because even though Chris would've healed, his skin would have healed over the bullet. "...Are you okay? Can I continue?" Seungmin questions, and the raven does nothing but nod.

     So, he grabs a rag, putting it under a running faucet with cold water. He wipes off the blood then simply wraps Chris' shoulder. "Is that tight enough?"


     "Alright then... you can head upstairs while I clean this up."

     "Okay." There was a reason why Chris wasn't talking much. He didn't know... if Seungmin really missed him. He didn't even shed a tear when Chris was back, he just looked... surprised. He would like to believe that Seungmin wanted him back, but he really didn't know.

     Chris doesn't lay down, first he bends down and opens the bottom drawer of his nightstand. He rummages through the drawer for a second before he pulls out a picture. It was a small polaroid. He was 8 years old and Seungmin was 6. Seungmin had his head resting in Chris' lap and was looking up at him with his tongue sticking out. But all Chris was doing was looking down at him and smiling.

     What if this whole relationship thing just... wasn't right. Chris sits down on the bed, and seconds later Seungmin walks in. He sits beside the boy, and Chris puts the picture away before he can see it. They sit silently, staring at each other. "You're so pretty..." Chris whispers, and Seungmin smiles only slightly.

     He doesn't say anything, just continues to stare. The raven sighs. "Seungmin." He calls out and Seungmin raises an eyebrow. "Did you... miss me?" The brunette seemed to tense up at the question.

     "Every day without you... weighed heavy on my shoulders... I dreamed about you, I even hallucinated once. Where is he? Will he make it back? What if he's already dead? That's what was going through my mind. I looked at that note you left everyday..."

     Chris hated that the first time he told Seungmin that he loved him was through a note. He hated it. "I'm sorry... for leaving you..." It didn't matter that Seungmin didn't cry. He didn't have to cry in order for Chris to know that he missed him.

     "No, it's okay. I've got you back now, that's all that matters." Seungmin smiles and slips his hand into Chris', having a tight grip on it. "Just promise me that you won't leave me alone again." As soon as he says this, his smile fades. His lips start to tremble, his eyebrows curve up into an expression full of worry and tears threaten to spill from his eyes. "Promise me..."

     Seungmin begins to sob, immediately Chris pulls the boy onto his lap and holds him close to his body. Seungmin cries hard like he's never cried before. Seungmin was so shocked at first when he saw Chris that he didn't even think about crying. But now that they've settled down and everything started to sink in it was too much.

     He saw Chris get pulled into a van and taken away in front of his very eyes. Chris is back. He's safe. He's not dead. "I love you, okay? I'm here..." Seungmin was still crying so Chris cups his face in his hands and leans back. "Hey... look at me..." The brunette sniffles, his eyes red and puffy.

     "I'm here Seungmin."

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