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     Hyunjin's eyes widened. His hand falls to his side and his gun falls to the ground. A boy was sleeping, sitting against a tree. He had blonde hair, freckles, and looked exactly like someone the raven used to know. But it couldn't be him. His leg was fine, and his hair was way longer than it should be. Just then, the ferret crawls onto the sleeping boy's lap, waking him up.

     The boy yawns, combing his hair back with his fingers. It takes a while before he looks up and meets Hyunjin's eyes. He stares at him for a moment, and then looks back down at the ferret. Why did he react like that? Three years they haven't seen each other; they thought that he was dead.

     He tries to touch the boy, but he moves away. "Felix-"

     "No. Every time I try to reach out to you, you disappear. I just want to be able to see you, don't leave."

     What is he talking about? Does he think he's hallucinating? Hyunjin sits down beside the boy. "Why haven't you come home?" He asks, and Felix chuckles.

     "I'm a nuisance. Making everyone depressed and sad because they think I died."

     "That's because we care about you Felix. It's better than not caring right?" Tears begin to fall out of Hyunjin's eyes, and Felix turns towards him. He reaches out to wipe his tears, but then he stops. "You said I disappear when you touch me right?"

     Felix's eyebrows furrow, but he nods. Suddenly, Hyunjin grabs the boy's shoulders and pulls him into a hug. The raven couldn't hear anything or see Felix's face. But then he felt the boy's grip tighten on his shirt, and then he started crying. His cries turn into loud sobbing. And all Hyunjin did was sit and listen to him.

     After maybe 20 minutes, Felix's cries die down. The two sit there in silence. "Your hair has grown so long..." Hyunjin whispers, trying to sooth the boy by running his fingers through his hair.

     "I want to go back."


     "I want to see everyone again. I miss them so much..." Hyunjin smiles, grabbing Felix's hand standing up. They begin to walk through the forest and eventually make it back to Minho's house.

     "Are you ready?" He asks, and Felix nods. It had been so long since he had seen them, just thinking about it made his heart race. Hyunjin opens the door, everyone's eyes turning to him. "I brought someone with me." He says, the boy's look at the long-haired blonde boy standing behind him.

     Felix had his head hanging low to the ground so they couldn't see his face. "Hyunjin, who is that?" Jisung questions. They seemed suspicious.

     Hyunjin turns to Felix, noticing how hard he was squeezing his hand. "What are you doing?"

     "I'm nervous..." He whispers, and the other smiles.

     "Just see how happy they are once you lift your head up." He taps under Felix's chin. So, slowly the boy lifts his head up. And immediately, everyone's eyes widen.

     "F...Felix?" Jisung's hands begin to shake, and then he runs over, tackling Felix into the hug. "WHAT THE FUCK FELIX?!" He yells, breaking down into tears. Everyone runs in at once, hugging Felix at the same time.

     After reuniting, the boy's and Hannah's eyes were red from crying. They were treating Felix like a newborn baby. Shoving food into his mouth, checking on him every two seconds, hugging him, telling him that he needs to rest. Honestly Felix missed this. Jisung was still crying so hard that Minho had to take him upstairs.

     Soon, it was night. Everyone makes sure to say goodnight to Felix before they go into their own rooms. Hyunjin looks down at the boy's leg. "Your leg isn't broken anymore." He says, and Felix laughs.

     "Yeah... I mean after three years a broken leg heals pretty quickly." Hyunjin leans forward next to Felix's ear.

     "So, you don't need me to carry you anymore?" The blonde's face grows red, but he ignores it.

     "No. I don't." He pauses, placing his hand on top of his hair. It was so overgrown, covering his eyes and coming down to his forearm. "I want to cut it. Can you help me?" Without hesitation, the two go into the bathroom, and Hyunjin grabs a pair of scissors.

     They didn't have any proper hair scissors so these would have to do. "How short do you want it?" He questions while Felix sits down on the chair.

     "Maybe... up to here?" Felix brings his hand up to the middle of his neck, and Hyunjin nods.

     He cuts off about half of it first. When he does, he notices a scar on Felix's neck. It looked like a gunshot scar. However, he doesn't say anything about it. He goes in, making layers, and cutting them all to the desired length. At the end, Felix smiles at himself in the mirror. His hair was a bit longer than it was before it grew out, but he liked it that way. "I like it." He whispers, and Hyunjin grins.


     Meanwhile, in Busan, there was another issue. A boy was riding through Seomyeon on his motorcycle. He has on a black wool jacket and of course, a black helmet on. The fog didn't bother him so you should already know what that means.

     Through his helmet he sees someone standing in the middle of the road. He could tell they were infected. Swiftly he pulls a knife out of his pants pocket and slashes it across its neck while riding by. Blood splatters onto his helmet and clothes. "Dammit..." He groans, tucking the knife back into his pocket.

     He pulls into the garage of a building, pulling his helmet off and walking inside. "Yo Tae." A boy walks up to him, tossing him a rag. "Wash up."

     "Beomgyu and Soobin still not back yet?"


     "Taehyun!" He hears someone yell his name from the other room, so he walks over towards the noise.

     "What's up?" The other stares at him for a while, and Taehyun just stares back at him.

     "You stink."

     "Fuck off Kai." The boy goes over to the bathroom to clean up. When he comes back out, Soobin and Beomgyu are inside, and they set a phone down on the table. "Whose phone is that?" He asks, and Soobin shrugs.

     "We just found it on the ground somewhere." Taehyun grabs the phone and turns it on. On the lockscreen was a picture of a boy and a girl. The girl was holding the phone at a higher angle and looking up at the screen while the boy was looking over at her. He had a cap on that said Maniac but it covered his eyes so Taehyun couldn't fully see his face.

     Back at Minho's house. Everyone wakes up early in the morning to eat breakfast together. Chris makes them a big breakfast since Felix is back. But when Changbin starts talking with his mouth full he begins to choke, and everyone starts laughing at him. Jeongin hands him a glass of water while Hannah reaches for her phone to take a picture, but she pauses. "Where's my phone?" 

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