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     It was dark. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the gravel crunching under the tires. The rustling of a bag over their heads every time they move. His neck stung. He felt weak. He was sweating everywhere. He wasn't expecting to be treated nicely but experiencing it for himself... he felt like shit.

     His hands were bound behind his back making his wrists throb with pain. "...Hyun...jin." His throat was so dry, as well as his eyes. "...Hyunjin..."

     "Mm..." He couldn't see anything. Hyunjin's response was too quiet. What if he was hurt? He swallows a couple of times, trying to get the moisture back in his throat.


     "What?!" Hyunjin on the other hand had just woken up.

     "Come on, let's find a way to get these bags off of our heads." Chris whispers, hoping not to let whoever is driving the van hear them.

     "I can't move my hands."

     "Neither can I."

     "So, what do we do?"

     "Where are you?" Chris scoots forward until he feels something against his knee. There wasn't anything tied around his legs. "Are your legs tied?"


     "Use your feet and try to pull this off." First, he feels Hyunjin's feet pressing against his stomach. And then travel up to his shoulders. Then the heel of his foot hits Chris in the nose and he lowers them back to the ground.


     "It's okay, try again." So, he does, and faster this time. Chris feels the bag being yanked off of his head. He adjusts to the dimness of the van.

     "Hyung?" Then he sees him. Hyunjin sitting there. Hands tied behind his back, no shirt on, bare feet, his glasses on the ground next to him. He had a blindfold on instead of a bag, his hair sticking onto his sweaty forehead.

     "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

     "I don't think so. What about you?"

     "I'm fine." Chris looks around, trying to find something to free his hands. He couldn't see, but it felt like tape that was wrapped tightly around his wrists. Over by the van doors he sees a rusty nail sticking out of a hole. He sighs in relief, shuffling over and quickly rubbing the tape against the nail. Chris could feel the nail sawing away at his skin, but he had to get the tape off.

     He hears a small rip and inhales quietly. His wrists were bleeding, but he didn't care about that. He quickly makes his way over to Hyunjin, tears the tape off of his hands and takes off the cloth wrapped around his eyes.

     They were halfway naked, sweaty, and clueless as to where they are. Suddenly the van comes to a stop. The two boy's freeze. Not making a sound. The van doors swing open, and there stand two men in white hazmat suits. Chris and Hyunjin sit there, calm, quiet. The men grab them by their arms and drag them out of the van. It seemed like they were still in the forest but in front of them was a big building, hidden behind the trees. The men start to pull them towards the building. Their feet scrape against the rocks and twigs on the ground, the cold air assaults their chests and legs like daggers.

     They open the doors to the building and a whole new environment engulfed them. Immediately they are separated. They strip Hyunjin of what's left of his clothes and throw him into a dark room with no windows. The scar on his back there for whoever was behind that glass mirror to see. He squeezes his legs together, wrapping his arms around himself.

     He knew that there were people watching him. His sweat made his body feel sticky, but... he wasn't scared. "You tried to kill yourself." He hears a woman's voice. Hyunjin looks around the room and sees a small intercom in the upper right hand of the wall. He grins, dropping his hands to the ground and revealing his stomach.

     "Can you at least look away from me before you start asking me questions?"

     "We're not looking."

     "Bullshit." He was covered in dirt, cuts, mud and sweat. He felt disgusting. Suddenly, there was a high-pitched sound. Mic feedback. He slaps his hands over his ears. Everything hurt. His back, his neck, his ears, his heart.

     "Did you know that monsters like you are vulnerable to this specific pitch?" Her voice sounded so monotone... she sounded lifeless.

     He closes his eyes, trying to withstand the sound. "Why remove all my clothes if you're not going to do anything?" The sound cuts off abruptly. And when Hyunjin removes his hands from his ears blood trickles out of them.

     "You're more vulnerable... so we can see every part of you." He grimaces at the tone of her voice. Suddenly, the door of the room swings open, and two men walk inside. They had on white t-shirts, tucked into their dress pants with a belt. A mask and gloves.

     Together, they grab Hyunjin's arms and lift him off of the floor. Then they pin him on the wall with his back facing them. Given the fact that he was completely naked he didn't know what the hell they were planning on doing. Out of nowhere there was a stinging cold sensation.

     A shower of cold water hits his back, dripping down his legs. The two men just stood there, keeping him from moving. The pressure of the water was too strong, the droplets hitting his back like small bullets. There was a small drain in the corner of the room where all the dirt was washing off of him.

     Then... he feels one of the men take their thumb and caress his wrist. His eyebrows furrow in confusion. The man moves his hand down to the small of Hyunjin's back and around to his waist.

     Hyunjin sighs. Fucking disgusting. He takes his hand off of the wall and quickly jabs his elbow across the man's face. He could hear as the man drops to one knee, holding his nose which was dripping with blood. The other man grips Hyunjin's wrist tighter, making the raven turn his attention to him.

     Hyunjin takes his free hand, grabs the man's head, and slams it into the wall multiple times. The thuds echoed in the still room. He lets go of the man's head and walks over to the other who's still on the ground. There was an odd squelching sound as Hyunjin stomps on his neck. It was quiet after that. The water running down the drain had turned red. Hyunjin takes a deep breath, sitting down with his back against the wall. "Could your men be any more perverted?" He asks, combing his hair back with his fingers.

     He had just killed two people... was he really a monster like she said he was? Hyunjin stares at the mirror, waiting for the woman to say something.

     "I know you have... some loved ones..." She says. "Your father." Just two words. Only two.

     Hyunjin's eyes turn red, and he stands up. Walking towards the mirror, he clenches his fist. Next thing he knew his fist was through the glass. He could feel small shards of it piercing his hand, but he didn't care. He pulls his hand out.

     From the woman's point of view, through the small hole in the glass. Staring back at her was a man. Long, wet, jet-black hair falling over his face, fierce red eyes, blood dripping from his body that's not his.

     Beautiful. Monster.    

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