Chapter 18

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P.o.v Pete

The night passed quickly after I had fallen asleep with Patrick, and the morning isn't anywhere near easy. Patrick is quiet and distant, and looks as if he is constantly on the verge of tears. Joe, Andy, and I try to give him space.

A few hours later at the concert, he puts on this act of being happy- even though we know he is falling apart on the inside. On our way back to the bus, Patrick sways suddenly, holding his head in both of his hands. "Patrick what's wrong?" I ask worriedly, grabbing his arm to stabilize him. "I-I don't know... I've been having a lot of headaches lately, it's probably nothing though, maybe a side effect of the Chemo." He replies, unsure as he steadies himself before continuing on our walk back to the bus.

"I think you should ask the doctor about it." Joe suggests, opening the door to the bus and allowing us to walk in. Andy nods in agreement as Patrick says, "I'm flying back for another round of Chemo in a couple of weeks, I'll just ask then, I guess." He crashes on the couch, wincing at the pain from his head before pulling out his phone.

P.o.v Andy

Eight months have passed and Patrick isn't doing any better; physically and emotionally. The concerts have been good for the most part- though spread out - but he is hung up on Elisa. Obviously he is, considering she was his wife, and it's making an impact on his health. 

We can all see it: the dark rings under his eyes, his weight declining more than it already has, the irritability and mood swings. A few months ago he lost his eyebrows to the Chemo- and though he says it doesn't bother him, we can tell he's insecure and upset about it. All I know is that something needs to change if he is going to be able to live normally and happily.

Interrupting my thoughts, I hear feet hit the ground and then run to the bathroom, the light flicking on. I get up quickly and squint as I make my way to the light through the darkness, seeing Patrick on the floor hunched over the toilet. His skin appears tinted yellow in the lighting- or is it the lighting? I'm not sure, but either way he looks like shit.

"Joe, Pete- wake up!" I yell before kneeling next to Patrick, who is throwing up into the toilet. Pete comes in with Joe, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He takes one look at Patrick, who looks up at him with desperation and sadness etched into his features. "I'm calling an ambulance," Pete announces, moving around Joe and out of the bus as he quickly dials the police.

"Let's get you some air outside," I say, gently grabbing Patrick's elbow. I begin to pull him up from the ground but he only grips the toilet harder, refusing to move as his body shakes violently. "What's wrong?" I ask, getting down on his level again, Joe coming up behind me, confused.

 Patrick looks at me to Joe, and then back to me with fear in his eyes, as if he doesn't recognize us. "Patrick, we're going to help you, we need to get you outside..." I say gently, slowly prying his hands from the toilet rim.

"Joe, go find a big bowl or container from one of the cabinets, in case he feels sick again." I instruct, helping Patrick stand. He leans all of his weight on me, his steps wobbly and his eyes unfocused as we go outside, Joe following behind us as we join Pete. I sit Patrick down on the pavement, Joe handing him a bowl which he clutches to his chest.

Joe turns to Pete, seemingly holding back tears as he tangles his hands into his messy hair, "What could it be now?" He asks in frustration, defeated. "I don't know..." Pete replies, looking out for the ambulance.

As the sound of sirens reaches my ears through the air, Pete whispers, "Whatever it is, we're going to keep fighting it, together."

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