Chapter 22

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P.o.v Patrick

We meet up with Tyler and Josh at the airport in Spain, and everything is going great so far.

The medication keeps the pain away, for the most part. After a month of traveling around Spain, my hair has almost grown back completely (including my eyebrows, thank god). 

Except for feeling weak and getting occasional headaches, I am having the time of my life with the most amazing friends.


P.o.v Pete

After being in Spain for about a month, staying in hostels along the way, we arrive in France.

It's stunning here, and if I don't think too hard, and don't stare into Patrick's eyes for too long, I can almost pretend like there isn't something killing him. Like we're just buddies on an adventure that'll be followed by many more adventures in our lifetimes.

After walking and hitchhiking for several hours, we settle down in a hostel just outside of Perouges, a pretty small village.

The owner of the hostel allows us to use the fire pit near the barn where we are staying in for the night.

Tyler, Josh, Brendon, and Joe all go into town to find a place to buy alcohol as Patrick and I try to start the fire- more like miserably trying to start it.

Soren, David, and Lou are catching up on sleep, and we are having no luck with the fire. "We're losers," Patrick jokes, throwing a useless log down into the pit before sitting down on the grass in defeat.

"We can't just give up!" I insist, and as I begin to embarrass myself further, Andy slumbers out of the barn from his nap.

He stands and watches me for a few minutes, just grinning. I accidentally burn my finger, and I sigh in pain and frustration, finally handing Andy the lighter I was using.

It takes Andy only give minutes to start the fire, and then he sits back and admires his work, "Show off." I mumble, plopping down next to Patrick.

He holds up his hands, "No need to hate!" He replies, laughing.

We sit and talk for an hour, and by that time it has grown dark. The guys finally return from town with more wine, beer, and whiskey than I've ever seen before.

"What the fuck did you do? Rob the store?" I ask, picking up one of the bottles of whiskey.

"Fuck yeah we did." Joe responds, popping open one of the wine bottles.

"Can't start without these- and us." David says out of no where, approaching the fire with a package of red solo cups in his hand, followed by Soren and Lou.

Joe pours all of us a cup of wine to start with, and gives me one for myself, and one to hand to Patrick.

"Wait, you're not allowed to drink, are you?" I ask hesitantly, still holding onto the cup even as Patrick grabs it too, his fingers brushing mine. "It's too late for rules now." He replies, shrugging and winking at me. Even though everything in me is telling me 'no', I let go of the cup.

A few hours later- after many refilled cups and lots of now empty bottles-I am almost wasted, along with everyone else except Andy.

Patrick has somehow managed to get so close to me he is nearly on my lap, and I have laughed so much my stomach aches.

After finishing off my cup of whatever the hell I put in it, I lean back on my hands, and suddenly there's a weight on top of my right hand. "Oh, sorry." Patrick says, but he doesn't remove his own hand. The warmth radiating from him- even from this small skin-to-skin contact -makes me want to melt into him.

I lean my head on his shoulder, and after a few minutes of just listening to everyone else tell stupid stories, Patrick whispers nervously in my ear, "Come to the barn with me?"

I nod and stand up, wobbling uneasily on my legs as we walk in silence back to the barn.

It's dark and empty when we get there, and I walk inside, moving to lean against one of the stalls that is typically meant for a horse or cow, but is now empty and filled with lots of hay.

I hear Patrick roll the door shut, complete darkness engulfing us except for the slivers of moonlight that shine through the cracks in the wood of the walls and ceiling. It's peacefully quiet for the next blissful moments that follow, and my curiosity overwhelms me before I can even enjoy the stillness.

"What did you bring me here for?" I ask, turning around to where I saw him last. Unexpectedly, I feel Patrick's gentle hands on either side of my face, and I am drawn into a soft kiss.

I pull back for a moment and lean my forehead against his, "Are you sure you want this?" I ask, lightly kissing the tip of his nose.

Patrick sighs happily in response, his gorgeous eyes opening to gaze into mine, "For as long as I can remember." He responds confidently, and his lips are on mine again, his hands tugging tenderly at my shirt.

I quickly pull it off, and Patrick's hands roam my chest gratefully as I pull him closer;

and in this precious time, in this beautiful night, I feel like we can live forever.


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