Chapter 24

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Oops I stayed up until 4:30 last night and that's when my brother gets up for work so I couldn't fall asleep until 5 and I'm SO tired but whatever let's DO THIS

P.o.v Third Person

Six months later, everyone in the group knows about Pete and Patrick's new love, though Brendon keeps insisting that he 'saw it coming'.

Patrick has never been happier, but he's never felt weaker. Every day that passes he finds that carrying his backpack is becoming increasingly harder, and he asks everyone to take breaks from walking more frequently.

As they are walking along a road somewhere in Poland- Joe asserting he knows where they're headed through the light snow that flurries around them -Brendon comes up behind Pete and Patrick, placing his hand on top of their interlocked fingers, "So, when can I get in too?" He jokes, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Get the fuck outta here, man! Come on," Pete yells in return, laughing as he throws off Brendon's hand. He's been pestering the couple to start a threesome ever since he saw them in the barn that day.

"M-maybe one day, Bren." Patrick replies, stuttering a bit before he looks back at Brendon. As he turns back around, Patrick suddenly feels his chest constrict and a terrible pain radiates throughout his head.

He yells out in pain as his knees buckle, his hand slipping out of Pete's as he falls to the ground, the pain growing more intense each second that passes.

Pete instantly drops to his knees as Brendon calls out worriedly to the rest of the group to stop. "Did you take your medication today?" Pete asks calmly, taking Patrick's backpack off.

Patrick opens his mouth to reply, but no words come out as his eyes squeeze shut in agony. "Patrick! Patrick focus, did you take your medication today?" Pete asks again, his voice rising as fear runs like poison through his veins.

Patrick opens his eyes and tears spill out, his whole body trembling as he tries to speak again, but can't. He can't. "Oh god," Pete whispers, the breath knocked out of him.

"Call an ambulance! Call the police, do something!" Pete screams, grabbing Patrick's stiff hand and squeezing it tightly.

Pete runs a hand through Patrick's now sweaty hair as Tyler gets the authorities on the phone. Everything around Pete slows down and silence fills his ears despite all the commotion. He brings Patrick's hand to his lips, "You're going to be ok, Patrick. I promise, everything is going to be ok." Pete whispers in urgency.

But Patrick only looks at him sadly, shaking his head. He knows. This is it.

Pete loses it.

His body shakes uncontrollably while he clutches Patrick's hand like a lifeline, tears falling from his eyes, "Please don't leave me, you can't leave us now, we're not home yet." Pete sobs, everyone now forming a circle around Patrick.

Pete's silence is broken when he hears the distant sound of sirens and he shivers in disgust and fear, his stomach dropping. As the sirens come closer and the sound now pierces his ears, he can hear men shouting "Get out of the way!"

But no one does, and Pete is grateful that he gets this small moment with Patrick. This last moment.

Pete leans down and kisses Patrick's forehead, closing his eyes. "I love you Patrick," He whispers, and leans back to gaze into his Patrick's eyes.

Patrick squeezes Pete's hand one last time as the paramedics finally break through the circle barrier, chaos swarming around their temporary peace.

"I love you more than a moment."

..... This was emotionally hard for me to write, considering I've had people in my life lose their battles with cancer, and I'm sure many of you have experienced it too. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed, please leave your feedback in the comments!

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