Chapter 4

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P.o.v Patrick

We wait a ridiculously long amount of time in the waiting lobby of the emergency room in the nearest hospital we could find, and it's 11 PM by the time I hear my name finally called.

Pete helps me up and asks the nurse for a wheelchair, though I insist that I'm fine to walk. He ignores my attempts to get him to go away, and he just contentedly pushes me along, following the nurse.

She brings us to a dull orange colored room after leading us down several halls, and she asks me all sorts of questions, then gives me one of the gowns to put on. I get up and walk into the bathroom, taking my time to put it on and by the time I get out the doctor is there, telling Pete his son is a big fan with a smile on his face.

"Ah, Mr. Stump, I'm Dr. Alex." He says, shaking my hand as I sit down on the bed. "Nice to meet you," I reply, giving him a weak smile.

He notices the dark bruises on my leg and inspects them, asking me where they came from, "I have no idea, honestly. I have some on my neck and chest too." I say, showing him.

He puts on his glasses and looks at it before asking more questions, "Is this what brings you in here? Or is there anything else that feels out of the ordinary?" "Over the past month or two I've just got worse- dizziness, sickness, and I've just been overly tired. Like, 'falling asleep standing up' kind of tired." I joke, but he doesn't smile.

"Alright, Patrick. I'm going to take your blood and do a few tests." He says, standing up.

And he does. Over the next few hours I am poked with all sorts of needles and thrown into a few different machines.

Pete tells me he's going to go get the guys and go out for breakfast (considering I've been in this damn place all night and it is now 8 AM, June 15th), but is going to come back later. I nod, "Thanks for staying with me," I say, smiling up at him.

He ruffles my hair, "No problem." And then he's gone.


It's six in the afternoon when the doctor finally comes back with results, sitting down across from me. He removes his glasses, a solemn look on his face;

"Patrick, I'm sorry to inform you that your tests results aren't the best. From what we've concluded, you have Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia."

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