Chapter Three

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Ben had been expecting a parcel from UPS. Perhaps more books for the shop. Or the DJ Bailey mysteries he loved to read in his personal time which was vast. Lonely monsters always had time to read. Or maybe it was a neighbor boy wanting to mow his lawn on this brisk early fall day. He was a proud man but with his leg it was not easy to do any yardwork so he hesitantly accepted help from the neighborhood youth especially the young preteen boy across the way Reilly Ford. Reilly was eleven and always looking for ways to earn money for his comic book buying habit. Of course it was ironic that the boy's money often ended up back at the Love Bookshop where he was a regular. The last time Reilly had been astonished to find a genuine number one Superman comic. Ben had sold it to him for far less than it was worth. He often did that to certain customers which his lead associate Pamela Fields frowned on. She thought people were taking advantage of his generosity but truthfully he didn't need money. His living expenses were low and he owned the family house outright. He enjoyed making his customers happy. His employees too. He tried to pay very well and offered what he hoped was excellent benefits. Of course Pam was like a mother to him although she was only five years older than him. She was determined he was not to be used or abused by anyone.

But it was not Reilly or UPS on his porch. It was the most gorgeous man he had ever seen in his entire life. In fact he was actually Ben's dream man. He was at least six foot three to Ben's own five foot five which he liked. He liked tall men. He had a head full of jet black curls, sultry dark brown eyes and sun bronzed skin. And God above were those dimples as he smiled at him? Was this some cosmic practical joke on him ? To have the most handsome man ever on his front porch looking at the likes of him?

Although, he noted bitterly, at least he didn't openly cringe with revulsion at the sight of him like so many people did. He must be an excellent actor.

" Yes ? ," he asked cautiously. He was not a mistrustful man but he was alone in the house and this was a stranger after all. If the man wanted in his house it would not be difficult to overpower him. He hated that fact. It was why Henry was always on him about getting a decent alarm system or a dog for protection. He hated that too. He didn't want to feel frail and helpless.

The man continued smiling and offered his hand to him to shake which he did. The handshake was firm but not hurtful and Ben was sure he felt a surge of warmth the moment their hands met. It was almost a shame when he took his hand away leaving Ben feeling oddly alone and rejected. " I thought I would , " the man said cheerily , " come over to introduce myself. Be neighborly and all. I just moved in next door. Name's Daniel. Daniel St. Austin. "

Yes. This was the worst possible cosmic joke on him. Put the most gorgeous man in the universe right next door to the Monster From Planet Loser and most likely make him straight too. This was his fucking life. He forced a smile on his face knowing it looked weird because of the nerve damage on his right scarred side. His right side refused to lift up so all his smiles looked like cocky smirks. " Good to meet you. I'm Ben Love. I own the local bookshop in town. I didn't know Mrs. Martin was selling. "

He was surprised to hear that Mrs. Martin was selling the house. The two story Colonial house had been empty for the two years since its widow owner Sarah Martin had decided to move to Florida for retirement. It had devastated his uncle very much since the man had been very close to Mrs. Martin. Ben half expected his uncle to pack up and join the older woman but he never had. Gerald Love would never leave the bookshop , the town that their long ago ancestor had founded and Ben. Especially Ben. At least until his death of which he had had no choice. Ben wished he could be more like his uncle. Gerald had been blind but he had had no fear of life. He ran a successful business , rock climbed , rode horses , sky dived. Anything people said he could not do Gerald Love did and did well. Ben , on the other hand , was afraid to live. It was why he had earned his degree completely online. The bravest thing Ben ever did was to travel two hours away to Atlanta on occasional Saturday nights to watch Henry perform as the brashly brilliant Lady Ariel at a popular gay club. And that was only because Henry literally forced him there. Henry was always on him about acting like an elderly shut in.

Daniel laughed deeply and the sound shot a ray of sunshine directly into Ben's heart. God , was he straight ? Gay ? Bi ? Ben could never tell. He had shitty gaydar. Now Henry could spot it a mile away , man slut that he was. " She's not selling. I just needed a place to stay and hers was available. She appreciates having someone here to keep an eye on things. She's my god mother by the way. Good old Auntie Sarah. "

" So , you're staying permanently ? , " he asked as he inwardly wondered if they should move this conversation inside. His damned leg was starting to ache from standing on the porch this little bit of time. Maybe he should sit on the porch swing. Would that make him seem like an weak invalid in front of this big strong Adonis of a man ? This man who he was picturing naked on a sandy beach right now. God. Henry was right. He needed to get laid bad. Especially when he was daydreaming about a complete stranger and his new neighbor. Sarah Martin's godson.

" Yes. I'm the new editor in chief of the Love Daily Gazette. Taking over from the previous one who also departed for the Sunshine state. It must be a trend. Frankly I think it was a bad decision on his part. Love seems like a nice friendly pretty little town. And I am pretty fond of coke and peanuts. "

Ben smiled widely at him. He liked this man and he had just met him. Amazing. Straight or not he hoped they could be friends. After all Daniel was still looking at him in the eyes with no trace of pity or disgust on his handsome features. He didn't seem repulsed by Ben Love Resident Freak. That was a plus in his book. All he would be was friends even if he was gay or bi , a little voice inside him chirped. The voice sounded oddly like his father. Nobody would ever want Ben Love. His eyes drifted shut as more pain throbbed in his damn leg.

" Are you alright , Ben ? You look pale. "

" I'm fine , " he started to say just as his leg finally gave way and he felt himself falling. Fuck ! Why now !

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