Chapter Thirty Three

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Ben may have been a little tipsy. Just a little. Ok maybe more than a little. But it wasn't so much that he hadn't been able to fully recognize the deep desire that had rose in Daniel's body even as they had discussed books and family. Not to mention the desire forming within his own. 

He definitely had not been too drunk to fully appreciate every moment , every minute , every hour of the intense yet still so gentle sex Daniel had inflicted upon his eager for everything body. The minute that Daniel had placed him down on his bed Ben knew there was indeed a God above. He knew he was acting like some corny high school kid with their first crush but the lovemaking had been everything he had ever imagined in his wildest dreams. No wonder his best friend was such a man slut if lovemaking was this wonderful. Of course unlike Henry he didn't want sex with every man he fell across. 

He just wanted one man , he thought idly as he  gazed at the one man he dearly wanted sleeping next to him as his strong arms were curled around Ben himself. He felt so truly protected by this man everything he was near him. He didn't really believe there was some mad killer after him. Why would anyone want to kill him ? But if there was he would have to get through this man to get to Ben.  All of this scared the hell out of him. 

He tightened his own hold on Daniel. He never wanted to let him go again. But eventually he would have to. In more ways than one. Someone like Daniel St. Austin would never stay in a small town like Love and someone like Ben would never leave a small town like Love. 

" Sleep well ? , " he heard Daniel's deep voice suddenly  whisper in his ear in between small kisses and nibbles on his ear lobe and neck. Ben smiled. 

" Next to you yes. Thank you , Daniel. "

He could see the man smiling so brightly even in the darkness of his bedroom. 

Daniel said , " I think I should be thanking you , doll. I can't believe it's morning already ! What are your plans for today ? You won't be alone today ? At all ? "

Ben snuggled even closer. He wished they could stay like this all day long. He wished this man never had to leave. Of course he would eventually leave. They had just met really. What if this was one of the one night stands that Henry bragged to him about all the time ? Although he didn't really think Daniel was that type of man. He seemed so honest , upfront , decent. Not that Henry wasn't all that. Henry just had no real belief in romance or love. In fact he laughed about all that " hearts and flowers nonsense " as he called it yet oddly enough wanted it for Ben. 

( " You need more than a few sweaty moments with some twink or daddy in a club bathroom , " Henry had said one night over popcorn and a sappy movie in Ben's living room. " Unlike me you actually deserve that fucking happily ever after shit in those romance books you read. " )

" Yes , you do , Benjamin , sweetheart , " he heard his Aunt Pearl say from the open doorway to his bedroom as she entered wearing her long flowing ivory white wedding dress , her dainty high heeled feet just barely touching the oak wood floor. Ben wanted to laugh. He had never told anyone except Henry but ever since the accident he had been able to see and hear and communicate with dead people. As a child he had been scared to death of the ghosts that drifted through his young life but as the years went by it just became comforting to him. They all became like friends in a way. The stories they told of the afterlife seemed wonderful to him. The other plane seemed better and more free. Of course they had said there were certain restrictions to them.  He was just glad he hadn't completely lost his uncle and aunt. But he was also happy they had respected his privacy. Especially last night. He grinned as he recalled vividly the many ways that Daniel had made him whimper and moan and scream. Thank God the neighbors had not called in Sheriff Barnes for assistance. 

" Unfortunately as much as I want to stay in bed with you I need to go to work. Pam's daughter Shondra has a doctor's appointment so I am taking her shift. I also made an appointment to meet that student there. Why wait till next week ? You know the one doing the thesis on my family ? What about you ? "

Daniel frowned at him. " Going to the paper. Meeting and greeting the staff and getting to know them and their quirks.  Check on your case with the sheriff. Fun stuff like that. Do you think it's good to meet this student ? Are you sure he is who he says he is ? What's his name ? Will you be alone at the shop ? "

Ben rolled his eyes and bravely grabbed hold of his neighbor's , no his lover's , hand to press a tender kiss to the top of it. " I feel like I'm being grilled by the FBI. I'm not quite that dumb , DaddyBear. I googled him after the first text. I also called the college. His name is Cole Pace. He is indeed a senior at the U of G. A high ranking senior too. Majoring in English. The college spoke highly of him. I won't be alone at the store. One of my part-timers is coming in for a few hours before we close at four. Dolly Mae may be small but she carries some big bad pepper spray on her. And she has a German Shepherd that on paper looks ferocious but is really sweet as chocolate pie. "

Daniel wrinkled his brow in much concern. Ben found the concern sweetly endearing but also very irritating. " Dog ? Is she blind ? "

" No. It's an emotional support animal. Dolly Mae  has anxiety issues which I relate to and Guido helps  her relax. Customers love Guido but have to be reminded not to play with him. "

" I'm sure you know best. "

" I do. So far I have kept myself alive and neurotic for thirty years. " 

Daniel pressed a delicate kiss atop Ben's head. " I believe you. But forgive me if I also run a check on this student of yours. I can go deeper than Google can. And don't give me that very cute cross eyed look of yours when you feel like people are treating you like a kid. I just met you , doll , and I plan on keeping you around a bit longer. "

Ben smiled as he snuggled next to his man. His man. He liked the sound of that even if it was only true within his own mind. " Is that so , Mr. St. Austin ? "

" That is so. I won't worry much because I suspect Henry won't be far from you. Him and his gun. I think he is more intimidating than your Guido Dog. I also plan on taking you out to lunch. If you can step out of the store. "

" Really ? "

Daniel smiled. " Of course. What do you think this is ? A one nighter ? It's not by the way. Unplanned but not in a bad way. " 

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