Chapter Thirty Seven

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 Ben should have been about to have a panic attack. After all he was about to die. And Henry was going to die. He should be scared right now but all he felt was tremendous anger. Anger at the coldly smirking man with the eyes filled with much madness that now stood in front of them both. The one pointing a gun at him and Henry. 

Henry. His best friend. The man he loved like a brother. His family. Henry was going to die because of him. Damn. Shit. Fuck ! He didn't want to die. He had just met a wonderful man who actually wanted him in spite of who he was. He loved Daniel. And he didn't want Henry to die. Why did he trust this man ? Why did he let him in his home ? Why did he ask Henry to come ? He could still feel Henry holding his hand and squeezing it. He didn't want Henry to be here but he was glad he was. It was selfish but he didn't want to die alone. He didn't want to die at all. For the first time in his life he wanted to live. 

Cole Pace said in an odd sing song voice , "  Not my fault you two will die today. Noooo. Not my fault. Blame your drunk ass daddy , Benny boy , you damn freak. "

Ben knew he should not talk back but didn't really care right now. This man had beaten him. He was going to kill him. He was going to kill his best friend. He was mad. What else could this man do to him now ? " My father ! My father is dead ! He has been dead years ! "

" Yeah. Years. Peter Love is dead. Just like all killers should be. Dead. He died a miserable drunk in a so called accident he made happen. He turned his son into a worthless hideous freak of nature. Look at you ! I can't believe you found anyone to love you. Much less touch you. You're disgusting. He killed my family. My real family. Not those fucking foster families they stuck me in. My real family. My parents. My two brothers. "

Ben felt sick. He wanted to vomit all over the floor before him. The man had said in the text that the Pattons had had three children. It wasn't just a casual research error. It was him counting himself. Oh dear God. 

" I was five that day. Like you. Freak. I was sick that day so my family left me home with a babysitter while they went on some stupid day trip to Love. They left me behind and went off to get killed by your father. Nobody ever told me the truth but in high school I researched and I found out the truth. It was no accident. It was murder ! From that moment on I wanted revenge. I couldn't kill your drunken daddy but he had a son. I have a little side gig where I learned how to kill. I'm good at it. My only failure was you.  Until now. That's how I found you. Woolbury wanted you dead because you wouldn't sell your store. So he hired me. Kill you. Make people think it was just an accident. Wait through probate and grab up your precious store. That fool didn't realize I would have done this job for free. But I'll gladly take the one hundred thousand dollars. That's how much your life is worth , Freak. " 

Out of the corner of his eye Ben saw her. Steadily approaching Cole from behind. His mother. His dead mother. His heart nearly stopped. He had only seen her in old faded pictures that he treasured so much. His mother. Rose Love. She wore a long swirling cotton candy pink sundress and a matching wide brimmed hat. She looked like a pure faced beautiful angel. 

" Kill me if you want , " Ben said bravely. 

Henry gasped out , " No....... "

Ben ignored his friend and continued on , " Let Henry go. Please. He's nothing to do with this. He's innocent. He won't say anything , right , Hen ? Let him go and just kill me. Then we'll be even. "

Henry stood up then and tried to shield Ben from the madman with the gun but Ben pushed him back. Then the man lifted up his gun and aimed it at Ben's head. " Sorry , Freak. I don't leave witnesses. I'm a nice guy though. I'll let you both choose who dies first. Want to flip a coin ? It wasn't all a lie though. I am a U of G student doing a senior year thesis on your fucking family. "

Ben stared him down coldly. 

But he never got a chance to fire the gun. To Ben's amazed wonder Rose stood in front of Cole Pace and wrapped her small delicate ghostly hands around his neck. 

" What the fuck , " Cole spit out tersely as his broad young face began to turn various shades of blue while the hands he could not even see continued to choke the life from him. He proceeded to drop the gun at his feet as he lifted his hands to his throat helplessly. Henry ran over to pick it up and pointed it at the oddly struggling man. " Don't move , bastard , " Henry hissed. 

Ben also tried to get up but without his cane his bad leg buckled beneath him and he fell back to his knees. His eyes were glued on his mother who he saw killing a man. The man who almost killed him and Henry. 

" Ben , " Henry said , " You ok ? "

Ben ignored him and focused on Rose. " Let him go , Mom. Please. Let us call the police. "

As Rose shook her head and squeezed tighter Henry looked in shock at his kneeling friend then back at the man still struggling to breath. Then he saw her. His own face paling , Henry whispered , " Mrs. Love ? "

" Mom. Mother. Mommy. Please don't. We are not like him. We are Loves. Loves do not kill. Let the law have him. Please I don't want to remember you doing this for me. Please , Mommy. I love you. Don't do this. "

Rose gazed at her precious only child and with one long shudder through her faint body began to loosen her grip on the man who nearly killed her son and his friend. The man fell to his knees , choking and coughing , tears forming in his eyes. Henry tightened his grip on the gun. " Not another move , pudding pop. " 

Ben pulled out his cell phone from his pants pocket. Five missed calls from Daniel. Three texts. He was about to dial 911 just as he heard his front door crash open and Daniel calling out in a scared voice , " Ben ! Where are you ! Are you ok ! "

Rose smiled softly at her son. " I love you , baby boy. I'll always be there for you. Be happy. " 

" I love you too , Mommy , " Ben whispered. 

Then with one final wistful smile at him Rose Love faded away. 

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