Chapter Seven

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Daniel had originally came back over to ask if his new neighbor wanted to share a bit of the lasagna he had just made for lunch. Not a date. He hardly knew this man who was already beginning to intrigue him. Just a friendly neighborly get together. Then on the porch he heard what sounded like Ben Love screaming. The man was screaming like he was being killed. The screaming had sent Daniel back a year ago to the Chicago street where his lover , partner and best friend Eric Tyler had died of a knife wound after being mugged for his damned wallet and cell phone. Daniel hadn't been that night as Eric died. He heard everything after the fact. He had not been there to protect his sweet soft spoken artist. As usual Daniel had been in a warzone covering some all important news story. When he was not on a book tour. He hadn't been there for Eric but damn it all he was going to be there for Ben Love.

The door was locked so he quickly remembered a trick he had been taught years ago by one of his sources in what seemed like another life and picked the lock with his platinum American Express card. On the other side of the door he was horrified to see a tall broadly built masked man running towards the back of the house as Ben's small slim body fell helplessly down the long staircase. Even as he fell Ben screamed on.

Then the agonizing yells just ceased to be.

His instinct said chase the attacker but he instead ran to the young man who now was laying at the bottom of the staircase. He was unconscious and so very still. He was so pale.

Daniel had not prayed in years. He didn't really believe in prayer or even God himself. Not since Eric. But in the one moment he pressed his fingers against the side of Ben's neck and wrists, searching for a pulse, he prayed. Maybe it was answered for once because he found one. He was still alive. Ben was alive.

" Hold on , Ben , I'm getting help. " He shoved the card back in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He dialed quickly three numbers.

" 911. What is your emergency? "

" I'm at Ben Love's house. 215 Hope Street. There was a break in. The intruder knocked him down the stairs. He's unconscious. He has a pulse though. We need an ambulance. Now. "

The woman sucked in a breath in what sounded like amazement. " The bookstore guy ? Shit. Help is coming. Don't move him. If he wakes up keep him calm. Is this Henry? "

Daniel paused on that one. Henry? Was that Ben's boyfriend? He was not sure he liked that much. If he had a boyfriend where the hell was the bastard? Probably living his life like you were when Eric needed you, his own inner critic chided him.

" No. I'm his neighbor. From 214 Hope. Daniel St. Austin. Is the ambulance coming? "

" It is. So is the sheriff. Relax. "

Easier said than done, Daniel thought as his eyes moved down to the still unmoving Ben Love. Moving the phone from his ear and mouth, he leaned closer to the man to whisper in his ear ," Wake up. I'm taking you to dinner. "

It might have been his imagination or wild hope but he thought he saw Ben's lips moving. He saw the man mouth two words.

Italian food.

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