Chapter Five

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Daniel St. Austin didn't know this man from the man in the moon but when he opened the door moments ago his heart had done literal flip flops in his chest. It was not the awful scar deforming his otherwise handsome face. Or the simple cane he gripped firmly in his hand like a valued life line. It was the soft wavy blond hair he had suddenly wanted to touch and run his fingers through. It was the beautiful grey eyes that seemed so vulnerable and kind. It was how he looked like he was expecting to be hurt. It was those thin lips smiling at him so hesitantly. Those lips he wanted to kiss. Shit. His alarm bells started to ring right away. He had not felt this way since Eric. He thought this side of him had died with Eric a year ago. But it apparently had not. Strangely enough Ben Love reminded him of Eric. Not in looks or even demeanor but there was something there. Maybe it was the height. He liked smaller men. When the man had almost fallen it had actually scared him a little and Daniel St. Austin didn't scare easily. He had been afraid Ben would hurt himself and for some reason that had pained him. Only when he settled him on the porch swing did he allow his nerves to calm down. " Are you ok? Do you need a doctor? "

It was apparently the wrong thing to say because his neighbor stiffened with a sudden tenseness and pulled away from his touch.

" I'm fine. " Ben's face was newly flushed with embarrassment. " I'm not an invalid. Although I know it appears that way. Thank you for helping me not meet the floor. "

Daniel smiled at him. " My pleasure, doll. "

The endearment slipped out without his thinking and stunned both of them. They each decided to ignore it. Trying to change the subject, Daniel sat by him on the swing and asked softly," Old injury ? "

" You could say that. I was in a car crash with my father when I was five. That's how I hurt my leg. And my face. I got my own permanent Halloween costume. Look. I am a bit tired. Think I will go rest now. Thank you again. For helping me. If you like books stop by my shop. I have a newcomer discount of ten percent off on first purchases. "

" I love books and I will," Daniel said as he fought his instinct to help him back up. But he sensed the small delicate man would develop claws and scratch his eyes out if he tried. So he kept his distance. " Get some rest. "

" I will. "

They were so busy smiling at each other they didn't notice the man in the ordinary dark blue car parked across the street casually taking pictures of them with a high powered camera.

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