Chapter Eighteen

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Daniel was a man of his word. He had arrived on Sunday morning at eight o'clock exactly looking well rested and too damn gorgeous in a pair of worn jeans that hugged his ass and thighs just right and a plaid flannel button down shirt. Not that Ben was looking mind you. He was too busy making coffee and French toast for them both. Daniel's eyes lit up as he smelled the aroma of coffee. Ben also opened a can of nasty smelling and too expensive gourmet cat food for his very spoiled cat Matilda who honored him with a regal sniff and head toss before greedily beginning to eat. The cat didn't really like humans much. Henry had figured this out upon their first meeting and had the claw marks to prove it. The two of them had a very love / hate relationship. They both loved to hate each other. But the cat seemed to take a strange liking to Daniel.

As Daniel prepared to fix the wonky window he was distracted by the beautiful well groomed cat who kept rubbing herself on his legs and purring elegantly. Daniel could not resist kneeling down to rub her head and belly while cooing sweet nothings in her ear.

As he watched his cat being totally ravished by the man of his dreams Ben was experiencing feelings of jealousy and envy. Especially as he watched those long slim hands running over the cat's fur. He remembered how Daniel had touched his face last night. He had been so gentle. It had shocked him when Daniel had touched his face. Everyone else tried their best to avoid his face. People hated even looking at it except for children who somehow found the sight fascinating. Many a parent had had to lecture their children over staring at Ben's face. Nobody wanted to look at him and they certainly didn't want to touch him. Yet Daniel had with no revulsion. Why wasn't he disgusted by Ben like everyone else? Why didn't he feel sorry for him like everyone else? Or did he? Did he pity him?

"So ," Daniel asked as he gave her royal highness a final rub to her contentment," how did you sleep? "

" Pretty good. Which is rare. I usually don't sleep all that well. Guess I was truly tired last night. "

" I don't blame you. You had a terrible day yesterday. I called the sheriff last night. I'm not planning to report on this story. I just wanted to check on the case. He had no leads. Yet. "

Ben shrugged his slim tee shirt covered shoulders. He wasn't surprised. The sheriff was a good cop but the town and surrounding areas that made up Vernon County were not exactly crime ridden. The police tried their best but they just didn't have much experience with any type of real criminal activity. Not that his break in was that pressing to them probably. Nothing was taken. Thank God. It would have broken him to lose any of his family heirlooms. And he hadn't been hurt. Just scared to death but when wasn't he always scared? It was a way of life for him.

" Not surprised. You can put it in the paper if you want. It is news. Least locally. "

Daniel's face took on a hard set as he stared at the younger man. " It might be news but it won't be in the Gazette. Not under my watch. I don't want any copy cats reading it and thinking they can do the same thing to you. And get away with it. Speaking of I did a bit of research and found a couple of reasonably priced companies that can put in security here. I left the contact information on the table in your foyer. You can thank me later. "

Ben couldn't help laughing. This man. If he was not careful this man was going to end up stealing his heart. And breaking it in a million pieces. Ben shook off that thought as he placed the plate of French toast on the kitchen table. " You do know I did take care of myself before you moved in next door ? But thank you. Better you than Henry who will probably show up with a pit bull puppy. Two pit bull puppies. Three pit bull puppies. All will be eaten by Matilda. Look. While you do your hard sweaty man labor and entertain Miss Priss here I am going to drive to the grocery store. I found a nice recipe for seafood gumbo and I want to see if I can find all the ingredients. For dinner tonight. " He paused for a second. " You're welcome to stay if you want. For dinner. With me. If you want. " Ben was very much hoping that Daniel would stay for dinner. The man smiled with pure pleasure and the look reminded Ben of Matilda. 

" Try to keep me away ! But you know this really doesn't count as our second dinner out. "

Ben surprised himself and Daniel by winking saucily at him. " I know. Be back in a few ! Have some breakfast and coffee. Annie's Grocery isn't very far. Nothing in town is really all that far. Help yourself to anything else in the frig. "

Daniel said , " Don't forget your wallet and keys. And please be careful , Mr. Love. " 

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