Chapter Twenty Seven

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Reginald: Mr. Hawkins , what did you mean when you said if anything else happens to Mr. Love?

Henry: Are you for real! I told you not to contact us again. How did you get my number?

Reginald: I know you did but I am curious. When I am curious I am like a dog with a bone. Has something happened to Ben Love?

Henry: Like you don't know. Leave us alone, beanpole. Now. How did you get my number?

Reginald: It's on your antique shop website. Good day.

Henry: Delete my number, asshole.


Private Number: The plan is hitting another snag but I have a far better alternative one.

Jordan: Fuck your damn stupid plans ! I just had a damn visit from Stone St. Austin. He was asking questions about the handicap boy. I don't need that kind of trouble. I'll pay you for your service so far but in the future back off this man. The deal is done.

Private Number: I'm afraid that won't be possible. I am too invested to back out now. I have always been. I do thank you for leading me to Benjamin Baldwin Love. I have a score to settle with him.

Jordan: I told you to back off. I can't afford to have Daniel St. Austin sniffing around asking questions. I'm in charge here in case you forgot.

Private Number: Dear Jordan, you have never been in charge of me. Benjamin Baldwin Love will die. Soon.


Ben: Have fun in Hot Lanta ?

Daniel: Oh , loads , doll. I'm also starving.

Ben : Good. I'm almost done with dinner. I also banished Henry back to his own home for tonight. Unless you really want him glaring at us over gumbo. Lol.

Daniel: No. He's amusing in his own small way lol but I prefer my gumbo Henry free. I'll bring my own contribution to dinner. Just one question.

Ben : ?

Daniel: Red or white?

Ben : What lol ?

Daniel: Wine, doll ?

Ben: Are you trying to get me drunk so you can have your evil way with me, Mr. St. Austin?

Daniel: Maybe.

Ben : Oh. Well then . White.

Ben : I almost forgot. I got the strangest call. From an University of Georgia student majoring in English. He said he is writing his thesis for senior year on my family. Well my namesake ancestor anyway. He wants to meet me next week to do an initial interview. Maybe see some old pictures and letters and stuff. We have tons of that. My mother was very good at collecting and organizing our family archives. Before she died. She was proud of being a Love even if she was just married into it. My .... Father didn't really care. Love was just a last name to him.

Daniel: I wish I had met your mother. Do you recall much of her?

Ben : No. She died giving birth to me.

Daniel: I'm sorry.

Ben : Yeah. Me too. Lol. My father told me he wished it had been me that died.

Daniel: My father told me I was a fool to major in journalism instead of business. My uncle ruined his relationship with my cousin over homophobia. Long story short fathers don't always know shit. I'm very glad you were born. After all who would be making me gumbo tonight? Speaking of which I better get back on the road so I can taste that gumbo.

Ben : Drive careful please.

Daniel: I will. Is Henry still there?

Ben: For the moment. Rofl. He looks like he wants to lecture me on safe sex.

Daniel: Lol.


Henry: That creep lawyer of Woolbury stopped by to harass Ben today. I sent him packing. He texted me. Sleazy ass.

Daniel: Good. What is his name? I'll run a check on him. I've talked to Ben. Well texted. How is he? Any pain or discomfort?

Henry: I think his ribs are hurting him. And his leg. But Ben never really complains. He worries people will think he's weak. Bull shit on that. He's the strongest man I know. He thinks the attacks are flukes. He doesn't believe someone wants to hurt him. Hell I can't believe it. Do you think there is? Or could Ben be right? Oh and the lawyer is Reginald Roberts. He's a spoiled rich ass.

Daniel: I don't believe in coincidences. Take care of him. I'll be back soon. Minus a stop for wine.

Henry: Wine? Better stop for condoms too , Romeo. And lube. Oh and remember what I told you before.

Daniel: Chill out, Dad. Can you think of anyone who wants to hurt Ben ?

Henry: Ben ? Fuck no. Me yes. There's probably several hit lists on my ass. But not Benny. No. Everyone in town loves him. They protect him here. Always have for most part. Probably why he is so sheltered and naive. Between his uncle and the town.

Daniel: And you.

Henry: Don't forget the condoms and lube. And if you really want to get into Ben's heart and not just his God awful jeans and conduroy pants I would advise you to bring him a book. He'll be yours forever. Hint: his favorite writer is DJ Bailey. Sound familiar?

Daniel: Have you ever considered working for the CIA?

Henry: How do you know I already don't?

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