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Suga : nah I want hot coffee now.


Suga was thinking that jhope will get angry and he will shout at suga and suga will fire him but he was wrong.
Jhope : okk mr.min
Jhope was about to go.
Suga : no no don't go now no need I will drink cold coffee.
Jhope turned to suga's side and gave him his coffee.
Jhope : sir I know that you want to fire me but don't worry I will not give you this chance.
Jhope winked at suga and went to his desk suga was so shocked but he start his work after sometime.
Suga : jhope its time for meeting lets go.
Jhope : yes sir.
Then jhope and suga went in meeting room and they sat beside eachother their client was sitting infront of them.
Suga : should we start the meeting?
Client : yeah sure.
Then jhope got up and start the presentation after sometime the meeting ends and suga got the deal he was happy and jhope was also happy because his hubby was happy, then after next meeting sope were in their cabin.
Jhope : sir its lunch time appa sent your lunch please eat your lunch.
Suga : I will after completing this last file.
Jhope : sir I will do that you come eat your food.
Jhope grabbed suga's hand and dragged him towards the couch and made him sit then he served the dinner to suga, suga was looking at jhope but soon he realized and looks away.
Jhope : hubby enjoy your lunch.
Then before suga says something jhope went to his desk and start completing that file which suga was completing.
Then after sometime suga complete his lunch and went to his table and sat he saw that file was completed with no mistakes so he signed on that file and thats it suga work was done it was first time that suga completed his work before the leaving time, he looked at jhope who was thinking something.
Suga : what are you thinking, is your work done?
Jhope : oh I was thinking about the rules and yeah I work is completed.
Suga : okk mine is also done lets go home early today.
Jhope : okk. (Happy)
Then sope went to parking area and sat in car, suga start the car, in middle of road jhope saw a dog who was badly injured.
Jhope : hubby hubby stop the car.
Suga : but why what happened?
Jhope : stop na.
Then suga immediately stopped the car jhope opened the car door and ran to that dog and put his leg on his own knee.
Jhope : aww puppy who did this with you, you are badly injured let me treat you, hubby can you give me the first aid box from car.
Suga went and bring the first aid box and gave that to jhope, jhope took out the piece of glass from dog's leg and clean the wound the he applied a cream then he bandaged his leg.
Jhope : see now you are completely fine okk now byee I am going.
Then jhope got up and saw suga was looking at him he went to suga.
Jhope : hubby lets go.
Suga : hm.
Then they sat in car and went to mansion.

In mansion.

They came in masion.
Rm : you both early today?
Jhope : yeah our work finished early so we came early.
Jk : okk you both go to your room and get fresh.
Jhope : hm.
Then sope were going to their room but on stairs jhope got unconscious but before he fell suga caught him rm and jk ran to them.
Rm : what happened hobi open your eyes.
Jk : hobi open your eyes na you are scaring me.
Rm : suga take him to your room jk call the doctor and tae and jinu immediately.
Then suga pick jhope in bridal style and took him to his room rm went after them and jk call Taejin and doctor after sometime Taejin came and all were now in sope's room.
Tae : when will doctor arrive?
Jk : in five minutes.
Then doctor came.
D : can you all please go out so I can check the patient.
Rm : sure.
Everyone went out after sometime doctor checked jhope and call all of them inside.
Suga : doctor what happened to him is he fine?
D : nothing serious mr.min the patient didn't ate anything from a long time and also the patient is very weak can I know the reason.
Jk : actually he sometimes got panick attack so he is so weak.
D : ohh so you have to take care of his food and don't let him take too much stress okk now I will take my leave.
Then doctor left.
Rm : yesterday night he said when suga will come then I will eat but I think he forgot to eat anything and also in morning he didn't ate anything and left to work.
Suga : and he also didn't ate lunch.
Jin : suga you have to take care of him na.
Then slowly jhope got conscious.
Jk : hobi are you okk?
Jhope : yes I am okk.
Rm : why you didn't ate anything huh?
Jhope : I was in hurry in morning and in lunch time I was completing a file.
Jk : now I am makinf food for you don't argue you have to eat whatever I make and you again start to think about that rubbish.
Jhope : no no believe me I didn't think anything about that topic.
Jk : hobi I know you very well I am your brother you should know that.
Jhope : yeah I know that don't scold me.

To be continued..

This is just a fictional story it doesn't belongs to real life no hate to any character ignore the mistakes, if you have any confusion ask me.

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