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Sope's wedding day.

Suga and jhope were getting ready in their rooms.
Jhope was getting ready then he remembered that gift so he took that gift and said to jk.
Jhope : kookie.
Jk : yes hobi?
Jhope : actually a..ab can you give this to suga?
Jk : ohhhh gift for your future hubby huh. (Teasing)
Jhope : yahh kookie he is not my future hubby but also my present hubby you forgot that we are already married now go and give this to suga.
Jk : yeah yeah going.
Then jk went to suga's room.
He came and saw tae was helping suga in getting ready.
Jk : ohh suga hyung you know hobi is looking so beautiful he is looking like an angle.
Suga : I know you are teasing me.you know that I can't see him before our marriage but don't worry I just have to wait for half hour then I can see him.
Jk : okk okk btw hobi gave this to give you.
Suga took that small box and opened it.

(I didn't found the exact same)

Suga : wow its so beautiful.
Tae : yeah wear it.
Then tae helped him in wearing that brooch.
Then after sometime tae took suga in hall and then the main door opened and jhope came with jk.
Jk gave jhope's hand in suga's.
Jk : this time don't hurt him.
Suga : yeah I will never.

Suga's outfit.

Jhope's outfit

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Jhope's outfit.

(Please imagine that necklace in jhope's neck)

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(Please imagine that necklace in jhope's neck)

Jk's outfit.

Tae's outfit

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Tae's outfit.

Jin's outfit

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Jin's outfit.

Jin's outfit

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Rm's outfit.

Rm's outfit

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Then wedding started.
Priest : do you mr.min yoongi take mr.min/jung hoseok as your lawful husband?
Suga : yes I do. (Smile)
Priest : do you mr.min/jung hoseok take mr.min yoongi as your lawful husband?
Jhope : yes I do. (Smile)
Priest : I announce you both as husbands now you may kiss.
As priest said this suga kissed jhope who kissed back, suga didn't realized that he was kissing jhope for so long but then he heard tae's fake cough so he backed away and everyone clapped.
After wedding they went to their home.

In sope's room.

Sope came in room suga pinned jhope on wall.
Jhope : s..suga w..what are you doing.
Suga : I am doing  what happens in first night of wedding.
Jhope didn't said anything just looked down so suga said.
Suga : hobi if you are not comfortable then I w......
Before suga can complete jhope kissed him, giving him permission so suga took jhope in bridal style without breaking the kiss and make him lay on bed and also lay on him (I don't know what to say it)
After sometime they broke the kiss suga kissed jhope's neck and start making hickeys and when jhope moaned suga lost his control and......

Next morning.
In Sope's room.

Jhope : s..suga wake up you sleepy head alien.
When suga woke he saw jhope was crying he got up quickly.
Suga : what happened hoba why are you crying.
Jhope : yeah you alien you was so hard last night my lower body is paining badly I can't even walk.
Suga : ohh my baby I am sorry let me help you to get ready.
Then suga took jhope to bathroom in bridal style and they took shower together and went down.
Jk : ohh kookie you can walk. (Shocked, not really)
Jhope : yahhh shut you bunny.
Jk : yahh I am not bunny you shut up.
Rm : stop fighting you both come eat your breakfast.
Then they all ate their breakfast and sope didn't went to office they went to beach.

On beach.

Suga went to take ice cream when he came back he saw tears in jhope's eyes.
Suga : what happened hobi why are you crying?
Jhope : I am just missing my eomma and papa.
Suga : don't worry they are seeing you from sky and smiling but if their son will cry then they will also cry so hobi baby don't cry and smile for your parents.
Then jhope smiled suga gave him ice cream and they both start eating ice cream and suga hugged jhope, jhope put his head on suga's chest.
They both enjoyed seeing sunset and also enjoyed their life.
Taekook got blessed with 2 baby boys and 3 baby girls.
Sope got blessed with 3 baby boys and 4 baby girls.
And now namjin were so happy with their childrens and their grandchildrens.

The end.

This was a requested story by Anika1896

Hope you all liked this story please do comments and votes....→🤌🏻


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