Chapter 1

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I sighed and held my keycard up to the door. Beep. The door opened and I walked in with two big luggages. I observed the room with delight. I took the right bed and put both of my luggage on the bed. We had a view of the Football stadium and everyone walking to dorms. I sprayed my bed down with Lysol and made my bed. I took the right side drawers and put all my clothes in there. "Hey Leo!" I smiled. "Hey mom. Are you in the dorm?" He asked. I laughed at my sons eagerness about everything. "Yeah, my roommate still hasn't come, but she'll be here" I smiled plopping on my twin sized bed with my baby blues backsplash and black polka dots. "Well Grammy took me to Buckingham Palace and we saw the queen, then we went for fish and chips!" he sounded so happy. His happiness was the most important thing to me. "Well I'll see you Saturday, k?" "Ok. Bye Mom, love you" I smiled. I loved hearing those three words, from my son. It has been eight wonderful years since I boarded the plane to come to London. I visited home( Grammy's house) every weekend. Grammy was 78 years old so I got a nanny for Leo. Leo played soccer and had a major crush on a girl, he just wouldn't tell me who it was. The door opened while I was scrolling on instagram. I don't like talking about my past, but Steven had become a billionaire, Lilly had gotten her big break as a singer for 'Big Money Records' Adrian was in the NFL and Ryan was his manager. Married to Britanny, She was a designer. Her clothes were really pretty and I'd bought at least twenty pairs of clothing by her. Everyone was doing really good back home. I'd gotten my high school degree online. Yep, I graduated! Bryan was doing good too. He owned and operated some upscale club in downtown Tampa. A girl with curly hair and hazel eyes walked in. She smiled at me. "Hi, I'm Gabrielle. Call me Gabby" Her voice rolled off her tongue perfectly. I lobed British accents for some reason. "I'm Jazzmine, but you can call me Jazz" Gabby and I sat on out beds talking about the new school and what we hoped to learn. Gabby was here for fine arts. She had an amazing voice. I was here for a teaching degree. A blonde male came in. "Dad just drop my bag there, on the floor" Another boy came in. He had tatoos and blonde hair too. And might I add, very attractive. "Luke! You came" She ran up and kissed him passionately. Her dad cleared his throat and they broke apart. I smiled at that scene. Reminded me of when I was younger. 15 to be exact. Her dad and boyfriend turned to face me. I gaped at them. "Y-You're Niall Horan and Luke Hemmings" They flashed smiles at me. "Oh my Gosh, you guys are awesome I love your music" They had better personalities than Hollywood said. I got hugs from everyone in One Direction and a kiss from Harry. I had no idea that I could talk to Celebs so perfectly. It was a breeze. I had no idea why they were targeted by ET and all those gossip shows. They were awesome. "So where are your parents?" She asked. I don't know why I was packed in and everything but I wasn't one to judge now. I had changed everything about me. "Oh, my parents are gone. My mom died eight years ago and my dad, he um..." I got really emotional and my heart felt like it was going to cry. Have you ever felt like no one knows the real you and you're just standing alone with no one to help you. That's how I was feeling talking about my past. I hated it. "-My dad he um he went home. He helped me pack and everything already. So he left" I tryed to fake a smile. "I'm gonna goto the lounge, you want something?" She shook her head. "We will talk when you get back" I walked down the two flights of steps knowing that no one would take them and I cried. I was homesick but I couldn't go back to my past and I wasn't going back. Ever. I got some soda. "Ahh Sprite" I said watching the bubbles fizz down. As I was walking and looking at my sprite a boy bumped into me causing me to fall and causing my sprite to spill all over me and my hair. "Ouch" I stated blankly. "Sorry miss, are you ok?" he helped me up. "Yeah, thanks" I spoke looking into his dark brown eyes. He had straight brown hair and covering up his eyes was a bang. He was gorgeous, he was stunning, and he was perfect. I could find nothing that should be changed. "Well I see you're new, I'm Gray" he smiled. All teeth were straight and in order and his teeth were pearly white. "Jazzmine, but you can call me Jazz" I smiled shaking his hand. "Well if you wanna hang out one day... Or not, I don't know if you want to or not, but give me a call" He grabbed a napkin from a girl passing by. "Hey" she complained and rolled her eyes. He wrote his number and dorm room. "Wow, coming off a little strong, aren't we" He blushed and smiled bashfully. Who does that remind you of? Bryan. "Well thanks, I'll call you" I said looking at the card. I got more sprite and walked back to the dorm. I threw the napking in a drawrer and placed my sprite on the table. "What was that?" Gabby asked looking at my drawer. "It's nothing, just a napkin" She walked over to me. "A napkin with digits on it!" She took out the napkin and looked at it. "Who's Gray?" She asked smirking. "He's a guy that I met in the lounge" "Is he cute?" I smiled at her. She reminded me of Lilly. Always wanting to talk about boys or anything associated with boys. "Very. But he gave me his number. Kinda weird, I mean we just met and he gave me his number. That doesn't happen everyday" I guess I should be happy. I hadn't really talked to boys except for Leo. He was the only boy in my life. He needed a father figure. I told him that his dad died! Was that wrong?! My worst fear was that Steven and my past would find me, well, us. I wasn't ready for that to happen. Although I missed home, I wasn't ready to go back to a bad life. "Call him" She nudged me. "What? Why" "Because he likes you and I'm pretty sure you will start to like him." She smiled. Gabby had an awesome personality. She was fun, cool and just fun to be around. I could tell we would be friends. "But-" There was a knock on the door. "Its your DA,can we talk?" He asked. Or at least it sounded like a man. I opened the door. "Gray! You're our DA?!" I asked. "Well well well, Jazz you're in 301. You couldn't tell me that?" we both laughed. Gabby came up to us. "So you're Gray?" "That's me" He smoked and shook her hand. Gray is so cute. Whoa! Where did that come from? "So Jazz, I was wondering, if you'd... like to...." He started. Oh no, I hadn't been asked on a date in eight years. Well that sounds like I have no life! "To?" I asked nodding. "Go on a date with me?" He asked rocking on his heels. "Well I'd love to But-" "She'd love to!" Gabby answered for me. "I would?" "Great I'll pick you up later. Say 6:30?" "That'll be great. Bye" I closed the door. "Gabby! What was that for?" I asked her looking surprised. We'd just met and she was already making me go on dates. Maybe it was for a good reason. Leo could do boy things with a man instead of having to go with me. "You looked like you like him so I helped, you're welcome!" Well there was nothing else for me to do. I wasn't gonna stand Gray up. He seemed nice enough and I was new. I didn't want people saying 'Jazz will just stand you up' "Would it help if I made it a double date?" She asked. I was already not wanting to go on the date, but since it was a double date, I guess that would take some pressure off of me. "That'd be great" I said. Gabby walked to the window where her phone was being charged. She started typing to who I'm guessing is Luke. "I'm gonna go tell Gray it's a double date" She nodded not looking up from her phone. "I need the DA" I said playfully knocking on his door. "DA at your service" I smiled. He only had on a white T-shirt and pitch black jeans. I stared at his muscles that looked really amazing in that shirt. "Tonight can we make it a double date?" I asked biting my lip and rubbing my palms together. "Sure as long as you're there" He winked. I blushed at him. He made me smile. A lot. "This date is just as friends right? My dad doesn't want me dating until I graduate" I giggled. He looked taken aback that I'd just said that. Like he was planning on dating me. It wasn't all entirely a lie. If dad was here,he wouldn't want me dating anyone. "Oh, yeah. Just as friends. Nothing more than friends" He said sadly. "Thanks" I kissed his cheek and he smiled big. What am I gonna wear?
"What am I going to wear?!" I asked Gabby. She hopped off of her bed and into our closet. "What about this dress. These heels and these earrings" Black and blue were my favorite colors so I was definitely wearing that. "But what if we go skating?" I asked thinking about bringing a pair of play clothes. "I gotcha mama" I cringed. That was what Steven called me. Well its your first date in eight years.

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