Chapter 14

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I was released from the hospital two days later, but I'd have to take therapy classes so the doctors could keep up with me. Steven closed the door and I took a deep breath. I was so happy to be back here. Steven came up to me, and kissed me. It felt so good to have his lips on mine. I missed Steven's body. I wanted to have sex with him, but, I was too worried about my baby. He moaned and I backed away. "No Jazz. I need you" he whined. I stared at him. "I want to have sex-" he cute me off. "Then let's do it! Come on!" I giggled. "What if I get pregnant?" I asked biting my lip, even though I knew I was. I knew Steven wanted another baby, but I didn't know if I was ready to have another baby. I guess I didn't really have a choice "I want another baby! I want to be a father, I want a child to love!" He kissed my neck, causing me to moan. "Fine, we can have sex, but we're using protection!" Steven carried me into our bedroom, and laid me down gently. He kissed me passionately, while stripping me of my clothes. "You really wanted this, huh" I said in between kisses. "You have no idea" we were both naked, and he stared at me. "Steven put the condom on!" I stated. He grabbed a condom from the dresser, and put it on. He came in hard making me moan loud. It felt so good! "Fuck!" Steven moaned. There was a knock on the door. Steven continued to kiss my neck, down. "Get the door" I smiled. "They can wait! I've wanted this since the last time!" The visitor knocked harder, and Steven trusted even harder. It hurt like hell, but felt good as fuck. "Come on!" I put on my shorts and a shirt, and went to get the door. I didn't know the men. "Um, Can we help you?" The two men smiled. "Hello, Mrs. Newell, we're here too help plan the wedding". I got sick to my stomach. Maybe it was the baby? Or the thought of this wedding. I had forgotten about that wedding completely. I let the two men in, and went to get Steven. "The wedding planners are here" I mummbled. "Really?" He looked surprised, and I nodded my head. How was he confused? He hired them! "They weren't supposed to be here until next week" He walked up to me, as I told him the information. He walked out of the room, and I followed. He peeked around the corner, and looked back at me. "Those aren't wedding planners?!" He whisper shouted. My heart rate increased. "W-Well who are they?!" I whispered. "We just have to get out of here!" He grabbed my arm. "Not before you come with us!" One of the men cocked a gun at us. I sighed,and raised my hands up. "Steven do you owe them money too?!" I mumbled. He nodded, and I groaned following the men. We got in a limousine, and rode silently in the back seat. "How'd we go from having sex, to being held hostage" I stared at him and he erased his smile. "Listen here Newell! Pay the money, so they will never, ever come back!" I yelled at him. He nodded. "Yes, Ma'am" the car stopped, and they asked for Steven to exit. "Be careful" I whispered. I was alone for about two minutes, before a masked man came, and sat next to me. I didn't even look at him. He came a wrapped his arm around me. "What's your name, beautiful" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "Beautiful" he chuckled at me. "What's your game?!" I looked at him when he said that. "My game?" "Yeah, like, what do you do?" I smiled at him. "I ride Steven's dick everyday!" He frowned. "I'm getting.....married, so back off" I snapped. He laughed at me. "What's so funny?" I questioned. I hadn't said anything funny this entire conversation, well not funny for him. "Why did you pause in your sentence?" Oh that. I should've known. Could everyone tell that I didn't want to be married? "I don't know" I sighed. "Could it be that you're not ready for marriage?!" I shook my head. "I am ready! I love Steven!" He stared at me, but I was determined not to look at him. "I didn't say that you didn't love Steven. Are you seriously ready for marriage?" I took a deep breath, and turned to face him. "I honestly don't know. I don't want to let my dad down..... I don't even know why I just said that" I giggled. "What part? The marriage, or your dad?" I sighed. "My dad. We're not really on good terms right now, nor have we ever been. I know he doesn't love me, but I want him to, you know?" I articulated. "Your dad loves you, no matter what you do. He's your dad, he'll always love you" I wiped a tear away from my eye. "No, he wont. He doesn't love me, he's implied it, shit, he's probably said it. We've had so many arguments, that it's hard to tell" I finger combed my hair. "He loves you, no matter what" he smiled at me. I hugged him. "Thank you. I really needed that" the door opened, and Steven stared at us. "What's going on here?!" He yelled. I looked at him, as the man released me. "Thank you" I whispered. "For what?! Did you have sex with him?!" Steven towered me. "No, we were just talking" I explained. Sometimes Steven did the absolute most. He was so jealous of every man I talked to, that wasn't family. "About what?" "Can we talk in private, please?" He shook his head. "Say it here!" I shook my head. "Say it, say it say it!" "FINE! I don't want to get married! I never did!" I screamed. Everyone was staring at me. "What?!" Steven asked. "Marriage is sacred. I love you, but I don't love you" I could feel his heart breaking. "You really want to do that to your dad? You know he needs the money" I stared at him without an answer. "Yeah, that's what I thought" I screamed when everyone left me alone in the parking lot. I finger combed my hair, and cried. Why was my life like this?! I hated my life! Why did all of this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve all of this. Why did Leo have to die? Why, was all that I could say. I needed help. I called the doctors, and luckily I could come in later in the day. An hour to be exact. I sat down in the car, and kept my head down, wishing I hadn't gave that man a hug. Why was I so stupid and careless? We were dropped off at the penthouse, and I went in leaving Steven to converse with the 'robbers'. I locked myself in the bathroom for about five minutes just crying. My life would never be normal! I wanted normal. I didn't want all of this drama. It was like a soap opera. And I was sick of it. No one really loved me, except for Leo. No one had my best interest at heart, but Leo. I had a very selfish family. I walked down to the garage and drove to the hospital. They were already waiting for me, so I could just walk in. As soon as I sat down, I cried. Dr. Beckman comforted me. "Jazzmine, what's wrong. You haven't told me anything, so it's going to be hard on you" I nodded knowing that she was right. "Ok" I stated. "-I'll tell you everything, from my parents keeping secrets from me, to me getting pregnant, and going to London, meeting Gray, getting found, and coming back to the U.S, to my dad and I constantly arguing, to this stupid company, and all this unwanted attention, to me having to get married after my son died! I want normal. I'm not ready for all of this! And.... I'm pregnant" I stated the last part softly. I cried, and thought about everything. "I'm so ashamed" I shook my head. "I was so careful! We used a condom, and I was on the pill" Dr. Beckman rubbed my back. "Sweetheart, no one's life is normal. And you have to realize that before you ever question your life, do you understand that?" I nodded. "And aren't you happy about the baby?" I nodded. "Yeah, I guess" she chuckled. "You guess? You don't sound too happy" I smiled slightly. "I'm not that happy, I don't want a baby born into this world with the way my life is at home. It's too much. Steven will be thrilled" I smiled at the thought of him lighting up when I gave him the news.
Back at home
Steven and Bryan were sitting on the couch drinking beer, and watching basketball. I smiled. "Are you two drunk?" They shook their heads. "Well, I'm going to go take a shower" Steven laughed. "Make sure to bring it back" I rolled my eyes. He was so corny, but I couldn't help but to laugh. I took the drugstore bag out of my purse. I sighed looking at the pregnancy test. I'd taken two, but I wanted to be sure. I paced around the bathroom for ten minutes until the test results appeared. Positive. No! I should've known after the first two were positive. I was going to tell Steven, then my family. I was nervous as hell about this conversation. I took my shower, and when I came out, Bryan was gone, and Steven was in bed waiting for me. I took a deep breath and walked in. I faced him with the light turned off. Remeber, he's happy! He wants this baby! "Steven, I don't know how to... how to say this" I whispered. "Did someone die? Did you have sex?!" I shook my head. "Well, yeah, I mean-" he cute me off. "Is that where you were?!" He asked. "No! I'm- I'm pregnant" he sat up. He didn't light up, I wanted him to light up. Where's the glow? "What? How did this shit happen?!" He yelled. "What?" I asked hurt. "We can't have a damn baby! The company is doing really well!" I turned red with anger. "The fucking company?! This is about your company?!" "This...Is about my company and us! How could you let something like this happen?!" I scoffed at him. "How could I not let something like this happen to me?! It wasn't my fault!" I cried. "Don't cry now! Wait for another nine months when you're delivering this baby!" "I thought you wanted a baby!" I yelled. "Get out of my house, Jazzmine" I'll see you next week at our wedding! I'm changing the date. Come or your dad's house will be repossessed. I'm don't paying his bills" I stared at him. "You're so selfish!" I spat. "My dad has done nothing but be kind to you, and this is how you repay him?" He called for some man, and a big, buff man came in. I gasped and looked at him. "Take her out" he grabbed me and led me out of the penthouse. I didn't have my phone, or any money. I needed to make a call to Ryan, so I racked up enough money to call him on a payphone. Ten minutes later, I was in the warmth of his car. "Steven kicked me out, that's why I called" I explained. I wiped a tear away from my eye. "What happened?" He asked. I didn't really feel like talking, so I just sighed and looked out of the window. "You know Jazz, you don't have to get married to Newell" Ryan spoke. I looked at him. Was he serious? I didn't know, but I honestly didn't care either, so I blurted out, "Really? I don't?!" He chuckled and shook his head 'no'. "You know dad needs the money" I looked at my nail. "So dad finally told you what the money was for?" He nodded. "But what has dad ever done for me? I mean why should I help him?" Ryan stopped at the red light, but didn't answer my question. We drove in silence the rest of the ride to his house. "Bri's gone out of town, so it's just us" I nodded. "Now, come tell your brother what happened at your penthouse" I sat next to him on the brown leather couch. It was soft and comfy. "Ryan, please don't be mad at me!" I cried. He pulled me into a hug, and stroked my hair. "I wont, just tell me what happened". There was a long period of silence before I said anything. "Ryan, I'm pregnant!" I cried. Ryan looked at me before getting up, and walking away. I followed him. "Please, can you be on my side! Just this once! Everyone's turning their backs on me, and I just need someone by my side!" He stared at me with hurt eyes, before saying, "How can I be on your side? You keep letting this happen!". He was right, but it wasn't my fault. "I'm sorry! But you're my brother! Please, Ryan.... I need you" he nodded, and closed the door. "No" I whispered. If Ryan wasn't on my side, then I had no one. I'd be alone for the next nine months. I went to the couch, but there was a knock on the door. I went to open it. Dumb move. It was Steven. I wiped my tears away quickly. "What you thought coming over here would solve anything?!" He yelled. I was so confused. "You told me to get out of the house, so I called Ryan" he walked himself in the house, and closed the door. "Jazzmine, sometimes you annoy me to a point where I can't take it anymore" he squeezed his temples. "What do you mean?" "How could you let this happen to us?!" He yelled again. I scoffed. "It wasn't my fault! You contributed in this as well!" I stated. "So you're saying this is my fault?!" Was he dumb? I never said anything about this being his fault. "I never said that! It's both of our faults! We both contributed!" He pinned me on the door, and got all up in my face. "You're not gonna have that baby!" He spat. I slapped him! "You're not telling me what to do!" He threw me on the floor, and hit me! I was screaming in pain. I slapped me, hit me, and punched me in the stomach. "You're going to hurt the baby!" I complained. That didn't stop him! I didn't want to think this way, but something told me, that the baby was going to die. Tears were rolling down my face. He punched my stomach again, this time with so much force, that it felt like my period cramps, and I had bad period cramps. He finished the abuse my slapping me repeatedly. Where was Ryan? I couldn't even get up to fight back. I was in so much pain. Steven walked out of the door, and I laid on the floor crying. I couldn't get married to him! He'd abused me. Steven walked back in the house. He stared at me. I could tell he had been crying. "You're only like this, because of your biological dad" I whispered faintly. "But you don't have to be, because I still love you. I know this isn't you, you're just scared, hurt, and confused....just like me" the last thing I saw, was him crying. Darkness
I woke up in a hospital bed. I looked at the mirror directly across from my bed to see scars. Lots of scars. I looked horrible! My face was unattractive, and I looked ugly. All I could think about was why Steven had done what he did, and why Ryan never came to my rescue. The door opened, and a small nurse walked in. She didn't look happy, so I frowned. "Mrs. Newell" I cringed. "-I don't know how to say this, but, you lost your baby" My heart stopped beating for about five seconds. "W-What?" I cried, as the nurse comforted me. "I'm there anything we can do for you?" I turned red with anger. "Arrest that son of a bitch, Steven!" I gritted through my teeth. "He did this! He deserves cruel punishment! And my brother Ryan! I know he heard my cries for help! Both of them deserve to go to jail!" The nurse stared at me and walked out of the room. Five minutes later, dad walked in. "Hi, darling" I waved at him, and he took a seat. "What happened?" He asked. I explained everything to him. He got really pissed off at me for some reason, just because I said I was pregnant. I didn't feel like arguing, so I wasn't really yelling like he was to me. "Dad for once, I wish that you'd love me! Ryan and Adrian get all of your love, and then there's me. I'm your daughter! Daddy's little girl, gets no love from her dad!" He stood up, and walked over me. "Sometimes you can be so stupid! Ryan told me what happened, why you're here" I looked at my lap. "Did Ryan tell you that he didn't help me when I called for help?!" I spat. I was pissed off at Ryan for doing that! I thought I could trust him, but I was mistaken. "-Guess you didn't do a good job at raising us!" He stared at me. "God! I did the best I could! Your own parents didn't even want you!" I looked at him. "What do you mean my own parents didn't want me?" He stared at me, and I at him. "I'm adopted?!" He nodded. "But.." "We got you one day after you were born" he explained. "Why didn't you tell me? Who are my real parents?" "I didn't tell you because you were too young to understand!" I scoffed at him. I was a legal adult. "What do you mean? I'm twenty three years old! I could've handled it at thirteen! I'm not a baby!" I hollered. I was so frustrated with him, and all his bullshit ass answers! "You wouldn't have! You got pregnant at Fifth teen!" I rolled my eyes, and threw up my hands. "You keep going back to that! I apologize for embarrassing you, ok?! I'm sorry for the shame I brought you and the family, but I can't take that back! And I'm glad I didn't, because I actually loved my child, and he really loved me. More than you and mom did to me!" He stroked his beard. "You're so dumb Jazzmine! We loved you alot, we loved all three of you, even though you weren't apart of our biological family! We didn't raise you right, or something, because you're not the daughter we planned for, or even hoped for" I had to catch my breath. I couldn't believe he just said that to me! It broke my heart to hear him say that. It broke my heart that we had this relationship that we had. It hurt my heart that every time that I talked to dad, we'd have an argument. "Get out!" I gritted. "About time!" He walked out slamming the door. I screamed in the pillow, letting all of my anger out. My phone rang. It was a Facetime. I didn't want to accept the call, but I felt like he'd make me feel better. I faked a smile and pressed the green button. "Gray, hey!"
1 week later
Lilly smiled at me, and gave me a hug. "You look beautiful! I can't believe you're getting married!" I smiled slightly. "Jazz, are you ok?" She questioned. I nodded. I couldn't tell Lilly what happened. I didn't want her to know. I didn't want anyone to know. About the baby, or what Steven did to me, and especially about me being adopted. There were just some things that even best friends couldn't know about. "Just a little nervous" I lied. She smiled at told me she was going to take her seat. I was in the room all alone. I looked at myself in the mirror. For the first rime, I looked beautiful. I smiled at myself. "I am beautiful!" I told myself. I continued to stare at myself. I saw mom in the reflection. She smiled at me, and I smiled at her. "I love you" she smiled, and I couldn't see her anymore. I had her wedding dress on. It was beautiful, and I know she slayed when she got married. There was a knock on the door. I took a deep breath, and walked out. The sanctuary was crowded with our family and friends. The ushers opened the door for the flower girl, and ring barer. When everyone was out, and they were waiting on me, the ushers opened the doors again. I kept my eyes on the preacher the whole time I was walking until I was at the alter. Steven smiled at me, but I kept a straight face. Anyway, no one objected to our marriage, sadly, and we kissed, I am now Mrs. Jazzmine Newell. Steven and I sat at the long table at the head of the room. Everyone was laughing, and talking except for me. I was playing with my salad with my head in the palm of my hand. The dj played songs that I didn't even know, but all of Steven's family danced to it. After the dance, Steven's mom and dad walked over to me. "Hello, Jazzmine" they greeted. I smiled at them. "Hi, Mrs. And Mr. Newell. How are you?" I feigned. I suddenly had a new found hatred for both of them, just because they adopted Steven, and because they didn't stay in Dallas. "Jazz you're part of the family. Call us mom and dad" I smiled and nodded at them. Steven walked up to me and smiled. "Hello Mrs. Newell, would you care to dance?" I scoffed. "Would you care to leave me alone?" He frowned. "What did I do to you?" Was he serious! Was he this fucking dumb to where he didn't know what he did? "Are you serious?! You've ruined my life! You had to move to Tampa Bay after one night of liking me! You got me pregnant! I had dreams, and goals and aspirations! You ruined them!" I shouted. "You loved me! You were the one who got the most excited when I moved here, and fucked you!" He yelled with the same amount of force. "You killed both of my babies!" "And I apologized for it! God, you can't hold grudges against me forever!" We were both yelling at each other with full force. "You can't tell me what to do!" "You're my wife! I'm the man, and you're the woman!" I shook my head. "I hate you so much! Gosh, I didn't even want to marry you!" I stated. "Yet you did" I stomped my foot to where my heel broke. I took both of them off, and threw them at him. "I hate you! I hate everything about you! I wish I never met you!" I shouted walking out the door with everyone's eyes on me. All I heard before I left was, "I hate you too!" I stormed out of the building. It was no one outside except for me, and a statue. "Some party!" I screamed. It was Kingston. "Go away! You weren't even invited here" he smiled and handed me a card. "What's this? Does Steven owe you more money?" I asked dryly. I knew this was a trick, and I wasn't gonna let my guard down. I did the last time, and Kam was killed. "Yes, but I had to bring a gift. I'm sure you'll love it" I opened the card envelope. "I couldn't go another day, without telling you, happy marriage day?!" I laughed. It was the funniest thing I'd seen all day! "Well if laughter was my present, I loved it!" He smiled. "Open the card" I obeyed his saying, and gasped. "Really?!" He nodded. "It's all yours" I held the card up to my heart. "Are you scamming me?" I asked softly. If this was a scam, I knew I'd cry in front of him. I couldn't take anymore bad news in my life. "No, it's real. I got it this morning.... oh and this" he handed my another sheet of paper. I gasped while laughing. "This- This is real?" He nodded. "Cops should be here any minute, to arrest him. Happy marriage day, love" I hugged him, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Two seconds later, the cops drove up. Their lights nearly blinding me, since it was three cars. "Hide" I nodded, and went behind a brick wall and watched everything unfold. Steven came out yelling, and cursing at the officers. "What did I do?!" He yelled as I giggled softly. This was hilarious! "Steven Newell you're being arrested for Welsh, and domestic violence. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court!" I smiled without showing teeth. This was a dream come true. "I never abused anyone!" Liar "Not even one with the name, 'Jazzmine Anoa'i- Newell'?" I stood still. What would he say? Most likely he'd lie. "No! That's my wife, where is she?!" He yelled, as Kingston walked up to them. "On a flight to London as we speak" he smirked at Steven. Steven turned red! "You did this, you bastard!" Kingston smiled at the officer. "This is from the victim's brother. The cameras in his house. He was in the shower when all of this happened. He has sound proof walls, and his bathroom is in the very back of the room, which is why he didn't hear anything" My mouth took the shape of an 'O'. Now I was feeling ambivalent about this! Steven was put in the car and he started the car. "Wait!" I called, but they didn't hear me. They were gone, and Kingston stood beside me as our visitors walked out. I had completely forgot about our wedding. I stared at Kingston. I heard murmurs from everyone, as they looked to me for more details about what happened. I stared at the road. "I'm leaving" I smiled. "I'm won't ever be able to thank you enough! Thank you!" I laughed. I hopped in the car that Steven bought for us when we left for the honeymoon. I was free! I was actually happy! I'd be back in London! It was what I finally wanted, and I couldn't be happier!

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