Chapter 7

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We walked into 'The Tavern'. It was a small coffee and sand which shop. "This is the last place on Family Day! What would you like to eat?" We'd been to the beach, to the movies downtown and now here. "Uh, just some tea. Thanks" I smiled. We were discussing our wedding, and... "Here you go, Jazzy" he sat across from me. "So about our wedding" he started. A petite brunette woman came to our table with a note pad and pen. "Jazz and Steven, may I ask you some questions?" I nodded and so did Steven. "Just a few" Steven noted. She nodded that time. "So in the next 7-10 years, where do you guys see yourself?" Steven answered. "With 7-10 kids living happily and wealthy" He squeezed my hand. Seven to ten kids?
"Um, ok " she smiled. "-How's Leo doing? Where is he?" I told her that he was at home with Amber, the maid, who was watching him for the day. "Ok and for the last question, when's your wedding?!" She smiled. "In two months" she looked at me when Steven said that. "Uh, yeah. In May. Summertime wedding" I smiled. She nodded. "Well thank you for your time. Enjoy your dinner" and she left. "Um, Steven. I need to tell you something about-" "About this food?! Isn't it great?!" He interrupted. "Yeah, you chose a great place" I nodded running my fork over the lettuce covered in ranch dressing. "Come on, its getting late" The loft was down the street.
1 week later
"I do" Lilly smiled. "You may kiss the bride" Brian and Lilly kissed. It was hard to believe that just eight years ago, they were high school sweethearts. Now they were married. I clapped along with all of the guests. Lilly's parents walked in, looking snobby as usual. They sat on the back row. Lilly turned around and frowned. "Its ok" I reassured her. She looked at me with watered eyes. "Lilly...." I said. She ran off down the aisle. I followed her along with Bryan and Steven. We found her shoes outside the Women's restroom door. I went in. "Lilly, are you in here?" She came out of the handicap stall. "Jazz, they're here to disdown me. I can't tell Bryan while they're here, it'll start mess" I looked at Lilly's stomach. She hasn't really started to grow yet. "Lilly, you'll be fine. Talk to them, work everything out. Make them like Bryan" she dabbed her eyes with tissues. Brian walked in along with Steven. "Uh can I talk to Lilly alone guys?" Brian asked. Steven and I walked out of the restroom. The crowd was getting rowdy. Lilly's dad looked at his watch and then at his wife. We had to do something fast, and I knew exactly what. I ran down the aisle and grabbed a mic from the podium. "When your legs don't work like they used to before, and I can't sweep you off of your feet. Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?" Steven stood at the back of the church. "Darling I will be loving you til we're 70. And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23" I smiled at him while he walked up to where I was. "So honey now, take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars, place your hand on my beating heart. I'm thinking out loud" we sang staring into each others eyes. I felt fifteen all over again. Hr dropped his mic and pulled me close. Ryan walked up and separated us. I smiled. "I love you" I stated. "I love you too" Lilly and Braun came back down the aisle. "The reception is next door everyone. The party starts in 5"
I sat in a comfy white chair picking at my chicken. I watched Brian and Lilly slow dance with each other. I smiled. I remembered back to when Lilly and Brian danced at the freshman and junior dance with each other. The robot, running man, and mashed potato was all apart of it. It was so funny. I wasn't there in person, but thanks to social media, I got to see it. The song ended and Lilly grabbed a mic. "Brian, I have some exciting news to share with you!" She gestured for him to sit in a chair. He did and she ran to the table behind them. She grabbed a small box. "Open it" she smiled. He did. He gaped then stood up. "I'm gonna be a father?!" She nodded. He picked her up by her waist and kissed her. They were so happy. I smiled. "This is preposterous! You got her pregnant?!" Lilly's dad and mom walked on the floor. "Mom, dad please. This is my day, we'll discuss this tomorrow" lilly said. "Mr. And Mrs. Brooks, you're having grandchildren. Isn't that exciting for you?!" Brian asked. "I suppose it could be, If you weren't our son-in-law." Lilly's mom stated dryly. "Mom, dad, can I just be happy for one hour. Please?" Lilly pleaded. Her mom grabbed her purse and held Mr. Brooks' hand. They walked out after saying, "We gave you everything and you have the nerve to ask us for happiness?!" Lilly lowered her head. Brian touched her and she flinched. He frowned and walked over to our table. "Could you talk to her?" I nodded and left Leo plating on his phone and Steven talking to Brian. "Lilly, why are you acting like this?" She looked at me. "Jazz, I just wanna be happy again. I want them to love me again" she cried. I took her hand and we walked out into the foyer. "Lilly, they will always love you. They're your parents" she sniffed. "And now you have Brian, so the happiness can stay with you the rest of your life" I smiled. She stared out into the dark night. "I need to be alone" she articulated. I nodded and walked into the party room. "Jazz" Brian ran up to me. "What's wrong? Where is she?" I smiled at him. "Calm down, she's fine. She just needs some time alone, that's all" he sighed. I honestly felt bad for Lilly and Brian. They already were expecting a baby and Lilly's parents were making her life very stressful. "Jazz what am I gonna do? I wanna give her the world and I'm already fucking up. I don't wanna loose her" She walked back in and walked up to Brian. "I'm sorry Brian, are you ready to cut the cake? I'm starving" Brian chuckled. "Whenever you are baby girl" they walked over to the table Lilly in front and Brian giving her a backwards hug. The cake was really good. At about 11:00 Leo, Steven, and I left. Leo was asleep in the back seat. "So about our wedding" Steven said after a long awkward silence. I gulped. "What about it?" He chuckled. "Oh, my Spotify playlist is ready!" I smiled slightly. "I'll give the DJ this!" I played a song. Got me doin something I ain't tryna do. This boy yeah this boy I turned the song off quickly. "I was gonna say, I think we should..." His phone rang. I closed my eyes and thanked God we were at the building. "Leo hurry up and wake up" I shook him violently. He woke up and complained. I took a shower and jumped in bed in twenty minutes. Steven came in the room without a shirt on. I blushed and he chuckled. "Good night mama" he said. "Night, love you" "I love you too" and then the light was off.
Darkness... Darkness.. Darkness
I closed my eyes yet couldn't go to sleep. "Jazz?" Steven asked. I quickly shut my eyes. I didn't want to talk. I had an interview tomorrow. Super Salad declined me because I never showed up. I was gonna work at Steven's company since I couldn't find anywhere else I wanted to work. Steven told me I didn't have to interview, but I told him it was necessary. "-You awake?" Silence I smiled to myself.
7:45 am
I woke up with a pep in my step and a smile on my face. I walked into Leo's room. "Wake up, Leo. Its time to get up for school" he slowly sat up. I walked into the bathroom and curled my hair, put on a white buttoned down shirt and a black short skirt and a pair of closed-toe black heels. I topped it off with red lipstick. Finally I put my hair in a ponytail. It was 8:35 am when I walked out the rest of my family was sitting on the couch. Leo texting someone, and Steven staring. "You look beautiful" Steven kissed my cheek. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" he had on a fresh, ironed, crisp suit with a white shirt and a black neck tie. "Mom, you look like Beyonce!" I giggled. "Thanks Leo" my phone buzzed. "Leo, let's go" he stood up and gave Steven a hug. "Bye dad" I smiled. Steven hugged him back. "Bye son. Love you" I was happy to see they were getting along really well. He called him 'dad'. That warmed my heart. We walked out of the building. "Are we walking or driving?" The school was only 5 minutes walking distance. "Let's walk and play truth or dare" I nodded and we bagan our journey. "Truth or dare?" I asked him. "Truth" "Is it true that you like that girl Taylor, I think?" He nodded. "Yeah she's very pretty, I think so at least.... Truth or dare?" I tapped my chin causing him to laugh. "Dare!" We stopped in front of the school surrounded by kids running, laughing, and talking. "I dare you to dye your hair turquoiseand cut it to your shoulders!" My hair was to my back and I did not like the color blue. My favorite color was mint, and he knew that. "You little sneak" I laughed. He hugged me. "I'll see you at 3:30 mom. I love you" I smiled and gave him a hug. "I love you too" and we parted our separate ways.

"Well, you have a pretty good résumé, Ms. Anoa'i. When can you start?!" I couldn't believe it! I had gotten the job. A good paying job. One where I didn't have to work overtime without getting paid. I was so happy, I wanted to cry. "I can start today, right now!" He nodded. "Ok, could you step outside while we discuss something?" I nodded and walked out. Steven walked up to me. "How'd it go?! Did you get the job?" "Yes!! I'm so happy!" He chuckled. "I knew you would. You're amazing Jazz.. Or should I say new computer development thing you?!" I smiled. The employer walked out of the office. "Ms. Anoa'i, were gonna need you from 11 am to 5pm Monday through Friday. Is that ok?!" I frowned. I have to get Leo but 3:30 everyday. I told them that, and that's when Steven joined in and I was glad he did, or I would've lost the job. "Relax Jazz, I can pick up Leo. Take this job" I took the job and an hour later I was working. I introduced myself and everyone introduced themselves. I noticed one man looking at me, well staring at me. "Is- Is there something on my face?" He laughed. "No, you just look like someone I went to highschool with. She left eight years ago, she probably died. No one ever saw her again. I'm sorry" he shook his head. Was this? No! "Was her name Jazz?" He nodded. "And his name was..." We stared at each other. "Cam" we said in unison. We hugged. No one said a word, no one giggled. It was a silent hug that lasted for about 40 seconds. We let go. "We could've needed you in our competitions" he laughed. I smiled. "Cam, thank you so much for saving me from here. I was in London. What happened to me was the best mistake I ever made" he smiled. "Glad I could contribute" I looked over at the door to see Steven gesturing for me to come here. "Ok, You need to go now. Its 2:45 but a lot of parents get there early to get their kids first. Are you taking the car or walking?" He shrugged. "The car" his phone buzzed. Then rang. He answered. "Give me 5 minutes Aubrey" he hung up. "Don't let him sit in the front seat, and don't text or call and drive" I warned. He nodded and kissed my cheek. "Love you babe" "love you too"and he left.
I clocked out. I had a pretty good first day of designing new technology and developing new technology. They were ideas, but we could use them. My manager told me he'd ship them to the head of design and it could be the new watch for Steven's company. I had called him multiple tines and Leo, but got no answer. I left a voicemail. "Steven, I've called you and Leo a combined of thirty times. Where the hell are you?!!" As I was walking out of the lobby I looked up at the television, since everyone had watered eyes and closed eyes. I read the caption: Millionaire Steven Newell and son in hit and run car accident My eyes began to water. "-Yeah... I'm just getting word the one was seriously injured the other will manage. Grace Martinez Chanel 6 news" I fell to my knees. Leo was seriously injured. I just knew it.

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