Chapter 10

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I drove to McDonalds. "Can I get a hash brown, and a sausage biscuit" The voice told me my total was $2.34. After getting my food, it was 7:15. I drove back to the house and sat. I scrolled down my timeline. There was nothing interesting. I stopped at Lilly's picture. It was of her and Brian in Hawaii. They were smiling and Brian held her stomach. I liked it. The clock struck eight, just as a car pulled up. "Stay her Kam" I rolled the windows down for him. It was a grumpy, stubborn man who got out of the car. He put the open sign out.i grabbed his hand and shook it. "Hi my name is Jazzmine Anoa'i. I have been looking at this house and I want to buy it" I smiled. He looked at me up and down. "Sorry Miss" he said and I frowned. "-I will not let you buy this house" my eyes began to water. "What? Why not?" I really wanted this house. I wanted to call it my home. "Miss. We don't sell houses to.... Women" so sex the reason I couldn't buy this house? "Mister I don't think you understand. I -" "No Miss. I don't think you understand. We reserve the right to object service from anyone, including you" I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him close to me. "Let me buy this house, or else" Another car pulled up. I put him down. "Ah, Mr.Jackson. Back again I see" the salesman said. He chuckled. "Here to buy the house, Mitch" I gasped at 'Mitch'. "Come on in" the men were about to walk inside the house. I stopped them. "How come he can buy the house? I was here first" I whined. "Mr. Jackson was here yesterday, and told me he wanted to buy it. If you'll excuse us Miss" they walked in the house. I walked back to the car with a quivered lip and head down. I began to cry. Kam licked my face. "I'm sorry, boy" I started the car, and drove back to the penthouse. I had 45 minutes until I had to be at work. After I got dressed, bI fed Kam, and gave him some water. "I'll see you later on tonight" I closed the door. I walked down the hall to the elevator. As I pushed the button, there was Kingston, standing tall and looking as sharp as ever. "Hey, cupcake" he smirked. "Why are you here?" I asked. The elevator dinged. "Whoa there cupcake!" He stated. "-Can't I just come to say hi?" I stared at him. "I heard about what happened when you tried to buy your house" I frowned. "Are you stalking me? Because if you are, I swear I'll get Steven and-" he cut me off. "Relax Princess-" I stopped him that time. "I thought I was cupcake" I mumbled. He began to laugh. "You like that name don't you... Cupcake" I smiled. "I've grown to like it" I admitted. I looked down at hi pocket. I could barely make out the words, but when I did, I was pissed. "Would you like me to buy the house for you?" I erased my smile. He put on an expression of confusion. "I don't need you to do anything for me. I can do it on my own" I turned and walked into the elevator. He followed me, and the door closed. He stopped the elevator. "What are you doing?" I asked. "What's with the sudden mood swing? We were laughing and then you went all mean on me." I knew what he was trying to do. He was just like everyone else. I pulled out the sheet of notebook paper from his pocket. "Cupcake, I-" "Save it!" I snapped. I read the paper. It had the penthouse's address on there. "Woo her, and fuck her!" I began to cry. "Cupcake, I'm so sorry... I-" I cut him off. "You just didn't know I was gonna read the paper! You were gonna drug me.... Basically rape me!" I yelled. He came up to me. "Get the hell away from me!" I shook my head. I don't know what came over me. I felt like he was different. Turns out he was just like Steven: rich and sex hungry. "Cupcake, don't let this experience with me ruin a relationship for you. I don't want you to go around not finding your true love because of me" I looked at him. I shook my head, and made the elevator go back to moving. "Stay away from me.... Don't ever come near this penthouse again, Mr. Kingston" I walked out to the garage, and walked to the car. "Kingston, I don't need you to buy me a house. I can do it on my own" I drove off into the light. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth. I listened to Ariana Grande: My Everything. That only made my heart feel heavy since the death of Leo. It basically had the same message, but Ari was singing about an ex. I went 34 over the speed limit, and made it to work in ten minutes. I parked and got out. I was late, as usual. I walked up to my floor. They were having a meeting. I wiped my eyes, and watched as Cam smiled at me. "Steven, I mean, Mr. Newell gave me my job back" I stated awkwardly. My supervisor Mr. Monfort smiled. "Have a seat, Ms. Anoa'i" I sat next to Cam. He smiled. "It was really lonely without you" I shook my head. "Well everyone went about two years without me, I'm sure my absence wasn't really affecting anyone." He frowned and I turned to look at my supervisor. "Everyone, the company is looking to build new technology. They want us to fix all the errors and mistakes, so can everyone please be here at ten a.m. Tomorrow." I sighed. Cameron looked at me. "Jazz did something happen?" I wanted to cry. I wanted to freaking cry, so I did. "I'm tired yof people taking advantage of me! I have a heart of gold, but men only see a woman who they want to be in a bed with. I get it, I'm thick, but I didn't ask to be that way. For once I want a man to just love me for who I am. Like if we never had sex, he'd still love me, and stay with me. I have other great things to offer. I'm educated, and I have morals. I'm not just some girl who's gullible and stupid!" I was the only woman in this department. It was obvious why I got the job. Because I'm Steven's wife. That was it. My interview was probably rigged. "I'm only here because I'm Steven's wife. I don't belong here. I'm not good enough for this job!" I cried. Cam hugged me. "Jazz you're amazing at fixing computers. Remember in computer club?" I looked at him. "You made fun of me when I joined computer club" he looked down, and back up at me. "I did, and I'm sorry. It was the dumbest thing I've ever done because you're an intelligent, beautiful, and smart woman" I sniffed. "You're like the only one who thinks that" "Jazz-" I cut him off. What I said next surprised both of us. "If I committed, no one would care. No one loves me. I just want to feel loved, by someone..... Anyone" Cam took me outside into the foyer. He hugged me. I cried, and he never let go. I never wanted him to let go of me. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. He was doing something no one had ever done for me: comforting me. It felt weird, in a good way. The elevator dinged and a group of people got off. "Cameron, I have to go... Right now" I explained. "Jazz, just don't do anything crazy, ok?" He said. I walked into the elevator and turned to face him. "I'll try not to" the doors closed and I took out my phone to text Gray. Let's meet up😌. I slid my phone in my purse. It buzzed. Gray😭🙈 Sure where at? Anywhere. It took him ten minutes to respond, but we finally met up at his apartment. Parker was out job searching, and Gray had got a job at Tampa High, my old high school. He opened the door and I flung myself onto him. "Jazz are you ok?" He asked. He led me to the couch. I buried my face in his chest. He kept his arms around me. "People only like me for sex" I cried. "Not me Jazz" he smiled slightly. "-I like you for you" There are very few people who only like my personality. I told him that. My shirt was covered in mascara and eye shadow. "Here, go take a shower and by the time you get back, I'll have popcorn and a movie on" I smiled. "I don't have any clothes" He got up and I followed him. "I hope you don't mind wearing men's clothing" I laughed. "I don't" he held the clothes to him. "You gonna give them to me?" I giggled. "Oh right" I took the clothes and walked across the hall to the bathroom.
Gray's POV
Parker walked into the house. "Did you find a job?" I asked. He nodded. "Walmart and T-Mobile" I congratulated him. I bent over to get a movie only to realize, Parker was gone. He probably went to his room. I popped the poco rn, and got the movie Aladdin for us to watch. Two seconds later I heard a scream. I ran to the bathroom, to see Parker with his hands over his eyes, and Jazz with a crooked bath towel around me. "I'm covered" she mumbled. Parker removed his eyes. "Jazz, you ok?" She nodded. "Can I have to the bathroom to myself again?" I looked at Parker. "Of course Jazz. I uh, I got the movie" I smiled awkwardly. I kinda caught a glimpse of her naked. She was just as beautiful. "Ok, I'll be out soon" I closed the door. Parker glared at me. "Why is she here? Every time I turn around there she is" I didn't say anything, instead I just walked past him. "I'm leaving!" He announced. "Be my guest" I mumbled. "You know what? You're the worst step brother ever! I can't believe my dad married your mom!" I watched him put the key on the island and walk out. I sighed. I looked to see Jazz peaking around the corner. "I'm sorry Gray" she spoke softly. I smiled at her. "It's ok, love" her phone rang just as I was about to give her a hug. We looked down together. I sighed when I saw the name: Steven😩😍🙈 She looked at me. "Excuse me" she walked down the hall. "Hello..... I'm at a friends house... I was born here..." She sighed. "It hasn't been the best day for me.... An hour?... Do you even care about me? I've had a very bad day... It doesn't matter what happened, I don't wanna leave the house tonight..... No I'm not....." There was a long silence. "Ok, Steven... I love you too" she sniffed and hung up the phone. She wiped a tear away and turned around. "Gray I gotta go, I'm sorry. Maybe we can do it next time?" I nodded. "See ya later"
Jazz's POV
"You just don't take my feelings into consideration, do you?" I yelled. He fixed his tie in the hall mirror without paying any attention to me. He finally walked to me to say one thing: "Go get dressed". I gaped at him. "G-Go get dressed? I'm not going" I sat on the barstool. "What do you mean you're not going?" He asked. I could tell he was getting upset. "I'm...... Not..... Going!" I stretched out. "Yes, you are! Go in that room and put your dress on!" He demanded. I sat still. He walked over viciously, and grabbed my arm. "Ow, Steven! Stop!" He smirked and threw me into the room. "Get ready" he said sternly. "No! I'm not going to get ready" he slapped me really hard. "Ok, I'm getting ready" I held my face. "Good girl" he walked out. I went to close the door. "No, leave it open" my eyes widened. "Chop chop" he clapped. I took of my shirt from Gray. I was surprised he didn't say anything about it. I then took off my pants. The dress was gorgeous. It was blood red, and around the waist had sequins. I put on my black heels, and walked out. "I have a little surprise for you when we get back" he smirked. Yes!!' "I don't want sex Steven" he frowned. "Baby, I know you. You do want sex... Just as much as I do" I bit my lip. We walked out into the garage. We took the red Lexus. "Baby, I was thinking about changing our wedding date until December" I nodded. "That'll be fine" I looked at the center of his pants. Perv. It was sticking up. Stop, stop stop! "Pull the car over!" I demanded. He did, and I went straight for his dick. He gasped. "Jazzmine!" I was just as surprised as he was. I unfastened his seat belt, and unzipped his pants. I pulled his Calvin Klein boxers down. He moaned, and moaned. "Couldn't... Ah... Couldn't wait for tonight?" "Not at all daddy. Not all all!" "Jazz, we gotta go" he said. I frowned, and licked the tip one more time. "Drive then daddy" he smirked at me. "And you ride" Oh my gosh, that was the best thing ever! I was ready for this dumb press conference to be over so I could go back to business. He stopped the car, and we got out. "Here, let me fix your lipstick" I smirked. "Most of it is on your dick" his eyes widened. I walked in front of him. "Your ass looks good in red" "Yeah? Your dick looks good in black" he caught up to me, and we walked. Steven ran off as soon as we got in the building. The place was full of rich, snobby people. Some of them came up to speak to me about Leo. That made me very sad, because when people mentioned him, I felt depressed. I missed him, a lot. "I'm sorry dear" one lady said. They were all the same condolences except for one. "Did Steven explain how the accident happened?"an elderly man spoke. "Yeah, it was a stop sign, and-" he cut me off. "Darling Steven was on his phone, and the kid was in the front seat" I gasped. "How do you know?" I asked. "Darling I was the crossing guard" I held my head down. "Are you sure?" I asked. This was very serious. Steven probably killed my son because he couldn't get off of his phone? "I have the video footage from that day, in case he tried to sue me" I watched him. It was all true. My eyes began to water. A younger man who looked exactly like the older man came up to us. "Dad, the program's starting!" He took the man. "Can you send me that?!" I gave the man my phone number and five minutes later, I had the video. I couldn't believe it. Steven had lied to me, and killed my son. The lights began to dim and I sat at our table. Suddenly I was glad I came here. Steven probably would have never told me that. He walked on stage. I saw multiple cameras around the stage and a screen that to.d Steven what to say. I stood up and walked on the wall until I got to....
Stevens POV
I sighed. "This way Mr. Newell" the man called. I followed him. Something felt weird. I felt I was loosing a connection with Jazz. I felt as if no matter how many times I said 'I love you' it wouldn't mean anything. They were just words without any meaning to them. They signaled for me to walk out. I put a. Smile on my face. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen! My name is Steven Newell, and I'll be your host for the eighth annual millionaires awards." They clapped. "-In 2015, Harold D. Jones had a vision to start this extraordinary awards ceremony, and I am proud to say, that his legacy continues, even after he did not. So let's get started with our first nominations!" Jazz ran up on stage. She took the mic out of my hand. "Jazz, what are you doing?" I mumbled. She walked to the center of the stage. "Are there any security people here tonight" someone yelled a yes. "Good, Sanjay, before you play the tape, let me say something" what is she doing? "Steven Newell, I love you with all my heart, but after some very heart breaking news, I hate you! I wish we never had met! You've been lying to me and everyone else for about two months now" she looked down with tears in her eyes. "I hate you" she said softly, but loud enough for everyone to here. "Play the video" I looked at the screen that showed me and Leo in the.... "Turn this off!" I yelled. I looked at Jazz who was crying all the way now. "Stop this right now! Turn the damn thing off!" I yelled. "Get her off the stage" I demanded. Two guards came and escorted her off. "No! He killed my son! Arrest him.. Arrest him, please!" She yelled. She was out of the building now, and everyone had just seen the crash. My eyes watered, and I squeezed my temples while looking down. The only thing you could hear were my sniffles in the mic. They told me we were going on commercial break. I nodded, and walked off the stage. I had five minutes exactly to find Jazz. I yelled her name. No response. Iran my fingers through my hair. I heard soft talking. It was Jazz. "Dad, of course I love him.. I just... I'm just shocked at what happened" she wiped a tear away. "Dad, I hope you don't mind me saying it, but I miss mom" she cried. "I wish she was still here, to help me... And comfort me... And to love me" I felt my heart break. She had a lot going on in her life. I could barely hear her dad, but I caught a glimpse of what he said. "Jazzmine, before she died, a couple of weeks before, she told me 'I won't be here forever, and if our kids aren't politicians, or doctors, I hope they do the very best that they can. I hope no pain ever hurts than to where they can't complete their dreams'" he said. I turned to walk back into the building. I heard Jazz say one thing that stood out to me. "Steven is the pain I can't seem to get rid of. No matter how hard I try, he'll always mess up. Dad he killed our son. I don't know how I'm gonna forgive him for that." My heart sunk. That was how she felt about me. I shook my head. Whatever! Fuck her, I don't need her! I walked back into the building. "I'm not doing this" I told the producer. He stared at me. "We can't get anyone else at such short notice!" "Find someone" I stormed out. Who gave her that video? How did they get it? I saw Jazz hug an elderly man. I wasn't going to go up there, but instead eavesdrop. "Thank you Mr. Reynolds. I would still be a part of his lie if I hadn't met you" she smiled. "No problem darling. And I'm sorry about everything. I lost my youngest daughter, Paris, to texting and driving. It's gonna hurt, but it'll make you a lot stronger" he smiled. I looked down at the velvet carpet. "I know, thanks for the video, and all of your help!" So that old man gave her that. I walked over to them, and punched him in the chest. He fell to the ground. "Steven!" Jazz hit me. She checked for a pulse. "I swear to everything I love, if you killed him..." Her breathing began to change. They were shorter, faster breaths. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. I don't feel anything! Steven check it!" I sighed and went to find his pulse. Shit "I,uh... I don't feel it either" her eyes watered. "What are we gonna do?" She asked. "I can go give you that surprise I promised" I smirked. She rolled her eyes. "Where's his family?" "They said they'd be right back! I- I don't know where they went" she cried. I opened my arms for her. "No! I don't want to be around you! You killed Leo, and this old man. I hate you!" She screamed which only made me madder. I'll show you hate
Jazzy pov
He walked up to me viciously. "I'll show you hate, baby girl " he dragged me into the car, and drove off. He was going twenty over the limit, which made us get home in five minutes. He got me out of the car. "Close your eyes!" "What?" I asked. "Just do it!" He carried me bridal style. I closed my eyes, until he set me down. We were in the house. He took off my dress. I hit him! "I don't want sex from you!" I spat.

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