Chapter 13

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"Which dad did he put on the paper?" I asked. "Malcolm Johansson" Steven's real dad. His name was Malcolm? Steven never told me his dad was dead. "How do you know his dad is dead?" I asked Kingston. "Because Steven and I used to be business partners. And that boy... What was his name?" He tapped his chin. "-I can't remember his name, but he looked like you" Kingston articulated. I sighed and leaned back in my chair. It hit me. He looked like me! Who told me that, who told me that? I snapped my fingers rapidly. "Cameron! I don't think we look alike"  Kingston smiled. "That was his name, and you do! Anyways, Steven, and Cameron got into it, and that was that. We all went our separate ways. Now Steven and I compete over who can get the most money, and I don't know what happened to Cameron" "He works with me" Kingston's phone rang. He excused himself, and I laid my head down on the table. This was stressful especially for me. I've been trying to hack into the company forever. Steven never stays gone long enough for me to do it. I covered it up by giving him sex, telling him I was on Amazon and everything. Hacking into the company would be easy, finding the time would be hard. Now that I think about it, I could've been doing that right now. I got up and told Kingston I had to leave. As I drove home, I wondered if this was really what I wanted to do. It could be bad in the end. A loss of jobs, no money for families, and Kingston.... I swerved into the other lane at 123 mph. I put my foot of the gas, and zoomed back to the Starbucks coffee shop. "Are you playing me?!" I asked him. He stared at me. "Are you trying to destroy Newell Technologies?" I asked almost yelling. I had to stop myself from yelling. This was Starbucks! He didn't answer so I walked out angry. I knew it.

************ Gray's POV
"Rose can you please stop!" I complained as my little sister rummaged through my fridge, searching for something to eat. "There's no food here!" She plopped on the couch next to me. "Ok, let me just finish this, and then we'll go get something" I shook my head. She looked over my shoulder, and onto my phone. "What are you doing?" She asked in her beautiful British accent. I thought she sounded like me. We both had what sounded like the same voice. I didn't answer, so she took my phone. "Rosalie! Give me my phone back!" I chased her around the living room, until I tackled her onto the couch. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. "You're going back to London? What are you going to tell Jazz?" I sighed. "Look, don't tell anyone, ok? I'm gonna take Jazz on a date tomorrow night, and drive us to the airport, where we'll meet you guys. Before you know it, we'll all be on our way to England!" I explained. "Have you discussed it with Jazz? What if she doesn't want to leave? You can't force it" I sat on the couch. "Trust me, she wants to leave" I said as Rose and I walked out of the apartment.

************* The next day************
Jazz had agreed to dinner, at seven. We met a steakhouse downtown. She had on a knee length, red dress, that sparkled when it hit the light. "Wow, I don't know how you got passed Steven with that on, but you're surely not getting passed me" She raised her eyebrow and sat at the table. "So how was your day?" I asked her. She threw her hands up in the air. "Oh my gosh! Hectic! I hacked into Newell techs, and.....I mean, I helped Steven." I chuckled as the waiter brought our wine. He walked away, and she looked at me. "Gray, this place is expensive, are you sure you can afford it?" She asked with panic in her voice. I nodded. "Only the best for you, Jazzy" I winked. She blushed and looked down. "Well I'm not ordering anything expensive!" She told me. I rolled my eyes playfully at her. "Get whatever you want" there was a long moment of silence, before I said anything. "You wanna take this to go?" I smirked. She pulled her sweater over her boobs. I licked my lips. "Gray!" She exclaimed. "-Stop it right now!" She rolled her eyes as the waiter brought our food over. She thanked him, and took a sip of her wine. "Jazz, I called you to this dinner to discuss this" I slid the plane tickets across the table to her. She almost spit out her wine. "Gray" she coughed. "-I can't just pack up and leave.... I-I have things I have to do" I frowned. "Like what? Get married to a man you don't even love? Ruin a company? Make a company look bad? Oh yeah, that's something everyone wants to do" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. "I have a life too you know? And when I tried to leave, you told me not to? What's the change of heart?" She said as the waiter brought our food. "Thank you" she smiled. It was amazing how she went from mad at me, to smiling at the waitor, to back being mad at me. She amazed even myself sometimes. "You don't even like it here!" I yelled. "If you wanna go back, go back! I didn't force you to come here, anyway!" She shouted standing up. I stood up too. "I followed you here because, I-" I  stopped. "You what?!" I shook my head. "I'm leaving!" She yelled as she walked away
Steven's POV
There was a knock on the door. I ran passed my dog to get the door. I regretted that I ever opened it once I saw Kingston. I tried to close the door, but he opened it. "Can I help you?" I asked bitterly. I hated him, I didn't want him bothering me when I wasn't at work. Jazz walked through the door, and stopped when she saw him. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I came to talk. Why can't I ever visit you guys anymore?" I shook my head and walked up to him. "Save it, Kingston! What do you want?" He smirked. "As you know, we're about to release our new tech watch" he smiled at me. "We don't donate to charities, or unsuccessful businessmen!" I spat. Jazz gasped. "Steven, that was so mean!" Kingston nodded. "Better listen to your wifey, she knows her shit" I stood with a questioned look on his face. "You owe PacMan alot of money, Newell. You haven't paid him, and he's upset" He wasn't here was he? I didn't have his money! "Who's PacMan?" Jazz asked. A big, tall man came in with a gang of men. They were all vicious. I was surprised that Jazz hadn't made them to leave by asking alot of questions. "I am" he yelled. As soon as he said that, all the men pulled out fully loaded guns. "Ah" Jazz shrieked  burying her head into my chest. She held onto me tightly. "Tony, please... Give me a couple of more weeks, I'll have the money, I promise " I  spoke nervously. "-Just please don't shoot" they cocked their guns which made me panic. I was scared to death. I knew what was going on, I knew who these people were, and everything, but, I'd just figured PacMan and his homies, had forgot about me owing them money. "Times up, homie" he yelled. Jazz grabbed onto me. She was crying at this point. I was even more terrified. "Wait!" I called out. "-Let Jazz go. She hasn't done anything!" One of the men came over to us, but she was too afraid to look. I lifted her up. "Babe, it'll be ok. We'll be fine, go with him" I  reassured. She shook her head and cried. "No....No, I don't know him. I don't trust him, what's going on?" I kissed her. "I'll explain it later, just go with him, please" "But what about you? What if they kill you?" She sobbed. Jazz was so emotional. I know she  hadn't cried in a long time, and now I know it felt good to her, it was probably  somewhat relaxing. "I'll be fine, just go" she shook her head. I guess at this point, they were tired of us, and the man cared Jazz out kicking and screaming, and yelling "No!" The door closed and locked.
Jazzys POV
I used my leg to kick the man as hard as I could in his balls. He fell, and so did I, but I ran to the door. I kicked it, I bung on it, I even tried to find the spare key, but I never found it. I could hear gunshots from outside the door. I felt like this was a nightmare! I had to be dreaming! In two seconds, I'd wake up. "One, two" it was still happening. The masked man grabbed me, and held onto me tighter than before. We got on the elevator and he stopped it. "Who are you, and why are you here?" I cried. He didn't answer. "Are they gonna kill him?" He looked at me for about two minutes before saying, "I don't know" I slid to the corner of the elevator, and placed my head on my knees. Why did this have to happen? I felt the elevator move upward, and once the elevator door opened, I ran out. PacMan and his crew were gone. I heard whimpers from outside the door. I kicked it down, and ran inside. "Oh no, Kam" I bent down to him. He had been shot in the side. I scratched behind his ears to calm him down, and he licked my foot. His eyes were closing, so I knew what that meant. About three seconds later, Kam died. I took a deep breath and went to find Steven. "Steven?" I called. No answer. "No!" I ran from room to room trying to find him. I found him in his bed tied up, bruised, beaten, and shot. "Steven" I shrieked. He looked up at me and winced. "Jazzmine!" He moved a strand of hair behind my ear, and wiped away a tear."I called an ambulance, they should be here soon" I whispered. Besides having Adrian and Ryan protect me all the time, they taught me what to do in case of an emergency. "Baby, I'm sorry" his eyes closed. I shook my head. He wasn't going to die on me, not like this. "Don't say that! Help is on the way!" He shook his head without saying anything. "No" I cried. A group of men came in and put Steven on the stretcher. "Take care of him!" I yelled as they walked out of the penthouse. I wiped away my tears, and followed them. He's gonna be ok, I told myself all the way to the hospital.
"I want someone arrested! They came into our home and shot my fiancee, and killed our dog!" I gritted through my teeth. These officer didn't understand a sing word I told them.... that or they were just dumb. "Ma'am, we're trying to figure this out, can you give us more details?" The bald officer asked me. I swear I could've choked him! What did he not understand?! "I told you, it was Kingston! He came to our house, and insulted Steven. Then Pacman came in, they took me out of the house, and onto an elevator. When I returned to Steven, he was shot! Please, I'm begging you to just find out where they are!" He nodded as Kingston walked up to me. "No, this is him! Arrest him! This is Kingston" "Ma'am we have no evidence on the case yet, no arrests came be made until proper procedures are done" he announced. They walked off, and I cried. "What's wrong cupcake?" He smirked. "I hate you! I hate that I trusted you! I should have stayed away!" I cried. This was all my fault. I should've left Kingston alone. If I had, none of this would even be happening! I'm a terrible wife. "It's not your fault cupcake-" I stopped him. "Shut up!! I don't wanna hear it! Just leave me alone! Me and Steven!" I yelled at him walking back into Steven's room. He was asleep. I sat down in the chair overlooking the entire city. It was beautiful, especially this time of night, everything was lit up. I looked back over at Steven. "I'm so sorry I let this happen to you" I whispered. I'd never felt more disappointed at myself in my life. Steven didn't deserve this, I did. I was the one who went behind his back and deceived him. I should've been the one laying in that bed. He opened his eyes. "Jazzy" he said faintly. I smiled slightly, and walked over to him. "Hey baby, how are you?" I played with his hair. He told me he was doing fine, and that he just wanted to go home. "Hey Jazz, do you think we could ever have a baby again?" I stared at him shocked that, that was on his mind. "Uh...I don't know, I mean, maybe, but not right now. I'm not ready" I explained. "Ok just think about it. I....I want another child" My stomach flipped. I hadn't thought about another baby, I didn't even know if I wanted another baby. I was still hurt and confused about what happened to Leo. I didn't think I was ready to have another human being in my life. Steven wasn't ready either. Both of our schedules were too busy. I nodded. "We'll see"
"Baby, are you sure you're ready to go back to work, it's only been two days" I didn't want Steven to go back to work. I was scared that Kingston or PacMan would come back here, and I'd be all alone, since Steven let all the staff go so we could be alone. He tied his time and kissed my forehead. "I have to mama, it's and important meeting today, and I have to be there. Think about it, our future child will need the extra money one day!" We walked out of our room together. "Future child? I mean, we'll be fine! You don't have to go work extra! Stay here!" I yelled with more panic than I thought I was going to use. I sighed. "What if they come back? I'm scared" I cried into his chest. He sat me down on the counter and wiped my tears away. "Don't be scared,mama. They won't hurt you, I'll try to come back after my meeting, just lock up" he grabbed his briefcase, and headed for the door. ", don't leave me alone, please!" I screamed. "I love you" he told me as he walked out. I was all alone. Immediately, I locked the door. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. If I'm gonna be here alone, I'm gonna need a knife. I thought, so I got one. Just in case they decided to come back. The phone rang, and I jumped. "I need to calm down" I mummbled. I was gonna be ok, I believed I was. It was Ryan. "Hello?" He chuckled. "Hey little sis, I'm here with Adrian. We were wondering if we could come over" I scoffed at him. "If this is an attempt to get me and dad to talk again, then it's not gonna work" I gritted through my teeth. I was never speaking to my dad again, not until he showed me the respect I deserved. Adrian smacked his lips, and I rolled my eyes. "Fine, you got us, no dad.." there was an awkward silence which I broke. "You two can come over, but if dad is with you, don't even bother" I stated sternly. I wasn't allowing dad to come into this house, or into my life, anymore. "Fine, we're on our way" I smiled. "And bring food!" I ended the call and went to the bedroom. I placed my phone down and looked at myself in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes from losing sleep, and I'd lost weight. Alot of weight. Most of my clothes were too big. I wasn't eating like I used to. Ever since Leo died, I haven't really been in the mood to eat. I was ugly. What happened to me? I used to look so young and beautiful. I didn't deserve this! I loved Leo to death, but I wished we'd never had sex that night. I hated my self for letting that happen to me. I wish I had a normal life. I wish none of this ever happened to me. It wasn't fair. My life was so hard, for no reason! And it was only gonna get harder. My phone buzzed. iMessage: Gray: Hey Jazz! I didn't respond, instead I cried. It wasn't fair! Why did God take away everyone I loved and leave me with this hard ass life? I loved God, but it seemed unfair how I had to miss out on prom and graduation. There was a knock on the door. I expected it to be my brother, but I was Gray. I rolled my eyes. "Uh can I come in?" He asked. "I thought you were in London?" I folded my arms. "I didn't go. Jazzmine, it's gonna be different from now on, because I want you to know that I-" Ryan and Adrian came up behind Gray. I wiped my eyes and forced a smile. "Uh, so I guess I'll talk to you later" I nodded. Gray looked at my brothers, and then at me. "Bye Jazz" I waved and let my brothers come in. "Trouble in paradise?" Adrian joked. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I was too upset to say anything. Ryan stared at me. "Jazz are you ok?" He asked with concern in his voice. I wasn't gonna tell him what was wrong, but my tears fell and that was it. "Dad was right, dad was right!" I cried into Ryan's arm. "About what Jazz?" I cried harder. "About me! About me!" I sobbed into his arm. I didn't want to say what happened, but I couldn't hold in my emotions. I just couldn't. "What did he say?" He asked softly guiding me to the couch. "About me getting pregnant! Leo was a mistake! I loved him, but he was a mistake! I had a good life! Why was I so stupid?!" I cried. My brothers embraced me in a hug. "Jazzmine, Leo was the best thing that ever happened to you" Adrian spoke. I shook my head. "I know, but think about how much better my life would be. I'd be happy! I'd have an easy life! I was a terrible mother! I couldn't even provide food for him most nights!" Ryan looked at me. "But he still loves you anyway, right?" I wiped a tear away. "Yeah, he did, in fact, he told me that he loved you that day we all went to lunch" Adrian interrupted. Ryan sighed. "Jazz you shouldn't feel that way about Leo. He's not here anymore, but you still should love him." I sat quietly. "What made you feel this way?" Adrian asked me. I looked at my fingers, and wiggled them around for a bit. "I'm ugly" I stated bluntly. "Jazz you're beautiful. You'll never be ugly to us" I stood up. "Well I don't care what you guys think!" I yelled. "I'm ugly! Both of you just, get out!" Ryan grabbed me. "No, I'm afraid you'll try and hurt yourself! I'm not leaving you here alone!" A few hours passed, and I went to sleep. Adrian and Ryan were gone by the time I woke up, and Steven was sitting at my feet. "Jazz, are you ok?" He embraced me in a hug, and I pulled away. "This is all your fault! You got me pregnant! None of this would have ever happened if I would've stayed mad at you! Why did you have to come over that night?!" I yelled walking into the bedroom. I closed and locked the door and looked in the mirror. I grabbed the lamp and held it in front of my face. "I fucking had everything!" I screamed throwing the lamp into the mirror. Steven jiggled the door handle. "Jazz calm down! You're going to hurt yourself! Stop blaming this on yourself!" He said through the door. "Why was I so stupid?!" I threw a stilleto at the mirror. Glass was everywhere. All on the floor and the bed. I took a piece of glass and held it by my wrist. The door opened as I said, "I don't deserve to live" Steven jumped on top of me, making the glass fall to the floor. "Mama what's wrong?" He asked with sadness. Well I was sad too! My whole life was sad! I'd never been happy a day in my life, everything I did was a bad decision. "I'm depressed Steven. No one loves me anymore. No one loves me" I cried.
Ryan's POV
Adrian and I walked into dad's house as he happily greeted us. "Hey guys, what brings you here?" Adrian and I looked at each other then at dad. "There's something wrong with Jazz" Adrian expressed with worry. I nodded and waited for dad's response. "Well of course there is!" He laughed. "Dad!" I yelled sternly. "-We're serious! She thinks Leo was a mistake" he sat at the barstool for a good ten seconds with no response. He finally said, "Of course he was! Jazzmine was irresponsible that night, and so was Steven! She could've had a college degree if it weren't for that Steven" I couldn't believe he said something like that! It was heartless and mean. I was really worried about Jazz, and I didn't know what happened to her. I'd never seen her like that before, I was scared for her and Steven! She might try and kill both of them. "How- How can you say that? Leo was our nephew, and....he was your grandson. We didn't know him that long, but we still loved him, he loved us! He loved you" Adrian articulated. My phone rang. It was Steven. "Oh my God!  Please no" I thought as I answered the phone and got the news. "Jazz just tried to commit suicide" I stated airy. Dad stared at me. "Why's she overreacting about this?!" I felt my body heat up very fast. I couldn't believe he was saying this! It was an important issue. "Dad this is serious! She could've killed herself!" Adrian nodded. "She's your daughter. You should go see her, we're about to you can ride with us" he suggested. "I don't want to see her" was all he said. "Ok, some dad you are" I stated in disgust. Who didn't want to see their own child in their time of need?!
Adrian and I got to the hospital twenty minutes later. We saw everyone. Lilly, Brian, Steven and Gray. Bri was on her way. I walked over to see Steven biting his nails. "Why aren't we in the room visiting her? How did this happen?" He stood up. "She doesn't want to see anyone. She's been battling depression for at least  six years now. She never told anyone. I guess now she couldn't take it anymore." My heart broke. I couldn't believe that. I never thought about depression. "Why doesn't she want to see us?" "The doctor told us that she's embarrassed. She didn't really want any one to come visit her" I sat distraught at the news I'd just recieved. My little sister battled depression. I walked over to the nurses desk. "What room is Jazzmine Anoa'i in?" I whispered. "Room 123, down the hall by the snack machine" she whispered back. I walked with money in my hands to make everyone think that I was going to by a snack. I opened the door to see her half asleep. She covered her fae with the blanket when she saw me. "I don't want you to see me" She stated. I walked over to the bed. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked. She looked at me and a tear fell. "I was embarrassed! I didn't want anyone to know" I wiped her tear away. "I'm your brother. You can tell me anything" she nodded. "I'm wanted to tell you, I just couldn't." She paused. "Ryan, Leo didn't deserve me" She cried. "I was a terrible mother! I had to work four jobs to provide for Leo and Grammy. It got to me! The bills were towering over me. We were about to lose the house! And I just couldn't handle it. I started drinking! Drinking was how I lost my baby" I hugged her. "You were having twins?" She nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I stressed you out in high school! This was all my fault" I appologized. She hugged me this time. "It wasn't your fault. You protected me. Alot more thing probably would've happened worse than this if you and Adrian weren't so protective of me" She smiled slightly. I gave her no response, instead, I looked at the oak wood floor. "Hey, don't beat yourself up about this. It's not your fault" I stared out of  the window for five minutes, and when I turned around, Jazz was asleep. I chuckled quietly, and kissed her on the cheek, before walking out. Steven stood in front of me, with a look of worry on his face. "She's fine. She's asleep now, but when she wakes up, remind her how important Leo was to her, how much she loved him. Tell her the he was a blessing, not a curse, because that's what she thinks" I nodded and walked away.

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