Chapter 16

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My vision was blurry and all I kept seeing was spinning. I heard yelling and screams, but didn't know what was going on. "Jazzmine!" Someone yelled. My eyes closed and darkness surrounded me.
Steven's POV
"Who was shot?!" I yelled into the phone. I couldn't even handle my business without those idiots ruining something. "Well figure it out!" I hung up and grabbed my gun. In order for this plan to work, everything had to be in order! I sped off to the penthouse and rushed upstairs. Glass was on the floor, blood and a gun. Two men were examining my bathroom guard. "What the hell happened to him?" I shouted. "Jazzmine slit his wrists, sir" I threw my head back in annoyance. "Where is she now?" They pointed to the bedroom and I made my way there. I pushed the door open so hard that Jazz flinched. "Don't hurt me, please!" She pleaded. Her eyes were bloodshot red and she was sitting on the edge of the bed. I walked up to her and grabbed her by her neck. She was steady gasping for air. "What the hell did you do?" I yelled tightening my grip. "I slit his wrists" she stated slowly, but fast enough for me to understand. "Did he slit your wrists?" She said no and begged me to let her neck go. She fell to the floor taking all the air she could. "I'm tired of you fucking up my life! You're good for nothing!" She looked up at me. She didn't look hurt, or melancholy at all. "I didn't want this! I was forced into this! If you don't love me, let me go to find someone who does!" I slapped her. "You're out of your mind! No one will love you more than I do!" She spit in my face. She was actually fighting back. That wasn't good for her, but perfect for me. "You don't love me at all!" I pushed a strand of hair from in front of her face. "You're right, I don't" I pulled out a black police officer pistol and pointed it at her. "If you're gonna kill me" she stated looking up to me. "-Do it now" she wanted to die? I didn't understand. Well I did actually. She was being tortured here. "You're going to stay here! You're going to live and you're not going to change that!" I yelled. "Why?!" She hollered loud enough for me to hear. It was probably as loud as her voice could go. "-Why should I stay alive? There's nothing left for me! I failed my family and friends, I lost my kids, and I haven't finished school, so I can't get a good job!" I stared at her. I hadn't seen her smile in a while, or look genuinely happy. She laid down and said. "Please, Steven" I felt my heart break, and I needed to escape from the room. "You'll be fine!" I stated as heartless as I could and slammed the door. "Let's go" I yelled at my men. They all followed me and I left one to look after Jazz. "Don't give into anything she says! This is supposed to be torture for her, so don't be courteous or nice to her at all, got it?!" He nodded and I walked out of the house.
Jazz's POV
I sighed wondering when all of this would be over. We'd just gotten married and he hasn't shown he's loved me; he even said it. I cried myself to sleep and awoke at about ten in the morning, only to find I wasn't at home. I was in some warehouse looking room. "Hello?!" I yelled. Someone put their hand over my mouth scaring me to death. Black masks, black turtleneck, black pants, black shoes. They covered my mouth with duct tape and covered my eyes with a blindfold. "Good morning, beautiful" I heard Steven say as he kissed my cheek. I whimpered and shifted my body to the right. He chuckled and I could feel him smirking. "Don't worry babe" he whispered in my ear causing my body to experience chills all over. "-I'm not gonna hurt you" I breathed harder and his hands began to roam my body. "Stop" I tried calling out but it came out muffled and low. He took the blindfold off of me and I looked at him. There was now a computer screen and two men standing in the room. "Jazz, I know you were working with Kingston to destroy my company" I looked at him as he circled me. "I'm going to ask you if it's true, even though I already know the answer. Tell me the truth and nothing bad will happen; Deny and someone will die" my heart skipped two beats. Die? "Did you work undercover with Kingston to destroy my company?" I don't know how he expected me to talk with duct tape over my mouth. As if he was reading my mind, he ripped the tape off. "Ow!" I winced and glared at him. "Why are you doing this? What's this for? Huh? You wanna be a knock off version of Christian? I'm not going to play Anastasia any longer!" I yelled. He slapped me. His slaps seemed to get harder and harder every time, and every time, I'd have bruises on my face. "Answer. The. Question!" I looked at him and the guards he hired. "Ok, fine! Send them out" he spoke into a wallow talkie. I arched an eyebrow and saw a frightened Lilly with her husband. "No!" I gritted. "-That's your brother! She's carrying our niece or nephew! You wouldn't dare kill them!" My voice cracked. I couldn't believe Steven would stoop this low and evil to get to me! I watched as the masked men tied them up. Why weren't they fighting back? They needed to save themselves, and my niece or nephew! "Watch me. Now you have 1 minute to tell me: Were you working with Kingston to destroy Newell Technologies?" I couldn't answer. I was so scared and I wanted to save them! I tried opening my mouth to say 'yes', but I couldn't! I opened my mouth, but the words wouldn't come out! "Ten seconds, and Lilly dies. Your best friend Jazz! Your best friend will die because of you!" I began to cry. "I-" "Shoot her!" He yelled. They kicked her chair down and shot her! I screamed. I felt the words coming out now. They should've came out fifty seconds ago! "No! Lilly I'm so sorry!" The masked man shot her again. "She's dead! She died because of you!" Steven yelled. I kept shaking my head. No! She wasn't dead. She couldn't be. I didn't believe it! I've lost too many people! People that I've loved more than myself. It wasn't fair. I couldn't lose anyone else. "Now tell me beautiful" he kissed my cheek. "-Did you work with Kingston to destroy my company?" I gasped. I needed air. I couldn't breathe. "Have it your way then!" He smirked. "Do it" he commanded. "No! I worked with him! He came to me and told me everything! Just please don't kill him!" I stated as fast as I could. "Stop!" Steven called into the walkie talkie. He lifted me up and walked me to a white van. They threw me in and I cried. Lilly died because of me! I was the worst best friend ever! I left her all alone for eight years and I wasn't there when she needed me. I punched the floor with all my strength. "Fuck!" I yelled. I allowed all of this to happen. I'm such an idiot! I couldn't blame anyone else for all my burdens in life; not even Steven. Everything was my fault. I should have listened to dad. Steven wasn't the love of my life, I shouldn't have had sex with him. Even though Leo wouldn't have existed, I was fine with that. I sounded so heartless, but it was true. Adrian and Ryan kept my protected and I didn't appreciate that. I wasn't even their real sister, and they treated me like I was. No one could ever replace their love that they gave to me. Working with Kingston caused Lilly to die and lose her baby. All of this was my fault! I didn't have real parents or know my biological siblings. I was tired of the heart break and the tears, I wanted to see myself smile and love myself again. I had so much confidence before I turned fifteen. I showed so much love to everyone, and no one showed love to me. My pitty party was interrupted when the van door opened. A gun was pointed at me, and I put my hands up. "Come on, bitch!" He yelled. I hurried as fast as I could to get out and not get hurt. It took me a while for my eyes to get used to the light, but when they did, I had no idea where I was. "Where are we?!" I asked. No one said a word. "Answer me! I'm not going anywhere until you do!" I stopped. This sudden gain of confidence would either help me or hurt me. I really hoped it would help me, because I needed it. "We're in Orlando! Come on!" He yelled. We walked into the Omni Orlando Hotel. It was five star and had marble floors. The man smiled at the desk lady and she nodded her head. "Help me" I mouthed to her. "What?" She asked. I said it out loud and my bodyguard looked at me. He chuckled. "She's about to get it tonight!" He winked. I shook my head and he dragged me to the elevator while I was screaming 'no!'. "You're gonna get it when we get up there" he told me as the elevator door opened. I walked inside not having the strength to run away. I'd just do whatever they told me until I gained my strength again. We made it to the 15th floor and walked to room 1435. I took a deep breath and walked in alone. "Why aren't you coming in?" I asked. He was the guard. I was terrified to walk into the room alone, because it was so big. It was a suite! A kitchen with marble counters and a stainless steel fridge was to the right of me, and to the left a colossal bathroom. White marble countertops and white tile floor gave the bathroom it's look. The bedrooms were across from each other; one on the right and one on the left. And in the middle of the room was a spacious living area. I walked into the bedroom and saw a note on the bed. "Hey Jazzy, it's your baby Steven! I have a surprise for you when I get home ;)" I sighed and threw the note on the floor. The bed looked so comfy, and soft, and warm. I shook my head and laid down. It wasn't long after that, before I fell asleep.
I was sleep for at least two hours before I heard Steven yelling from outside the door. I panicked and stood up quickly, causing my head to spin. I straightened up the bed and placed the note back on the bed. I was too high to jump out of the window, and there was nowhere else for me to go. I grabbed my iPhone and slid underneath the bed. The door opened and someone shot someone. I tried to catch my breath and stay silent at the same time. "Where is Jazzmine?" Steven yelled. I held my breath. They passed the bed. "I don't know. Maybe she went to explore the hotel!" It was Tony. Did he see me hiding under the bed? Was he helping me? Well he was, but why? "They told me she was dropped off at the room. She's in here!" At that moment, I hated iPhones forever! Siri came on saying, "Sorry, I didn't get that" in her little annoying voice. I put my hand over my mouth. Steven walked towards the bed and I began to sweat heavily. "That was my phone!" Tony stated. It got quiet. "She's under the bed" Steven stated. My heart rate increased, and my hands got sweaty! Oh my gosh. Steven bent down and we were eye to eye. He pulled me by my hair until I was standing up facing him. I looked at Tony and then back at Steven. "Tried to be sneaky, huh?" I nodded and he wiped a tear away from my eye. "That is a huge no no, Jazzy" he punched me in my face. My eye felt like it was bleeding and bruised. "Steven-" he cut Tony off. "Your job is to protect us, I don't need your input on this!" I never took my eyes off of Steven. "Go get ready for Adrian's game." He told me. I nodded and walked into the bathroom. I had a black eye! I was not going out with this. I walked out of the bathroom and saw him sitting on the couch with Tony. I took a deep breath and walked into the living area. "Steven" I stated quietly. He looked at me and so did Tony. "Didn't I tell you to get ready?" He got up angrily. "Yes! I am, I just have this black eye and I don't think I should go out with it uncovered" he walked over to me and I stiffened up. He touched my eye, and I winced. "Put some sunglasses over it! I asked you to get ready, that's what you need to do" I didn't argue with him or anything. I grabbed the sunglasses from my purse, and changed clothes. In about thirty minutes we were walking through a throng of paps who kept snatching pictures. "Jazzmine, are those glasses designer?" "How do you feel about your brothers team being the second best in the league?!" "Where's Gray?!" "What's going on with Lilly?!" "Is it true that your dad is homeless, and it's your fault?!" I looked at the reporter and so did Steven. "Yeah!" He laughed and lead me over to the door. My heart broke, and I wanted to sit down. They car pulled around to the front and I walked around to the passenger side. "Jazzmine!" One of them yelled at me snatching off my glasses, revealing my black eye. I quickly covered it and Tony ran over to me. "Tony!" I hugged him quickly. "Fucking Bitch!" I yelled at the reporter, and hopped into the car. Hopefully no one saw it. I sighed and closed my eyes. I can't wait to see my family. When we got back to Tampa, we were lead to our suite. It had a long lack leather couch, and flat screen on the wall, and a refrigerator filled with only one bottle of champagne. We put our things down, and went to go see Adrian. As soon as I saw him, I ran over to him and embraced him in a long, warm hug. I cried into his soldiers and he rubbed my back up and down. "Did you miss me that much?" He chuckled. I nodded not wanting to speak. After about two minutes, I finally said, "I love you" he smiled and said it back. "How's dad? Where is he?" I asked him. I knew I said I didn't love him, but I did. I loved him with all my heart. "He's doing ok. He's looking for a job, but he's at Ryan's house" I smiled. At least he was doing good. "How are you?" He asked smiling. I pushed my sunglasses up on my face and lied and said, "Great! I-I love it" I stuttered again! He was going to know that I lied, but he didn't say anything! I don't know if it was because of the game or what, but I was happy that he didn't. Steven told me to come back with him, and I gave Adrian a quick hug, and wished him luck. When we got back to the suite. He sat down on the couch and I walked out to view the field. Ground suites were way better than up high suites. The camera crews were getting ready and the teams were throwing the balls, running and going over plays. I sat in the bar chair and looked down at my fingers. They were the only thing on my body that didn't hurt. I thought about Gray. I smiled and remembered all of our memories. Gray and Leo were in the family room playing Just Dance 2016, while Grammy and I were chopping potatoes to go in our beef stew. We were all laughing and smiling at the boys try to dance. Grammy touched my hand. "He's the one" she smiled. "Grammy how do you know that?!" I giggled blushing. "Leo's happy and I haven't seen you this happy in a long time!" I looked at Gray and was trying to reconnect the controller. I laughed and nodded. "He probably is". Turns out, Gray was the one. I remember the time it was pouring down raining, and we had left the dorm. He held me tight under his Cars 2 umbrella. I had got the flu, and he stayed to take care of me for a week even though I was a complete pain in the butt. The next week he got the flu, and I took care of him. Tony came over to me scaring me out of my thoughts. He apologized and told me to come back into the room. I sighed and walked back in to see Steven sitting and talking to a man, that I didn't know, or had ever seen before. He introduced me to him as, Gabriel. I shook his hand and sat next to Steven awkwardly. He wrapped his arm around me and stroked my cheek. I shuddered and looked to see that they were singing the national anthem. I excused myself and walked back out to my seat viewing the field. Tony was also there standing with his hand over his heart. When the song was over, Adrian came over and gave me a hug. Several cameras clicked and flashed before he went back to the huddle. "Is that your brother?" I nodded. "I miss them" I let a tear roll down my cheek. This was hell! I wanted happiness! Why was everyone else happy, but me? Tony sensed my heart break and walked over to me. "Are you ok?" I shook my head. "I want to be happy! I'm tired of this! The abuse, the lies, everything!" He sat next to me, and didn't say anything to me until halftime, when he asked if I wanted something to eat. He brought me chicken strips and fries with a Sprite. I was starving so I ate all the food like there was no tomorrow. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my pictures hurting myself even more.
"Hello, dad?" I answered. He didn't know how happy I was to see his name pop up on my phone. "Hey, Jazzy. What's up?" He was trying to sound as optimistic as he possibly could, but he wasn't doing a good job. "I'm about to go to bed. What are you doing?" My voice continued to crack, but I kept telling myself to stay strong; for him and for me. It wouldn't be long until the good in all of this happened. "I'm about to go to bed too.... I miss you" and Thats when the tears started to fall from my heavy little eyes. "Dad! I miss you too! I don't know what's going on. I-I wanna come home! I wanna be there with you and Adrian and Ryan!" Tony was staring at me. I didn't want his pity, I wanted to leave here. "Jazzmine listen to me!" Dad interrupted. I sniffed and let him talk."You need to be strong! This is almost over. I shouldn't have made those choices I made, maybe I'd still have a home" I turned red. This wasn't his fault! It was Steven's! "No!" I screamed. "-Don't say that! I can't do this dad! I want to come home!" I cried. Dad sniffles and cleared his throat. "It's ok to cry, dad. It's ok" I reassured. "Dad I don't know if I can stay strong anymore. I don't even know where I am. Please come get me. They're torturing me here! I'm scared they're gonna kill me!" Tony sprinted to take my phone. "Dad! Dad!" I screamed. The last thing I heard was , "Jazzmine where are you?!" And a click sound. Tony looked at me and threw my phone on the floor. I shrieked. "Please all my picture are on there! My picture with Leo, Grammy, Gray! Everyone!" I cried. He looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "I haven't save them to the cloud!" Was the last thing I could say before he stomped on my phone and little glass pieces flew everywhere. I cried looking at my broken phone. All those memories were gone! I never got a chance to develop them. My text messages! I couldn't say a word. I just sat there with my eyes on the phone. "I'm sorry, I'll see-" I turned red with anger! I was furious and wanted revenge! "Get out now!" I screamed. "Jazz I'm.. it's my job! I-" I was furious with all of these people! I wanted them all dead! "I don't give a fuck about you or your damn job! This is sick! Why would you sign up for this?!" Steven pushed the door open so hard that if fell off the hinges and broke. "I'm not afraid of you anymore!" I yelled to him. I got up from out of the bed and slapped him! I was feeling extra bold and savage right now! I was like Beyonce, and Rihanna's daughter! I ran until I got to a front door of a house! I was in a house! Maybe a neighborhood! I opened the door shocked to see no guards standing there. This was way too easy! I had just escaped from Steven without a single guard to stop me. I literally didn't even check it out. I just kept on running until I found that I was still in Tampa! I was about twenty miles from home! I could run... on second thought, I'll just find someone with a car! I walked to a Quicktrip which was a safe place. I walked up to the cashier and told her my story. She called the cops and in ten minutes I was in the cop car on my way to be with dad, Adrian, and Ryan. I was so happy! I'd lost friends up until this point, and I'd miss them very much, but as cruel as it sound, I couldn't mourn their losses right now. I just wanted to see my dad and brothers to know they were ok. The officer pulled up to dad's house and I jumped out running to the front door. I rung the doorbell about fifty times before they could even get to the door. Dad opened it and I through myself onto him crying. He didn't let me go, and I didn't let him go. He stroked my hair and said, "Thank God you're ok" I kept crying. I didn't know I'd be this emotional to see them. Dad put me down and thanked the officer. Ryan came running down the stairs and gave me a hug. He had his pajamas on and his hair was messed up really bad. I smiled and embraced him. "I missed you guys so much! I love you" we all sat on the couch and I could actually breathe. "How have you been, baby girl?" Dad asked me. I took a deep breath and smiled. "Married life is a lot harder then I thought it'd be, Thats for sure!" Dad chuckled. "Yeah. Have you guys gone on the honeymoon yet?" I shook my head. "The company got involved so I don't know when we're going" dad frowned as if I just hurt his heart. He didn't look like he did two minutes ago. Ryan came over to give me a hug and announced he was going to bed. "I missed you!" Dad sat next to me and smiled. "I bet I missed you more! Life has been so crazy, hectic the past couple of days.... I haven't had time to rest properly or even eat a decent meal" my heart broke. It was like my first five years in London. Barely having food and not getting enough sleep, working three jobs and still not having enough to pay our bills. I was really challenged those years and I would've thought that it'd make me stronger, but I'm still weaker than before. Dad sensed my distress and gave me a hug. I cried without making a sound. "Why is my life like this, daddy?" He rubbed up and down on my back. "I don't know, Jazzy. It's like this for a reason. I wish I knew why you were so sad, and depressed all the time!" Now he sounded as if he was going to cry. His voice was cracking. "-I wish I could help you, I really do" he sniffed and we sat in silence embracing each other. "I miss Galina" he cried. He was crying. I cried too. "Me too dad" my heart was so heavy. "Why did this have to happen to us?" I didn't say anything. He was finally admitting to missing mom. "I hate that you didn't have her when you needed her the most... or me" I looked up at him. "Dad, it's too close to Christmas for us to be this sad! She wouldn't want us to be!" I gave an encouraging smile. "Remember that time we went to Olive Garden, and we had the waiter who liked her, and you punched him and we were all banned!" I giggled and dad smiled. "Remember the gymnastics meet, when she tried hooking you and Sam up, and I got so mad that I left and she bought me a ice cream cone!" I actually didn't but I laughed for him. He needed it as much as I did. "I'm gonna head to Walmart, I need to cook some dinner for tomorrow" I nodded and watched Ryan come down the stairs. "I couldn't sleep" he smiled and sat next to me. "Bye dad, be safe" he nodded and left. "I know what Steven's doing to you" he spoke out of nowhere. How'd he know? Who told him? Who was watching me? "W-What?" I feigned. Why did I always stutter when I lied, and why were they so close to me that they could tell that I was lying?! I sounded crazy! I couldn't help but to laugh at myself for that. "Domestic Abuse isn't ok! Especially on women!" I nodded and told him I wasn't being abused. "Thats pretty serious to cause someone of that!" I defended. The only reason I hadn't told Ryan was because I was scared they were watching the house, and I didn't want to lose Ryan. "Take off your sunglasses then!" I was taken aback, but not really. "W-Why?" I sat up and I leaned back in the couch. He reached for the glasses and I kept moving. "Ryan stop!" I shouted before he removed my glasses revealing my black eye. I stayed silent and waited for him to say something. "How long?" He asked. I was still going to play dumb and clueless. I felt very uncomfortable with this whole conversation. "How long what?" He hung his fist on the couch causing me to jump. "I-I don't know, ever since I told him I wanted to quit my job" I confessed. I grabbed my sunglasses and placed them back on my face. "How did you know?" I asked softly. He gave me a warm smile. "When Jacob was abusing you, you acted the same way; distant, and lonely" he knew about Jacob too?! What didn't he know about?! "I know my little sister, and I know when she's not herself" he touched my nose making me giggle. "Don't tell dad" I begged. He smiled and laughed. Classic Ryan. His charming little smile made me angry that I couldn't be mad at him. "I want to talk to Steven" my eyes widened. That was the worst idea I'd ever heard! He could die! "No! He killed Gray, and Lilly!" I paused and Ryan took my hand. I let a tear roll down my cheek and looked back up at him. "I don't want you to die too!" Ryan looked confused and lost. "Lilly is dead?" He whispered. I nodded and he took a deep breath. "She was carrying that baby! Bryan was so excited!" I cried even more. "I know..." I gulped and heard myself say, "He killed the only man that ever loved me! He ran him over with a fucking airplane!" I screamed. I was so angry! I balled my fists up like I could do something with them. "Jazzmine, are you serious?" He asked. I nodded. Why would I make up crazy shit like that? "That's why you have to promise not to tell anyone!" He nodded and said, "I promise"

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