Chapter 8

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I stood up and wiped my eyes. Someone came to comfort me. "It's ok. They'll be ok. His wife is probably there to help him" I noticed her. She was the secretary on my floor. "But I'm his wife. And that's my son!" I said. Cam ran up to me. "Jazz, do you want me to take you to the hospital to see them?" I nodded. "Come on, before visiting hours are over" we ran out of the building. "I don't have the car" I stated honestly. "I do, hurry" I looked at my watch 5:15. We jumped into a red Chevy Camaro with a clean interior. Not a single speck of dirt or trash on his floor, and I respected that. His phone buzzed. "Can you get that. It's probably Taylor" I nodded. "Taylor your wife?" "No daughter" I started to wonder if this was the same Taylor Leo always talked to. "Tell her I won't make it to her school by 6:00 with the traffic. Tell her to text her mom and see where she is" I texted everything he said. My phone buzzed. Gray. If I wasn't feeling so very sad right now, I'd smile. Is Leo and Steven ok? Katie, Bruno and I are on our way tobthw hospital. He was so kind. Leo would be so happy to see them. And that's when I began to cry. This was all my fault. "Whoa whoa whoa. Jazz why are you crying?" Cam asked. I shook my head. "I'm a terrible mother. I'm gonna lose him like I lost Alex. This is all my fault. I'm a terrible mother" I sobbed. Cam tried to steer the car and comfort me at the same time. "Jazz, stop crying. You're an awesome mom, ok. This wasn't your fault. We don't know whose fault it was" we pulled up to the hospital. I was sure they'd be at St. Mary's, and sure enough they were. There were cameras and paps everywhere. I cursed under my breath. "Damn, parking at hospitals is hard" I touched his hand. "Thank you Cam. If you want you can go. Thank you for bringing me here" I said. "Jazz are you sure" I nodded. I was sure. I don't know his Steven would look when I walked in the hospital room with one of his employees. "Ok, here you go then" he frowned. I thanked him and closed the door. I rushed through the paps who flashed their cameras. It almost blinded me. I walked up the flight of stairs to get to the elevator. I looked at the panel on the wall. Floor 1- Ob/Gyn Floor 2- Maternity Floor 3- Emergency room Floor 3 was where I needed to be. I didn't even bother looking at the other floors. I was certain they were on floor 3. I was the only one on the elevator, so the ride was silent. My phone vibrated. It was Gabby. I heard what happened I really wish I could be there to comfort you😢😘 I typed back a thank you and the door opened. 5:57 pm. "Steven Newell, Leo Anoa'i. What room are they in? I'm his wife and his mother" she lady smiled at me. "Name?" She looked at the clipboard. I did too. I smirked. "Jazzmine Anoa'i- Newell" "Room 345" I ran down the hall, and opened the door. Leo's eyes were closed. "Oh, God" I ran over to him. I stroked his hair. I touched his heart. I was still beating, but it was slow. I let a tear fall from my cheek. Leo had tubes up his nose. He couldn't breath on his own. I looked over at Steven. He smiled slightly. "Don't worry" he winced. I ran over to him. "-He'll be ok. We both will" I sat in a chair next to Steven's bed. "What happened?" He opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him. "-If you say you were texting or talking on your phone, I will be so pissed, and then if you tell me Leo was in the front seat, I swear I will kill you" I threatened. He sat up wincing in pain. "I wasn't. Some of those parents acted like they couldn't wait at the stop sign. It was our time to go, but someone came and collided into the car. Luckily it was no children in the other car, or they would've been like Leo" I looked at my lap. "What did the doctor say?" The door opened. The man frowned. "Hi, my name is Dr. Cardwell, and I'm your doctor for the period" he looked at Steven. "How are you doing?" Steven shook his head. "I'm ok, check on Leo" Dr. Cardwell looked at Leo. He checked his pulse, and his heart beat. "He still has both, he's probably just asleep" I sighed in relief. "Mr. Newell, are you able to stand?" Adrain, Ryan, Dad, Lilly, Brian, and Bri all rushed into the room. Steven nodded. "Can we step outside for a moment... Just Steven" Steven hopped out of bed and followed the doctor outside. I hugged everyone. "Thank you all for coming" I said in between tears. Two kids walked in. "Daddy, mommy said not to take a long time" one of the kids said. Adrian nodded. "So, these are your kids?" I asked. He nodded. "This is Andrè" he said. "It's Andrè like Ann and Dre" she smiled. "And this is Nate" I smiled at both of them. "I'm Jazz" "Auntie Jazz" Adrian said in a deep voice. Steven walked back in with watered eyes. He motioned for me to come out. Dr. Cardwell excused himself and went to the room next door. "Jazz" he stated. That's all he said, until I forced him to talk. He took a deep breath. "-They're giving Leo three more hours to live. They said he could sleep for the next one or two" I began to cry. I ran through my hair. "Why him? Why'd it have to be him?" I asked. Steven embraced me into a hug. "- That's not all" he said looking at the floor. "What? ...... What is it?!" I almost yelled. "He's on life support" I fell to my knees. I knew he wouldn't make it. I was sure, he would die whether I wanted him to or not. I dried my eyes and walked in the room. Leo smiled at me. Everyone surrounded him. "Hi mom!" He said enthusiastically. I was so happy to see him smiling in his worse state. That small gesture made me realized, I should cherish the last three hours I had with him. I smiled too. "Hey Leo!" The door opened. It was Gray, Katie, and Bruno. "Katie! Bruno! Gray!" Katie and Bruno ran over to Leo's bed. I turned to look at Gray. He smiled at me, and I blushed and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thank you for bringing his friends" I stated. He nodded. "I love Leo" he looked like he wanted to say more, but Lilly cut him off. "Who's this?" She smirked. "And why is he here?" Steven stated dryly. "This is Gray. I met him in London. Gray, this is Lilly, Brian, and Britanny. You met my dad and brothers" he smiled at them. "Oh, and that's Bruno and Katie" I smiled. "Leo's best friends" they waved and went back to talking. Everyone took a seat wherever they could. I listened to the kids talk. Andrè and Nate had left. "Guys, I overheard my mom and dad talking an hour ago. I only have an expected life time of two hours. I might die, but I want you guys to know, you were my only friends and I love you... Both of you" they all hugged. Leo coughed really hard. "Leo are you ok?" I ran up to him. He shook his head. "It hurts to breathe. It hurts so bad. I hate this!" I hugged him. "It's ok. You'll be fine" he shook his head. "No I won't!" He yelled. The room got silent. "I'm gonna die! I heard you and dad talking. I'm gonna die. I never got to see The Statue of Liberty. I never got to see my future, and I won't. I told you we should've stayed in London. This wouldn't have happens to me. I should've never gone to that stupid Prep School! I could've had a longer life. This is all your fault!" My eyes watered. "I'm sorry Leo..... I'm sorry" I walked out of the room and began to cry. I checked the time. 8:32 pm. I sat in a chair in the foyer of the third floor. The news was on. It showed Leo's accident. I closed my eyes. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the lady at the desk. "Ma'am, we ask if you could go back to your room. This is the waiting room" I nodded and went back to the room. Leo was asleep and everyone else was too. Steven was awake. "Steven, what are we gonna do?" He wrapped his arm around me. "We'll make it. I promise" he whispered. "Go to sleep" he said. I shook my head. "I don't want to. You go ahead" I smiled. "I'm staying right here" I checked the time. Leo wake op. "Mom, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to tell at you, I'm just so scared to die" my heart sunk. I didn't want him to die. I wanted to watch him grow up, go to the prom, and get married, but I never would. Steven and I walked over to him. "We'll all see each other soon" we did a family hug. "I love you Leo" he smiled slightly and then coughed really hard. It was more like a wheeze than a cough. I frowned. "I love you too mom and dad" Dr. Caldwell walked in. "Parents, may I speak to you?" We nodded. "Ok, you have two options. Leo can either stay on life support, or we can take him off. Which would you like to do?" I thought about it. He said it hurt to breathe, and I didn't want him hurting, but I wanted him. I couldn't be selfish about this. "Take him off" I articulated. Steven looked at me. "Jazz, what?" "He's having trouble breathing. Take him off" I walked back in the room. Leo smiled. "Leo I love you so very much, and so does dad" "I love you too mom. I love you too" I walked over to his bed. He scooted over and I smiled. I held him close, and I didn't plan on letting him go. "Do you remember your first Christmas?" I asked. Steven came back in the room. "Whenever you're ready" he stated dryly. Leo shook his head. "I do. It was 5 am and you woke everyone up with your crying." I smiled faintly. "- I walked in to get you and you played with my necklace that Zack gave me. You played with it, and I always wondered why you did. So we opened presents, and Grammy had gotten you a soccer ball. I thought it was dumb at first, but you liked it. And you kept it until your seventh Christmas. And that's when I realized why you liked my necklace so much" I looked over at him. "-Because it was close to your heart, just like me" he said. Steven walked over to us. "Leo, do you remember at your very first day with me?" Leo nodded his head. "Do you remember when you were scared to play with Kam, but now you love him" leo said yes and laughed. I was happy to see him laugh, so I did too. Steven joined in. "Can we go to sleep now? I'm tired" we nodded and he laid his head on my chest. When I was sure he was sleep, I told Steven that we should do it now. He already said his goodbye's, so I know he'd die and be happy. Steven kissed Leo's cheek. "I love you, Leo" leo smiled in his sleep. "I know he loved you too"
*********** 1:08 am********
They pulled the plug. Leo took his last breath in my arms, just like his first. I began to cry which woke mostly everyone up. Lilly came to my side. "Come on Jazzy" we sat Leo upright and placed a blanket over him. "Lilly. He's gone, he's really gone" I cried. Everyone except for Katie and Bruno, who were still sleep, embraced e in a hug. "He's in a better place" Ryan said. I wiped my tears. "So hi to mom and Grammy for me" I whispered. "Tell them I said hi"

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