Chapter 3

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Leo was crying again. I didn't blame him because when I was in London, I cryed every night. "Leo, please don't cry. I promise we'll get home soon... I don't know when but I promise we will" I smoked as we sat in the grass. Leo was exactly like me as a kid. Whenever I sat in the grass, I'd pick at it. "Promise is a strong word mom and Grammy said not to make promises that you couldn't keep" I looked down. Leo was never going to like it here. Like Ever. I French braided my hair and Leo hugged me. "I trust you mom. You were always there for me and I want to be there for you" He smiled making me smile. Leo was the best son in the world. "What are you saying? I mean-" Leo put a finger up to my mouth. "Mom, I will attempt to like it here, for our family" We hugged. "I love you Mom" I smiled. Even though he said it everyday, this time felt different. Like he really meant it, he wasn't just saying it. "I love you too Leo" We sat in the grass talking until it started to get dark. I was starving, and so was Leo. After we left, we'd go get food. Bryan knocked on the door. I smiled as he walked in hugging me tightly. "Bryan.... Can't... Breathe" I smiled. "Wow, Jazz, I haven't seen you in forever! We'll have to catch up... We have a lot of catching up to do!" he smiled. I nodded. Bryan was so nice and adorable and I was so happy for Lilly and Bryan to get married. He walked in and talked to his brother. Dad tapped my shoulders and I smiled at him. Why was I so happy? A couple of hours ago I wasn't smiling. It's because of Leo "Can we talk?" I nodded and we walked up to my room. We sat down on my bed. Still soft and comfy I smiled. "Let me just say, I'm so happy that you're here" He smiled. "You have no idea... How sad I was. Adrian, Ryan and I searched everywhere for you and we couldn't find you, and I know you left because of me, we had that fight and I couldn't sleep, eat or go to work because knowing you could be dead, hurt me. And I should've said it the day you left.... I'm sorry" Dad was crying. I hugged him. This was the first time in my entire 23 yearsI'd seen my dad cry.I was willing to rebuild our relationship even if it took me the rest of the night
I fixed the cups on my mini dress. "Thank you, Amber" I smiled at her for helping me find the right outfit for tonight. Tonight was some Press Conference for Steven's company. He was going to introduce me, and was making me write and read a speech. Leo came into the guest room. Oh no, I wasn't sleeping in the same bed as Steven. We hadn't talked that much."Leo you look so handsome" I cooed. "Thank you John" I said thanking the butler. I had no idea how Steven could yell at them the way he did. They were so nice. I called all the staff to the kitchen and stood on the counter. "Ok everyone" I smiled. "- As of today you all have the rest of the week off. Go hangout with your families, friends or just relax. I will tell Steven myself I gave y'all the day off. So right now I want all of y'all to leave the property and don't come back for another week, ok?!" They all nodded eagerly and ran for the door. Leo pulled at his tie. "Here hun" I fixed his tie for him and Steven came in. "Come on guys"he smiled. We walked to the limo and got in. "The house was quiet. You told the helps to quiet down?" he asked chuckling. "No, I gave them the week off!" I smiled. Steven looked mad at me. "Why would you do that?!" he yelled causing me to flinch. What was the big deal in letting people do your work, which you can do on your own, have the day off?.. Well week. Don't get me wrong, I'd die to have a maid do stuff for me for like, a day. "Because you don't need them to work for you. You went seventeen, possibly more than that without having maids!" Whenever Steven and I talked, it always ended in arguments. We could never agree on anything and I mean anything. "Whatever Jazzmine. You don't go behind my back and give my workers the day off" I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him. I gave Leo some head phones to put in his ears because he did not need to hear the stuff I was about to say. "Fine, make the stupid proposal to An-Fucking-Drea, because you're being a dick now, and we're not even married?! Who the fuck do you think you are? You know what? Stop the damn car. You're making me curse and I haven't cursed in eight years." I said knocking on the drivers window. He kept driving which was only making me madder."I said stop the car!" I banged on the window. He stopped the car and Leo and I got out. Steven followed us. "Jazz, get back I. the car with our son" He spoke tiredly. I sighed. "Leo get back in the car" He got back in and closed the door. "How are you gonna tell our son what to do? "My son, ok. You had the chance to be in his life, but you chose not to" I spat fixing my cups on my dress. Steven licked his lips. "Listen, you were the reason I wasn't allowed in his life!" "Well you should've thought about that when you kissed Andrea!" I spoke. Steven sighed and said sorry. Probably because it was almost time for the premier of me and Leo. Can you believe we get to walk on the red carpet?! Once we got back in the car, we immediately drove off and in five minutes we were there. After the red carpet walk, being asked a bunch of questions and taking billions of pictures, I could finally sit down. They served us chicken with potatoes and green beans. Steven and I got champagne and Leo got water. "Oo a good source of protein!" Steven smiled at me and Leo. I took out my phone which made him mad. Can you say rich boy problems?! "Can you please get off of your cell phones?" Leo looked at me and I looked at him. "you're not my dad!" Leo spat as he continued to FaceTime Katie. I heard Katie giggle and so did I. Oh kill em "I don't think you should've said that Leo!" Katie smiled. "Um, hello. I am your dad!" He yelled as he took his phone. "Eat!" He banged his fists on the table. Leo huffed and began to eat, I however did not. Steven sighed. "Can't you for once just do what I say. Did I ruin your life by kissing Andrea?!" he asked. I gaped at him.He thought this was about he and Andrea kissing?! The thought of that made me laugh... Inside. I'm not crazy! "No but you ruined my life when you came into it!" I yelled slinging potatoes at him. He wiped away potato stains from his face and his shirt. "You came into my life!" he slung potatoe at me. "Well I wish I didn't!" I threw grean beans at him. The setting was so professional around us but at our table, it seemed like a kindergarten lunch table. "You loved me!" "I did, but I was stupid to love you!" I threw my napkin down and walked away with tears in my eyes and phone in my hands. Gabby called me. "Hello?" I asked crying. "Jazz? Are you crying?" she asked sympathetically. I couldn't let Gabby know what happened. She'd want to talk to Steven and I didn't want her knowing I was with him. When Gabby came to say goodbye, Steven was in the restroom and after we turned to corner, Gabby went back into her room and we left, so she had no idea that I knew him. I walked into the restroom to vent. "No, I was laughing, what's up?" I asked. "So there's a total bae, that I'm seeing all over instagram. Hashtag sexy?!" "Hey!" Luke yelled. "who is he?!" I asked. Gabby seemed to always find new boys to talk about even though she had Luke. I found it hilarious because Luke would always get jealous. I looked up at the tv in the bathroom. Steven was about to go on, so I knew that was my cue to go out. "his name is Steven Newell! I'm watching his Press Conference right now! I can't wait to see his girlfriend so I can find her and kill her and then make Steven fall in love with me!" My eyes widened. "Well what if she's, sexy, fun and really really pretty. I mean pretty af!" Gabby told me to be quiet while Steven answered questions. I listened to them because I knew what Steven went through as a kid. "how was your childhood?" A reporter asked. "he was abused as a kid, his dad made him watch his mom get beat, one day when they left, his dad hit the back of their car and killed her" I accidentally answered. Just my luck that Steven answered the same way I did. "How'd you know that?!" gabby asked. In a quick reaction I answered, "I'm president of his fan club" I mentally gagged at my response. If I had the chance to be president of his fan club, I'd burn it down. "and that's where I met the live of my life. Here she is guys!" The audience clapped for me as I walked on stage with the phone in my hand still talking to Gabby. I took out my flashcards and out of fright I dropped them.. On stage, in front of everyone. "Gabby uh I gotta go!" I whispered to her. "You've got some explaining to do! Why are you on tv?! Why-" I hung up seeing that you could hear Gabby. I straightened up the cards but they fell again... In front of Steven. I bent down to pick them up when he grabbed my head and pushed it to the center of his pants. I could feel him getting hard. Was he not aware we were on tv?! I pushed myself off of him and stood up. "Um... Hi! My name is Jazzmine Anoa'i and I am 23 years old with a nine year old son named Leo. Steven and I met at a karaoke bar in Dallas Texas. We became better friends when he went to the same high school as me. We had ups and downs but we always stayed Steven and Jazz. I am so happy to be apart of his life and I hope we stay together forever!" Lies these are all lies I wanted to puke right there on the stage. I knew the next line was to say 'yes' even though I didn't want to, it was best for business and my family wanted to inherit money, which is weird because they all make tons of money. Steven walked on stage with a microphone smiling. I sighed and forced a smile. How would keo take this? He didn't know anything. He'd just found out about the conference at 5:30. In fact he never found out anything until the last minute and I felt personally that , that was wrong. "Jazzmine, you make me feel so alive, your smile, your long beautiful, shiny hair and your sex!" I hoped he meant my gender because we hadn't had sex since high school. But even if he wasn't talking about gender, that was still too much to say.. Even for him. "Will you do the honor of marrying me?!" He winked which was my cue to say 'yes'. I sighed and forced tears of joy as I nodded. "WHAT?!" I heard Leo call as everyone started clapping. I hugged Steven and grabbed my phone. Gabby called me back. "So you're the girl I'm killing?!" I laughed . "Its fake. Just for the business." I wondered how Leo was looking right now. Wasvhe crying, sad or mad. I don't know how he was feeling, but I knew one thing: He was definitely not happy. "So how's Leo?" She asked. "He's pretty upse-" I paused to see Leo smiling as I walked back to the table. "He's happy" I spoke as Gabby laughed. "Well I got to go" she hung up after I told her bye. "Leo! How are you feeling?" I asked. He erased his smile. "You know how I told you I was happy to be here?!" I nodded. "I lied!" He said walking away. I followed him until we were outside overlooking a swimming pool. We stood on the ivory balcony. "What happened to staying positive for me?" I asked. He sighed and continued to look forward. I knew coming here was a mistake. I had taken away everything from him. His soccer , friends and Katie. "Mom, I'm trying but you're not making it easy either. You're getting married to him! I don't even know him, but now I'm expected to like him?!!" Um... I had nothing to say, because everything he said was true. "He's your dad. I promise" the door opened. It was Steven. "Um, its time to go" I stared at him angrily and he walked back inside. "Ok, tomorrow its just gonna be me and you, hanging out. I'll show you all of Tampa!" Leo smiled and hugged me. "Come on. It's way to snobby here!" Leo laughed at me and we walked away.
Later that night
"Jazz, come here please" Steven called for me after u put leo to sleep. "Yeah?" I asked stepping into the gigantic room. Wait it was more like a suite. I stared in awe. The room had a 50 inch plasma tv, a bear skin rug that might I say, was really soft between my toes and a plain white room. A white bed maybe two feet off the floor, a white wall. "Which ring do you like the best?" He asked asking me to look at $100,000 dollar rings on a silver Mac Book that cost like a thousand dollars. "None of them, can't you get engaged to some one else, I mean, I met someone" Probably shouldn't have said that "You found some one?!" "-Someone like who?" Someone like you, I wish nothing for the beat for you. I love Adelle. Her music hot me through in London. Someone like you, rolling in the deep, every song she wrote spoke to me. "His name is Gray... And I love him" steven walked up to me angrilly and slammed the door. "Y'know as a friend" I added. Steven slapped me, but not that hard. I was surprised his heavy hands didn't hurt as bad as I thought they would, especially hitting my delicate, beautiful face! "You are mines. No one else's, ok. We're gonna be a nice family and stay together forever" he yelled. I was worried, Leo would come in here and be afraid. "K, whatever" I spoke walking out. "You don't talk to me like that, ok?!" He said pulling my arm so I was facing him. "Well you don't pull me by my arm" I pulled myself from his grip and walked up the stairs to the guest room. Today had not been the best day, but, it was, oh who am I kidding?! Today was terrible, but I knew how to make it better: SLEEP. I hopped on the bed and went straight to sleep.
10:30 Am the next day
*Bzz* *Bzz* *Bzz* my phone interrupted my morning schedule. I was watching The Real and brushing my teeth. I checked my phone. I message from: Dad: Can Adrian Ryan and I have lunch with you and Leo? I hadn't seen my family in a week and hadn't really talked to them. Plus Leo didn't really know them so I decided to give it a try. I mean, how bad can it be? Now, I know whenever someone says that, in movies or books, something bad, is bound to happen. Yeah sure I texted back. It didn't really matter, everything that lead up to the past few days were a mistake. Coming here, going to that dumb press conference and saying yes to 'marrying' Steven. So at La'Madeline at around 12? I siged and continued to watch two women win tickets to see Iggy Azellea. Sure see you there La'Madeline was a very nice French restaurant with the best Lemon Tarts in Tampa. They also had a killer Salad. I had it a few times when I was in London. I put on a shirt that read 'Give me pizza and Starbucks and we'll be fine' and black shorts and my pitch white Converse. I went to Leo's room. Surprisingly he was awake watching Teen Titans Go. I loved that show. I noticed Leo had an X-Box and thousands of games on the shelf. "Do you wanna play, Call of Duty?!" I asked smiling. He nodded eagerly turned the tv to Channel to 3 which turned on the X-Box. While we were shooting and killing zombies, with the volume to the max, we hadn't realized Steven was calling us until he came upstairs very upset. "You guys never listen to me! Pay attention to me!" I rolled my eyes and checked my phone. It was 11:30 am. "Leo and I have an outing at 12, so we can't stay" Leo grabbed his black and red striped jacket and we walked out. "Can I come?" I shrugged and he followed.
"Hey dad, Ryan, Adrian" I hugged everyone. Leo stood there looking at everyone. "Leo, you can hug them. Those two are your uncles, and that's your grandpa" Leo hugged them and took a seat by me. "He's just kinda shy" I smiled. Steven took a seat on the end. "So how was your life? What did you do on your 16 and 21st birthday?" They seemed really interested in what I was going to say. "Well on my 16 I went out with my friends and we went to a mall it was kinda cool, but not as cool as my 21st. My ex took me to Paris, France! We went to the Eiffel Tower, and he took me to the some mall that's really exclusive!" I was smiling really hard at that thought. "Ex?" Ryan asked. "Yeah, my ex boyfriend. His name was Zac, and..." "And he was awesome!" Leo interrupted. "-He was my fiancé" I stated looking down in my lap. "But, what happened?" Dad asked. "She doesn't like to talk about it" Leo rubbed my back. "Well actually, I can tell them. He'd gotten a job promotion in New York City and he wanted Me and Leo to go with him, but I declined him. I didn't want to see you guys because I was still upset with y'all. He worked as a bank teller, but we still talk so, it's all good" I nodded and smiled. "Can I say something?" Leo asked. Everyone nodded. "I've wanted to say something since we've got here, but, you're Roman Reigns. You're gonna be in the WWE hall of fame in one more year! I'm a huge fan of you and the sphere. But I think I like Neville's Red Arrow, better, no offense." He said talking to my dad. He chuckled a bit and Leo went on to Adrian. "And you're Adrian Anoa'i, star quarterback of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! And you're his manager, who's also in NXT! Am I really related to you guys?!" He asked. They all nodded and he started squirming in his seat from excitement. After that we went home. For the rest of the day until 3:30pm, I was bored. Steven asked if I could come to The office, so Leo and I drove in the Dodge Charger that was solid black. I turned on the radio and 'My way' by Fetty Wap was on. Leo and I immediately started singing. "Baby won't you come my waaaay, got something I want to saaay, I can keep you off my brain, but first of let me start by saying this" we continued to sing, until Leo's part came on. He practically yelled it. "All I gotta do is put my mind "to this... Cancel out my ex I put a line through that...I like all my S's with two lines through that" I turned the car off and Leo grumbled and opened the door. We walked up to the steps looking up at the colossal building in front of us. It was at least 100 stories shooting hundreds of feet in the air. We walked in and went up to the 45th floor. "We're here to see Mr.Newell" I smiled at the receptionist. "You can go right in, but he'll have to stay out here" Leo shrugged and went to sit by a small girl. She flashed a smile at him and twisted her hair with her fingers scooting closer to him. I smiled and walked in the office. "Hey Jazzy" he came over and started kissing my neck. I moaned and once I realized what I was doing, I pushed him off of me. "Um, W-What do you need? I left Leo in the lobby alone" he walked over to his desk and placed his fingertips on the glass. He slouched over. "God, all you care about is Leo!" I gaped at him. He wanted to be in his life, but he was mad at me for spending too much time with him? "Yes! He's my son, you should care about him too!" I walked over to his desk and sat on it. "Yeah I should, but I care about my money more" he mumbled. "What was that?!" I asked. "Nothing, mama" he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, I giggled like I was fifth teen again. The door swung open to reveal a very handsome man. He had brown eyes, hair like Billy Unger, a clear complexion and a jawline that looked very sexy. I blushed at him. He looked like Zayn Malik a bit. "Kingston, what the hell are you doing here?!" Steven asked walking up to 'Kingston'. I sat on the desk, not wanting to get involved. "I see that you're trying to appeal to the people in other parts of the world. Trying to give them advanced technology?" He shook his head. "Newell. Not everyone is ready for my technology. This isn't a.... What's the word, friendly competition, it's just a competition, where we see who's the smartest of us. Why transport to other part of the world when we have fifty states, tech savvy people and people who will buy anything?" At this point I got in the conversation. I walked up to both men, even though they towered me. I cleared my throat and pressed play on my phone. I then walked over to the men. "Kingston... Can I call you Kingston?" I asked. He nodded. "By selling our technology around the world, that means more money. Think about it. There are millions of theme parks, all in which, need new technology to make visitors' experience more enjoyable. Also, think about the schools. With more technology means more money to you and a strong generation. Think about the children" I stated. Even though I wasn't professional, I felt like it. "That's brilliant, Ms...?" "Anoa'i" He shook my hand and smiled. "Let's do business together, with your brains and my money, we'll be unstoppable!" I feigned a frown. "Sorry, I'm his" I stated looking back at Steven who was smiling. "Whatever, I'll just steal your idea!" "Steal my idea? What is this, second grade?!" I asked. "And anyway, if you try to steal it, you can't!" I stepped on my tip toes. He smirk. "And why not, baby?" "Because I've been recording since you've got in here, because I'll admit, you were cute, but, I learned not to trust people like you!" He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled a toothy smile. Oh my Gosh, his smile! Get your hand off of me before I break it" I threatened. He chuckled. "You got a fierce one, but one day, you'll screw up, and she'll be mine" with that, he walked out. Whoa!

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