Chapter 11

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Gray's POV
I turned the tv onto the snobby people's awards. I saw Steven and Jazz walking across the red carpet. He had on a white tuxedo. It was nice but probably cost a thousand dollars. I threw popcorn at him and yelled 'boo'. I looked at Jazz. She had on a stunning red dress with sequins. She didn't look happy. I frowned. The reporter asked them questions. "When's the wedding?" She asked smiling. "-There are rumors that Steven wanted to change the date to December" Jazz looked dumbfounded. "Wait, wha-" Steven pushed her out of the way. She rolled her eyes, and Steven smiled in the camera probably making every girl wish that they were Jazz. He fixed his bow tie, and said, "The rumors are true. The wedding's on December 26" Jazz looked at him. "The day after Christmas? That'll be my first Christmas without Grammy and Leo" Steven took her hand. "Thank you Grace" Steven winked at her. Steven was gonna be the death of her. She never got a say in what happened. Ten minutes later the show started. Once Steven walked out, I threw more popcorn at the screen. I went to pick it up, and ten minutes later, I heard yelling and crying. Steven yelling "Get her off the stage!" And Jazz yelling "Arrest him" I stared at the screen. Steven killed Leo. I balled my fists up. He probably never even loved him! I punched the wall. Leo was the best kid ever. My phone rang. "Hello?" I asked angrily without know who it was. "Gray honey? It's mum" I calmed down. "Hello mom, what's up?" I asked throwing the popcorn away. "Well your father, Rose, and I wanted to visit you. We miss you so very much" I sighed. I loved my then so much, but I don't think now was the best time. No! I haven't seen them since I left, they have to come. "Of course, when are you available to come?" I asked. She laughed. "Oh darling, we're already in Tampa Bay. It's so warm and it feels pretty good" I chuckled. "I'll send you the address. See you soon" she said ok and I hung up. The awards show was on commercial, but soon showed and an interview with Steven and Jazz. The date said 3-25-15. "OK what would you do if you had a million dollars?" Jazz smiled at him. He smiled back at her, and they looked genuinely happy. She looked genuinely happy. "Well, I would buy you Fifth Harmony tickets since you love them so much, and then I'd take you to Disney with me and we'd get married under the castle" he kissed her. "Ok, if you were married to a millionaire, what would you do?" He asked Jazz. "Well, I wouldn't work for anything" they both laughed. The tape stopped. Twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door. It was my family. I hugged them. "Rose what's wrong?" I asked my 17 year old sister. She rolled her eyes and walked past me. "Her boyfriend got her tickets to go see Ariane Grand" my dad said. "Arianna Grande" Rose corrected. "Her last concert ever, and I'm missing it. We couldn't have come here next weekend?" She complained. I sat next to her on the couch. "Hey, we can get on a playlist on YouTube and add crowd sounds, it'll be just like you're there" I laughed. She hit me. "Shut up Gray!" My mom walked over to us. "Rose, come on dear, we're going to get something to eat. Gray would you like anything?" She asked. I was starving, so I'm so grateful for my stepmum. "A number 1 from anywhere" she nodded and they walked out. Ten minutes later there was another knock on the door. "Back already? That was fast" I said opening the door. Jazz. "Oh Jazz, I'm sorry I thought-" she stopped me. "That's ok... can I come in" she looked around behind her. "Yeah of course" I let her in. "Gray" she spoke softly. "Yes Jazz?" I asked softly. Something wasn't right with her. She was quiet, and she wasn't smiling like she usually is. She began to cry. I went to give her a hug. "I wanna get away! I don't wanna get married, I'm too young. But my dad, he needs the money!" She cried in my shoulder. I rubbed her back. "It's ok" "No its not! I'm tired of hearing that. It will never be ok! I will never have genuine happiness! My dad, Steven, even my mom, they all ruined that for me!" She cried. My heart broke. She'll never have genuine happiness? I could give her everything she's ever wanted, and she couldn't see that. "Jazzmine" I rubbed her arms. "I've wanted to tell you something since you left London-" Her phone rang. Everytime! She slid the red arrow. "Yes Gray?" As I was getting ready to speak, my parents walked in. Curse me for giving her a key. "Oh Gray! Who's this?" My dad asked. Rose smirked. She hadn't changed. "This is Jazz.. Jazz this is my dad, sister, and stepmum...they'll always come at the wrong time" I mumbled the last part. "Gray, I didn't know you had family over" she smiled at them. "-I'm gonna go" she began to walk to the door. Gray! What're you doing? Tell her to stay! "Uh, Jazz, wait!" She turned around. It looked like slow motion. Her long, brown hair turning with her. Her red lipstick that complimented her beautiful brown eyes, she was an imperfect ball of perfect. "Yes Gray?" I shook my head. "Why don't" I cleared my throat. "-Why don't you stay... just for a little while" she smiled at me. "I don't want to interupt family time, uh" she looked around at my family. I know in her head she was silently screaming at herself for not taking my first offer. Sorta like when you go over someone's house, and they aatsk if you're thirsty, and you reject, but you're secretly dying of thirst. "Oh Darling, you won't be interupting us" my mum said with a smile. I smiled at her and she winked. "Are... Are you sure, I seriously don't want you to let me stay, and then you have things to do" "Jazz stop worrying about us" Said Rose. "-Mom and dad will read their books like they do every night, and I'll talk to Jake" I stare at her. Jake? "You're actually dating someone?" I asked getting angry. "Yes idiot!" She rolled her eyes. "Jake got me the tickets" she threw her hands up and walked into the room she'd be sleeping in. "Grayson, you can't be overprotective of her, her whole life" Dad laughed. "Come on to bed dear. Goodnight Jazz, goodnight Gray" and then they walked out leaving Jazz and I all alone. I walked back up to her and smirked. She blushed and looked down at her hand. So did I. She took off the engagement ring and threw it in the trash. "No money will make me happy by marrying someone I don't love" she smiled at me. Did she love me, or was she just speaking in general? I didn't really care, the only thing that mattered was that she was in my arms. "Gray, I don't have any clothes" she giggled. I stared at her. "Man clothes again?!" She laughed. "Man clothes" I went to go get them. "Gray, is that like your.. your girlfriend?" My mum asked. I stopped to look at her. "I guess you could say that" I stated walking out of the room. She sat on the couch twiddling her fingers. I gave her the clothes, and she thanked me. About twenty minutes later she came back in the living room. "You smell like Men's Lotion" I chuckled and she smiled. "I smell like you!" She sat on the couch next to me. "So I guess we're on the couch tonight huh?" She laughed. I nodded. "And I already got a movie in the dvd player" she nodded and then told me to lay down so she could rest. After I realized neither one of us was watching the movie I turned the tv off. She now lay her head on my chest talking softly. "Gray" she said. "Hmm?" "I wanna go back to London" I sat up and so did she. Why would she wanna go back to London? There was nothing for her down there. "What? Why?" She frowned. "I wanna go back, don't you?" I stared at her. "No, there was nothing there for me anymore, and there's nothing for you either" she rolled her eyes. "At least I could get away from my past!" She said with an attitude, which made me mad. "You have a better past than what I did! Why are you complaining?!" We both stood up. Angry and pissed off at each other. I did not want to argue with her. "Whatever, I'm going back" I turned her around so she could see me. "I'll tell them! You're not going back!" She hit me. "Get your hands off of me! I can't believe you would do that! I thought you were my friend!" Her eyes began to water. Friend? That's all I was to her? We kissed, she liked it! Well she is getting married... but she doesn't love him. "Jazz please don't run away, it'll only hurt you more" I begged. She climed back on the couch and grabbed a blanket. "Goodnight, Gray" she closed her eyes. I climbed over her, but fell, and so did the blanket over me. I was on top of her, and she was under me. My mom came in. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interupt anything" My eyes widened and Jazz laughed. She ran out. "Mom, I'm clothed... see!" I yelled after her. Jazz giggled. I went behind her and turned the lamp off. "Goodnight, love" "Why do British people say 'love'?"
There was a rapid banging on the door. Jazz was still naked and so was I. We had sex after I realized she was beautiful inside and out. She didn't even say no, in fact she was the one who got on top of me. She wrapped a blanket around herself barely covering up. "Who could that be this early in the morning?" I asked. She opened the door. "Steven!" She said. It was him, two police officers, and a ton of paps. I got up covered with a blanket too, the camera lights blinding me. "This is her officer! This man kidnapped my fiancee and raped her! Arrest him, now!" Steven yelled. "Wait!" Jazz said. "-He didn't kidnap me, or rape me! I came here on my own" Steven stepped up. "Where are your clothes?" She didn't answer, so he took the blanket away from her. The cameras flashed alot quicker now. I stepped in front of her. "Go inside the house" I told her. Her eyes were watered. "Ok" was all she said. "What the hell man! You shouldn't expose her like that, that's for you to know only, not the entire world!" I yelled at him. And me if I get luck again. "What? No! Jazzmine is sexy without clothes on and the world needs to know that!" He turned to the paps. "Put that body on magazine covers, TV shows, TMZ, everywhere!" The officers were gone at this point. "She's not some play girl for playboy magazine! She's not a hoe!" I yelled. "Why is she here?" He asked me. "-Did you force her to do anything she didn't want to do?" He wasn't worried about her before now, why would he care if she wanted sex from me, then told me she didn't love or want to marry Steven. "No, why don't you come in Mr. Newell. I'll make you some coffee" I said. "No thank you, just send my soon to be wife out, ok" he stated fixing his tie on his nice, crisp, suit. I walked back in to see Jazz putting her clothes on. She was crying softly. I put my pants on and a shirt, and hugged her. "I'm sorry, Jazzy" she sniffed. "It'll get better, I promise" she nodded. "I know" I kissed her head and let her walk out the door. I watched them move through a handful of paps. Most of them had left, but there were still a few. She kept her head down until she was in a nice red car. It was a Lexus. I sat on the couch and went back to sleep.
Jazz's POV
I put on some black Raybans that I kept in the car. Steven and I sat in the back while an older gentleman drove us. "I love you, baby" Steven rubbed my thigh all the way up to my area. "Stop! Don't fucking touch me! I'm not some little sex toy! I can't believe you did that to me!" He sighed. I can't wait to hear this. "Baby, it's for business. We're about to go discuss it right now with management, don't worry" I gaped at him. Business.. management? What this some stupid game he was about to have me play? The car stopped in front of Steven's building. We walked in and went to the 22nd floor. We walked into a big office with a big wooden table in the center of the room. Steven and I sat, and two seconds later, five other men came in. I gulped. They looked professional. I put my glasses on, knowing I'd have to read contracts. I felt self-conscious whenever I put my glasses on. I felt like one big dork. They weren't cute, but I didn't care because I'd never go back to my eye doctor. A man by the name of Charles began the meeting, well attempted to. Right after he said 'hello', two men threw a fighting Gray into the room. I gasped. "Sit" was all Charles said. "Jazz what the hell is going on?!" Gray shouted as if I knew. I shrugged. He finally sat down and Charles spoke again. "Well, we first start off with the contracts for Steven and his fiancee" they slid the contracts across the table. "Uh, actually, my name is Jazzmine, but you can call me Jazz" I stated with no emotion. Steven signed it, but I had to read it first. Basically it said that I had to claim only Steven, go to every press meeting. I couldn't go on stage unless I was asked to. That sounded easy enough. Jazzmine Anoa'i. The next contract stated that I would have to keep all of my social media accounts on public instead of private. Easy enough. Jazzmine Anoa'i. What was I worried about? This was all basic stuff. "And now for the last contract..." Charles spoke. He gave everyone a contract this time. Please don't say what I think you're about to say. Steven signed his and went to the head of the table. "I'd like to explain this one" he smirked. "My dear wife, and her friend. I see you two are real buddy buddy, huh?" I looked at Gray who looked as if he would explode any minute now. "This contract says, you and you can't communicate any. Not in person, not through DM, not through text, not through-" "we get it" Gray snapped. Steven rolled his eyes. "Pens ready guys" Steven smiled. I glared at him. "I'm not signing it" Gray stood up. The two gaurds blocked the door. "Come on now Brown" "It's Gray" he corrected. "Whatever, we're all adults, let's not do something we regret" Steven articulated. I was scared for some reason. I felt like a fight would break out at any moment. I stared at the white piece of paper in front of me. We would get arrested and/or fined if we broke the contracts. I looked up to see Gray about to punch Steven. I gasped. "Gray, no!" It was too late. The fight had already broke out. The two gaurds held Gray. Steven went all up in his face and said 'sign the the contract' the he punched Gray. I ran to move Steven away from Gray. "Stop it! Gray is just my friend!" He scoffed. "A friend that you wanted to have sex with last night!" I loosened my shoulders. How did he know that. "That's right. I know what happened last night at his apartment" I sighed. "I'm sorry" he shook his head. "You're only sorry because you got caught. Jazz, you're a very attractive woman, and I can tell every man wants you. Kingston. I know what happened. I just want you to myself" he stated softly. I looked into his eyes, and he looked into my watered ones. "But you killed Leo.. and exposed me" I stated softly. He wiped a tear away from my cheek. "I'm sorry mama.. will you ever forgive me" he kissed my cheek. "Sign the contract?" Gray sighed. "I'll sign it" we all signed the contract and Steven left the room. I gave Gray my number and I wrote his on a tissue in my purse. "Smart plan, Gray" I laughed. "Thank you, you're an amazing actress" we hugged. "Gotta blast" I said walking out. He waved. I formed tears in my eyes. We had to keep pretending to care. Steven hugged me. "You wanna go shopping? I know how much you love Pink" I bit my lip. I did love the pink store. I nodded my head. There would probably be paps there. "Let's go mama, and then we can get you a frosted lemonade.." he said until I cut him off. "-With extra syrup and a cherry" we both said at the same time. "Hasn't changed since high school" I looked up at him. "So you're saying, I'm predictable?" He coughed. "I wouldn't say predictable... you're more like ordinary" he parked the car. I'm gonna have some fun. ""Ordinary?!" My voice cracked. "No! No that's not what I meant! I meant to say" we walked into the mall. "-There's the Pink store" he sighed. I squealed happily, and pulled him into the store. "Come on Steven!!" I giggled. He picked up a bra. "How long are you gonna be in here?" He asked frowning. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Not for long, I promise" I kissed his cheek. "Ok" he smiled.
2 hours later
"I thought you said not for long!" Steven laughed. We walked out of Pink with twenty bags. Literally. "They had the 2 for $27 deal! That rarely happens in VS!" I explained. I put my sunglasses on. "Why are you wearing shades?" He chuckled. "Because there's a magazine stand. I'm willing to bet my "nude" is on the cover. Sure enough it was, but it was only one left. "I'm sure a lot of men got that issue" I sighed as my phone rang. Lilly. I smiled. "Hello?" "Jazz hey, what are you doing?!" She asked. "Steven and I are leaving the mall, what are you doing?" I asked. I hadn't talked to Lilly in a long time, and it felt great to talk to my bestfriend. "Well Brian is baby gating the house for some reason, and I'm laying down" she said. "We wanna have a sleep over with you guys!" She laughed. "That sounds really fun. I'm gonna ask Steven." I turned to him. "Can Lilly and Brian come over tonight?!" He nodded. "Come over at 7, because we still have to get my frosted lemonade!" I shouted to Steven. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. She said ok and we hung up. About thirty minutes later, we were home and Lilly and Brian walked in. I hugged the both of them, and let them in. "Let's play games!" Lilly shouted happily. I smiled at her. "What should we play?" I asked. Lilly was starting to show. I smiled, I'd be a godmother to a baby! "Let's play would you rather... Couple versus couple" Brian suggested. So that's what we did. Steven and I sat on one side of the living room, Lilly and Brian on the other. He rubbed her stomach, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Steven wrapped his arm around me. As soon as Brian said the first question, Steven's phone rang. I sighed knowing he wouldn't be here to finish the game. He walked out and was out for about an hour. When he did come back, he had to leave. Lilly was asleep on Brian's lap. He stroked her hair, and we talked about the baby. "Uh, ok, be careful.. love you" I said walking him to the door. He kissed me making me moan, then pulled away. "You're such a tease!" I pouted as he walked down the hall.

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