Chapter 15

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"To the airport please!" The driver nodded and I sat back. I was finally going home, and Steven was wrong! Everything I loved was in London, so that made it home! I thanked the driver and walked with the brightest smile in my face. I went through security and found my terminal all while barefooted since I threw my heels at Steven. I bought some flip-flops and sat down in the terminal waiting room. There was no one in the room which was weird so I asked the lady had I missed my flight. "No Ma'am, we've been told not to let you on the flight" I stared at her. This was so stupid and Kingston wasn't here, so I couldn't ask him for help. Kingston was probably behind all of this. He was playing a sick and cruel joke on me. "What?! By who?" She walked behind the desk and flipped through stacks of paper. She stopped on a sheet of paper with alot of highlighter marks on it. "Steven Newell" I laughed like crazy! Steven was behind this? No, no he couldn't be! "That's funny! Steven just went to jail, he couldn't have had time to authorize that!" She showed me the paper. "I'm sorry Ma'am, I can't let you on. Mr. Newell paid the airport alot of money to keep you off, I'm sorry" I sighed and sat down. "Thank you Lydia!" I heard someone say. Oh heck no! It couldn't have been Steven! He was in jail! I looked up to see an elderly man who was now taking a seat near me. I gave a sigh of relief. Thank God it wasn't him. "Did you miss your flight?" I asked. He nodded. "I wanted to go see my wife. It's her birthday, and our thirty-second anniversary! I overslept!" I frowned. "I'm so sorry" he nodded his old little head. "Why were you going?" He asked. "It's my home" I smiled thinking of Grammy and Gray and all of my other friends. "You don't have an accent. Is that not where you were born?" I shook my head. He did have an accent, and I hadn't noticed it before now. "Tell me a little bit about yourself" I giggled. "You'll think that I'm crazy and disfunctional!" He chuckled. Everyone thought I was lying and being funny until I actually told them my story. I might as well add him to the list. "I'm intrigued" I shrugged. "Well firstly, my dad was a WWE superstar, so he was barely at home. One of his friends killed my mom in a car crash, so I went to Dallas for a few days. So while in Dallas I went to a teen club with my boyfriend and ex boyfriend. At the club I met my now husband and his brother who got into a fight, so we all went to jail and I kissed Steven. I got pregnant by Steven, and I had the most protective brothers, so then my ex boyfriend found out that I kissed Steven and he started to abuse me!" I looked at the mom who looked so confused that I had to cracked a smile. But he didn't think I was crazy. He looked like he'd been through the same thing or something creepy close to it. "So I went to London because that's where my Grammy lived. I gave birth to my son, Leo and went to college. On Leo's ninth birthday Steven, my brothers and my dad came to take me back to Tampa. My dumbass left London to come here and got heartbroken. I was forced into a marriage to help my dad, who doesn't even love me, but I met this guy....." I trailed off smiling like and idiot. "Miss" the man snapped. I snapped out of it and blushed profusely. "You love him don't you?!" I nodded. "I can't have him, but I love him. I haven't spoke to him in a long time, I haven't told him I loved him" the man smiled. "Kid" he said. "-You're young. Live your life, with the love of your life" I looked out of the window and saw planes driving around and taking off. A woman walked up to the old man with a large smile plastered on her face. "Barbara! What are you doing here?!' She hugged him. "I had to see you! I didn't know when you were coming home!" I smiled. Relationship Goals! "Miss!" The elder spoke to me. "-This is my wife!" I smiled at them. "I hope you guys enjoy your anniversary!" I waved as the walked off hand in hand. It was just me in the room and I was bored, so I went to sleep. About two hours later I was being shaken roughly. I groaned and opened my eyes to see the one and only Steven Newell. "You're supposed to be in jail!" I spat. He smirked. "And you're supposed to be in my bed right about now, so I guess neither one of us is where we're supposed to be!" He yanked me up and grabbed my hands. "Why are you doing this?! Why are you here?!" About six tall, and buff men walked in as soon as I said that. "Tie her down!" What? What the hell was Steven doing? Why wasn't he in jail? Why was God not punishing him? I began to swing my legs at the men when I was lifted off the ground by Steven. "Is he in position?!" Steven yelled. They nodded. "What's going on? How did you escape jail?! Who released you?!" Instead of answering my question he asked me questions of his own. "Why do you keep choosing to do this to your family?" I squirmed trying to get out of the seat, but I was held down. I didn't answer. "Answer me Jazzmine!" I looked at him with nothing but hatred. He was a sick and evil man. I had no respect for him at all. "What did I do this time? How is it always my fault?" He chuckled. "You cost your dad the money" "I got married to you! What else do you want from me?! I've done everything to keep this wedding going!" I yelled. "You haven't done anything except fuck around with your friend Gray!" He yelled back. I was red hot and agitated! "I haven't spoken to him in a while! I don't even know where he is!" I hadn't seen Gray in forever, and to be honest, I hadn't thought about him. "You've been so disrespectful to me! Killing Leo-" I stopped him. "You killed Leo! You crashed the car! I took him off of life support! I wouldn't have had to do that if it wasn't all about money to you!" I yelled. "That may be" he spoke, "-but because of you, your father's house is being evicted as we speak!" He smirked. I hated him! I wanted Steven to die! "Why?" I gritted as I shook my head. "-why are you doing this to me and my family?! Leave my family out of this!". Steven was the walking devil. I'd never met anyone less considerate than him. "Look!" Steven pointed at the glass. "I don't want to". He grabbed my chair violently jerking me around, while tied up, and slammed my chair on the floor. I was forced to look outside the window. It was dark, but the runway was really well lit. "What is that?" It was some object and it looked weird. "That, is your friend Grayson!" My eyes got bigger. "No its not! You're not that sick!" He stood up straight. "Oh really" I looked closer. I couldn't really see anything to prove otherwise but the object did have the same brown hair as Gray and no one would just tie someone to an airport runway for nothing. "Why isn't he moving?" I gritted. "He's unconscious my love" My eyes began to get watery. "Steven no! Stop!" I begged. Gray was the only who loved me, I couldn't lose him. The plane began to roll forward as I desperately tried to escape the strength of this chair! Steven held my face tightly and forced me to look at the window! "Steven!" I screamed. He did nothing but look at him die slowly. I was crying and the plane was about five inches away from Gray. Finally it was done and I sobbed like crazy! He was dead! "Do you see what you fucking cause?!" I nodded. This was all my fault. Gray and his family didn't deserve this. "Next time you'll listen! Do you understand me?!" I nodded again. I couldn't say anything. I was at a huge shock. "Answer me!" He yelled. I sniffed looking at the dead body on the runway. Steven forced me to look at him. He was about an inch away from my face breathing heavy, red, and angry. "Yes" I whispered. They released me from the chair and dragged me out of the airport. I fell to me knees over Gray's body. He was dead. No pulse, no heartbeat. "I love you" I kissed his cheek. "I love you, I love you, and I love you!" I cried to where I completely messed up his shirt. It was soaked in tears. The men dragged me off of him while I was kicking and screaming and put me in the car. Steven scooted me closer to him and kissed my cheek. "You're evil! You deserve to die! He didn't do any-" he covered my mouth. "Shut up!" I continued to cry. I had never seen anything so scary in my entire life! I had witnessed someone get crushed by a plane! That was so traumatic, plus my dad is on the streets because of me. The only thing that would have made it worse, is if the train would've blew up. "You, and these people, won't get away with it" I gritted. I wanted all of them dead! Death penalty on all of them. They killed my true love, so I wanted to kill them. "We already have, mama" he traced the cups on my dress. "Don't even think about it! I am never having sex with you again!" He smirked. "Don't fuck shit up, Jazzy" I sat up straight and looked forward. "That's what I thought" My heart felt heavy, and my throat was in my stomach. Gray's parents would be so devastated, and Rose. I couldn't imagine how she would be. I cried again, causing Steven to sigh. "Jazz he's dead" he spoke. "-Let it go!" I shook my head. "I can't! You murdered someone who was innocent, and had nothing to do with this!" He kissed me and I pushed him off. "He had everything to do with this. You were basically having a threesome!" The car stopped in front of the penthouse building. We went in through the back and Steven and I were upstairs in our penthouse. Steven poured some whiskey into his favorite drinking cup. "Go get ready. We're doing it tonight" he sipped. I couldn't stop my crying. "No! I'm not doing that!" He walked over to me and pushed me into our room. I kicked him but not hard enough. He ripped off my wedding dress and my underwear. I was naked and Steven was taking his clothes off. He came into me hard causing me to cry harder. "Ow" I moaned. "You're.... Gonna... Listen... to me... mama!" He trusted harder with each word he said. "Ow!" I cried. "I'm sorry!" I whimpered. He pulled out and put his underwear on. I was alone and naked in the bed. What did I do to deserve this life? I wouldn't wish this life upon anyone. It wasn't even close to normal. I just witnessed someone get run over by a plane. A fucking airplane! I put my clothes on and went into the bathroom. I looked so pale and lifeless. My eyes were bloodshot red from all the crying, and my hair was tangled because I hadn't combed it out right. I wanted to put up the Christmas tree (Steven didn't have the wedding on December 26, but December 1st)
Steven was in the living room talking on the phone. I peeked from around the corner. "It's taken care of, right?!" He asked. I stayed silent to hear the full conversation. "You said it would be done! Now you're saying it could've failed?!" He was getting angry which was making me scared. I hated angry Steven. He was abusive. "Call me back then! Don't screw this up!" He hung up the phone and yelled my name. I stepped back and yelled, 'Coming'. I stood in front of him. "Um, yes?" He smirked at me. "I hope you learned your lesson after what happened today" he grabbed my chin. "-You're mine!" I shook my head. "Why are you doing this? What did I do to deserve this?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Steven! I deserve to know why this is happening! Gray is dead so it's done! Why are you doing this?!" He walked away into the kitchen. "Don't walk away from me! You're not going to get away with this!" He grabbed me by the shirt collar. Quicker breaths were released from my mouth. "I don't have to answer to you!" I let tears fall from my eyes. "We're going to Adrian's game tomorrow. Dress nicely. I'm going out" I lit up on the inside. That was just what I needed. "Where are you going?" I asked as he began walking to the door. "To take care of all of this. I'm locking you in, so don't think you're going anywhere. My men are watching the house and you" I nodded. "Um Steven" I called for him. He turned around to look at me. "-Be careful" he nodded and kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes when he kissed me and watched him leave. I looked at three bulky men that were standing in front of me. "Don't make us do something that we will regret, and you should be fine" I was still in shock. I had just seen someone get run over by a plane! A fucking plane! "Why are you doing this? Did Steven pay you guys a lot? I hope you know that you won't get away with this!" Two of the men walked away leaving just one. He looked like he was in his twenties. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He genuinely looked like he didn't want to do this job. "Miss what is your name?" He asked me. I shook my head. "I'm not telling you my name until you answer my questions!" He sighed and sat down on the couch. "My name is Tony, and I'm one of Steven's friends. I took the job because I needed money and I have no college diploma, and Steven's got us all covered. I don't know how, but he does" I walked slowly to the couch opposite of him. "I'm not telling you my name, I'm sorry" I told him. "Were you there?" I asked after sitting in the quiet for fifteen minutes. He looked at me. "At the airport?" I nodded. "That was the harshest thing I had ever seen" I mumbled. "I'm sorry you were forced into all of this" he stated getting up and walking away. "Yeah" I nodded as my eyes got watery. I put my head into my knees and cried. I couldn't do this anymore! I couldn't! Life would be so much easier without me in it. I grabbed a vase and broke it. The men came in with guns in hands and black ski masks on. I held my hands up. "I was reaching for it, and it fell" I explained. They walked back to their posts leaving me in the kitchen alone. I slid a piece of glass in the pocket and walked to the bathroom. One of the guards was outside the bathroom. I looked at him before walking in. I looked at my favorite picture of Grammy, Leo and myself and smiled. "I'll be there soon" I stated as I held the glass up to my wrist. The door burst opened and guns were pointed at me. "Ma'am, put the glass down!" One of the yelled. I stared at them. I wanted to do this! I didn't want to be here anymore. I was tired. I shook my head and put the glass up to my neck. The man fired the gun up and I jumped on him. "Get out!" I screamed. "I hate you all! Get the hell out!" While the other four men were struggling to get me off of the man, I was crying. "Rest in peace, dumbass!" I yelled as I slit his wrists. He fell and lay motionless. I took a glance at him before I realized I had killed someone. I dropped the glass and looked at him. He was dead! I fell to my knees. "Oh my God!" I sobbed. "I killed him!" The guards took me into the living room and I sat down. I was no better than them. I murdered him! "You were scared! It's ok!" One of them reassured. It was the opposite of ok! This was not ok! There was a knock on the door. I hoped, no I begged, that Gray would be standing there when I opened the door. That he would hug and kiss me and tell me how much he loved me when I opened the door. I didn't expect it to be true, and somehow I knew it wouldn't happen, but I wanted to believe that it would. The guards ran back to their spots and I went to grab the door. It was Lilly. I fell to my knees and cried. "Lilly" she lifted me back up and sat me down on the couch. "Jazzmine" she stared at me with hurt eyes. "What's wrong?" She sat me on the couch. Could I even tell her what happened? I was so scared of these people and the consequences that'd be brung upon me if I told Lilly. After a quick moment of pondering whether or not I should tell her or not, I decided not to. I didn't know what would happen to me, but especially her. She was carrying her future child, and my niece or nephew. "I miss Leo so much!" She smiled slightly and sat next to me. I hugged her, and continued to cry. "I've been through so much" she nodded and didn't let me go. "I know, Jazzy. I know" it was silent for about five minutes, and I thought about everything that had ever happened to me. Dad was right; about everything. Steven, my pregnancy, and my love life. "All of this is to make you stronger, to see if you have good perseverance!" Mom used to tell me the exact same thing when I was younger, and I didn't understand. I didn't understand why bad things had to happen to good people; I just didn't. "I'm tired of all of the tests or faith" I wiped my eyes. Steven was an evil person. He should've been in maximum security right about now! He shouldn't be torturing me or my friends and family! He should be dead by now! "It'll all be over soon" she smiled. "Lilly" I started. "-I'm a criminal" I spoke seriously. "Jazz you're so funny" she laughed. I didn't smile, I just sat there. "Oh, what did you do?" She asked. I took a deep breath before looking out the corner of my eye to see a gun aiming at me. I wasn't even scared. "I killed-" BANG! BANG! BANG! I heard a scream and everything else was a blur.

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