Chapter 4

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"Jazz.. Wow, thank you!" Steven smiled causing me to smile. I decided that holding a grudge from eight years ago wasn't going to make a difference. I was still here, and I couldn't go back. I didn't have a job, which meant I had no money. No money meant I couldn't go anywhere which meant I was stuck here. But, I had a job interview tomorrow at a 'Soup or Salad' as a waitress. It pays pretty well, $15 an hour. It's enough to buy Leo some new school clothes and shoes. "So" I stated taking a seat on the glass desk. "-I have a job interview tomorrow!" I smiled. "Why don't you work here? We pay well, $20 an hour, huh?" He smiled nudging me. "Wow, a whole $5! Thanks but I'm gonna stick to 'Soup or Salad'" Steven laughed. "Your turning down a job a Newell Technologies to work at 'Soup or Salad'?!" I nodded. "Think on the bright side.." He raised his eyebrow. "I don't have to see you all day!" I laughed. He rolled his eyes. "Good day, Jazzmine!" He said in a phony English accent and taking a bow. "Farewell Steven" I curtsied and did my very impressive English accent. Hey, being in London, I learned. I got ready to open the door, when my phone rang. It was Carol, my Grammy's friend in London. "Hey Ms.Taylor, how are you doing?!" I asked smiling. "I'm well dear, but I'm afraid, I have some bad news" I could hear the sadness in her voice. What was wrong? Was Grammy ok. "Sweetheart, your Grandmother died last night" she sobbed in the phone. I fell to my knees and began to cry. Steven rushed up to me and wrapped his arm around me. "But, she was almost 70, and she told me her doctor said her heart was in check. What happened?" This is all my fault, I should've stayed with her. She was old, this is only my fault, all my fault "I guess, it was just her time, dear. I'm so sorry, I'll send you the funeral information via text, ok?" "Ok, thank you" I hung up and cried more. "What happened?!" Steven asked. "My Grandma died last night" he hugged me and rubbed my back. "It's ok, she went to a better place, ok?" "But it's my fault. I left her, I feel terrible, I shouldn't have left her!" I cried and cried and cried. I hadn't cried in two weeks and here it was, I was crying. "It's not your fault, it was just her time" Steven gave a slight smile. " Your right, it was just her, her time" I wipe the tears away. I didn't want Leo to worry too much about it. Plus I had to drive home and I couldn't do that with my eyes watered the way they were. My phone rang. Gray and I had recorded our own ringtones for each other. We both had the same one. We were at the karaoke bar and when we walked out we sang, '0 to 100'laughing and giggling the whole song. Our picture appears on the the screen. Steven looks upset with me. "He's just a friend" "Hey Gray, what's up?" I asked him. "I'm sorry about Mrs. Anoa'i. Are you ok?" I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks" "How's Leo?" He asked. "Uh, I haven't told him yet" "you haven't?" I will though, I just don't want him to worry, but I have to go. We'll talk later, ok?" "Ok. Later" I hung up and smiled to myself.
"At some point, everyone and thing will come to an end" I started as Leo looked at me with the chin in the palm of his hand, obviously bored. "-And... When that day comes, you can't be sad, wanna know why?" He nodded his small head. "Because they are in a better place!" "Mom, does this story have a point?" I always used to ask that! "Grammy is dead" I sighed. His eyes watered and began came the waterworks. "It's not fair! Why'd... She... Have to die" he cried. I bent down to look at him. "Leo, life is like a game, you play it for a while and then you complete it except in life, you can't start over. That's why you have to live life to the fullest" I smiled. He nodded. "Like Call of Duty?!" "Exactly, but the good news is we can go back to London!" At this, Leo was happy again. He hopped off the barstool and danced around in the kitchen causing me to laugh. This was just like on Christmas when I got him his X-Box
"Ok Leo, open the gift from me, well gifts" There were smiling faces all around. Grammy and I smiled at each other. We really didn't have family in London, so most times it was just us. Leo ripped off the wrapping paper in 2.5 seconds. "Oh my Gosh! An X-Box?! Thank you mom and Grammy" I was still recording and told him to open the others. "A brand new soccer ball?!" "Yeah, your old one has reached his final days as a soccer ball" we all laughed and Leo gave hugs and danced around the room
That's my favorite memory of us all together, well besides the one when we were at the London Eye and saw Luke and Ed Sheeran. At the time, I didn't know they were friends of Gabby. Steven walked in with nothing but a white tee showing all of his muscles causing me to stare at his abs. Whoa and plaid sleeping pants. "Good morning sleepy head" I greeted even though it was 6 in the afternoon. "Leo go pack, we're leaving tomorrow" he ran to his room faster than he did when I told him to clean it up. I walked over to the fruit bowl filled with nectarines, plums, peaches and apples, Granny Smith to be exact. I threw him an apple and he caught it. "So, we're going to London tomorrow" I stated leaning over and placing my chin in the palm of my hands. "-You wanna come?" He shook his head. "That's a family thing, she didn't really know me" he chuckled. I smiled. "She did know you" "she did" he lit up. As if "yeah, through bad memories of me and you!" He shook his head. "I'll go pack"
-----------the next day
We stepped off the plane and breathed the London air. Leo and I were the happiest of us all of course. We were back in London. "Let's go get the rental car" dad stated. "No, we're in London, we walk everywhere we go! That's the beauty of London" Leo and I began walking out of the airport. "Hey Bea!" I waved to the flight attendant. She gave me a hug. I knew Bea because the first day I got here, I sat in these chairs for 6 hours flipping on them, hanging upside down or sleeping because Grammy was at work and couldn't pick me up, so I met Bea and we talked until she had to leave. "Jazz, you're back, with your son! Oh my gosh! Text me later, k" I nodded and we continued to walk until we were out of the airport. "I wanna go visit some friends right quick" I smiled. Since I knew London like my own name, I could decide where we did and didn't go. No one else knew about London so I could send us to a strip club and they couldn't leave because they'd get lost. "Ok, show us the way" Ryan smiled. In five minutes we were at the college. After all the men finished complaining, we walked in my dormitory and went to the floor I used to live on. I knocked on the door opening it was Gabby.She and Gray were complaining, but when they saw me, we all hugged. They hugged Leo and Gabby pulled me in the room. "I can't believe you're with him!" Gabby cooed looking at Steven while blushing. "It's no big deal!" I smiled. "He's so hot" "you should've seen him in High school!" I giggled. Gabby and I went into a full conversation about him. "He's not that hot" Gray said bitterly. I smiled and hugged Gray. "I missed you so much!" He hugged me back. I missed his brown hair brown eyes and his awesome personality. In fact before I left, I called him brown eyes. Dad cleared his throat as Leo was giving Gabby a hug. Where are my manners?! "Dad, Adrian, Ryan and Steven, this is Gabby" Gabby blushed, it's what she's been known to do, but I know why, she saw Steven and she loved him. "-And this is Gray" Gray stuck his hand out and only dad shook it. "Are you dating him?!" Ryan asked. Oh, so they were still overprotective "Adrian, Ryan, I'm 23 not 15 you don't have to judge every boy I introduce you to" They mumbled something about 'our little sister can't find love' and walked out. I turned to see a Gray who looked very embarrassed. I don't know why he was embarrassed, but he was. "Don't take it personal. They're her brothers and just like me, they hate every boy she introduces us to, but you seem like a nice young man." Dad smiled causing Me and Gray to smile. "-Jazz, we leave in 5" he walked out of the room followed by Leo and Gabby who made a bet on who could get downstairs faster, by elevator or by the stairs. Gray looked down on me with a nervous spark in his eyes. "Nervous?" I giggled. He nodded and chuckled. "Going to meet the queen? I joked. He smiled at my sense of humor. I was funny wasn't I? I should be the female Kevin Hart because I make everyone laugh. Think of all that money. Shirtless men, yachts and buying everything I want hint hint the IPhone 7 plus that cost $678. "Jazz, I have wanted to say this to you for ever.... I-" dad opened the door and told me it was time to go to Grammys house. "We'll talk later" I waved goodbye just as Gabby was going back in the room.
Gray's POV
Gabby clicked her tongue on her teeth and shook her head at me. "What?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and walked over to her closet grabbing a baby blue cup dress with black heels. That looked like Jazz's. "Is that Jazz's?" I asked with my eyebrows elevated. "She gave it to me, it was too small..... But that's not the point!" She pointed at me laying the dress on the bed and getting some water. "You like Jazz!" She smirked. How did she know? "No I don't, that's idiotic. She's getting married soon" I shrugged even though it hurt to say it. I wish her husband could be me! I would love her and cherish her more than she could know. "And you're not upset about that?!" I shook my head. "Why would I be upset that she's marrying someone who's not me?! I should be happy for my friend" I opened the door but decided to ask Gabby a question. "You have a date tonight?" She nodded happily. "Me and Luke are going to a club" "doesn't your dad hate Luke?!" I chuckled and she nodded. If I were her, my mom would've killed me. When she said 'no' she meant 'no'. "And you're going out with him?" I raised my eyebrow. Gabby was so.. What's the word? Defiant. She did everything she was aked not to do. She had a mom and she didn't even appreciate her. She was lucky, she had a flawless life as far as I could see, but that was none of business. "I'm going to my room" I walked out and closed the door.

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