Chapter 9

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The ride was silent. I closed my eyes and sniffed. "Uh, Jazz" I looked over at him. I really didn't feel like talking. "-Why'd you tell them to pull the plug?" He asked with genuine sadness. I felt bad about everything. I ran away like a baby and Steven barely got to see and be with his son. That was so selfish of me. "Because" I kept my hand on the steering wheel and looked out the window. "Becasue what?" He asked. We pulled up to the building. I parked the car in the garage and we walked inside. The lobby was quiet. We walked over to the elevator. "Because what?!" He yelled. I unlocked the door and went into the guest room. "Because he was hurting! I wouldn't want him to live and be hurting unbearably. So that's why I said pull the plug!" I slammed the door. He yanked it open viciously. "That was the worst thing you could have done. He could've gotten better!" "I knew what I was doing! I did the right thing. I know I did!" I yelled. We were very close to each other. There was no room for nothing to go in between us. "Get out!" I grabbed my phone and my charger. "Gladly" I threw the large piece of the charger at him. I ran down the flight of stairs crying until I made it out into the street. I was almost hit. Thank God for fast reflexes. I ran into the parking garage and found the car. It was unlocked which was dangerous, but I was happy. I climbed in the back seat and layed my head on my arm as my pillow. It wasn't the best bed, but it'd have to work.

******** 7:30 am*********
The car was moving but I was too tired to get up and look at who was in here. Shit. I had forgotten to lock the door back. Anyone could've gotten in here and stole it. I raised up and screamed. The person screamed at me and the car swerved from lane to lane. We stopped screaming. "Who are you?" I jumped on top of the figure. They pushed me in the back. I grabbed my phone and pushed 911. "I will call the cops!" I threatened. "Jazz Relax" I lowered my thumb over the circle. "How do you know my name?!" He turned around. "Steven! Why are you up so early?!" I asked groaning. "Uh, I own a million dollar company. I have to be there early" I rolled my eyes. "Take me back to the building. I have to go to work in a hour and a half!" He kept the car going. "Go to work in what you had on yesterday, just add some more lipstick" he shrugged. Was he not seeing me right? My skirt was wrinkled, hair blotchy, and my shirt had tear stains on it. The light turned green. We stopped in front of the building. "Steven!" I said airy. "I have to go change! Take me home!" I yelled. He shrugged. "What're people gonna think when we get out of the car? You in a nice, crisp suit and a woman with her clothes wrinkled and dried up lipstick?" That we had sex. To he honest, I wanted sex from Steven. My body craved it. He worked magic with his hands and his penis. "They know you're my wife. They won't say anything, and if they do, I'll fire them" he closed the door. I spotted the keys in the car. I climbed in the front seat and started the car. It revved loudly. It scared Steven and me. I pushed mg foot on the gas and drove off! "You're psycho!" I heard him yell. I turned around just in time. I swerved the car into the right lane before the red convertible could hit me. "What is wrong with this car?!" I yelled to myself. Leo would've loved this. "No no no! Stop it Jazz!" I hit myself. "He's in a better place, stop your pity party!" I pulled up at the building. I stepped out of the car, and almost fell. My heels were clacking against the pavement violently. I walked some more until my heel broke. I stared at it. "Really?" I asked aloud. I rode up the elevator with an elder and her dog. She stared at me distastefully and her dog sniffed me. I smiled at them both. The woman began shaking and bouncing around and finally the dog puked on me. I gasped. "Oh my gosh!" I complained. She apologized profusely after saying to her dog, 'Let's go get you cleaned up!'. The searched in my purse for my key. "I can't find it! Where is it?!" I looked in the pot by our door with the fake plants. Nothing. I called for management. After waiting about 45 minutes for them to come, I was in the house. I waited for my shower to get hot, which never happened, so I had to take a cold shower. "Leo, you leave me and everything bad happens to me" I said as I put the maroon ribbon in my hair. I sat at the stool in the kitchen and cried. "Leo, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. If I just had have listened to you, you'd still be here!" There was a knock on the door. I wiped my tears away and went to get it. It was Gray. He leaned in for a hug, but I backed away. I thought back to the night Jacob and I broke up. Our last kiss. He kissed me, and I backed away. I wiped another tear from my eye. "Gray" I said softly. "What are you doing here?" He looked at me. "I came to check on you. Are you good?" He touched my shoulder, and I flinched. "Um, Gray, I have work in thirty, wait, twenty-nine minutes. Can we talk later?" I asked airy. I really couldn't face everyone today. For one, I was tired, another, I just needed to ponder about everything. It was hard on me, and Gray asking if I was ok wouldn't make me feel any better. "Um, no! We're gonna talk about this now." I smiled at him then erased it. "I'm fine, now if you'll excuse me, I have twenty minutes to get to my job" I rushed passed him. He grabbed my arm. "I know what you need" he pulled me close. " I think not" I said airy.I couldn't breathe. My heart was beating really fast, and my palms were sweaty. "I think so, Jazzmine" he said in a sexy tone. "Gray, please"  I stated softly.I looked into his eyes. "You know you want it" he said. I nodded. "I do". He pressed his soft lips onto mine, and I dropped my breath case with designs for new technology. I lifted my leg in the shape of a right angle. Ugh, there was my math forte coming at the worst times. My cat eyed glasses fell and we broke away, only to see paps. A lot of them. Where did they come from? They began to flash their cameras and bombard us with questions. "Who is this?" "What happened to Steven?" "Are you and Steven done?" I stared at them with watered eyes. "Gray, I'll see you later" I tried to get through the crowd. I bag an to cry. I stopped the elevator, and slowly made my way down to the floor. I wiped my tears away, and took out my phone. Nothing was there yet, but I was sure Steven would see it. I knew he would. I scrolled through pictures of me and Leo. I stopped at my favorite. I was a pic of me and him at the park underneath the tree. He hugged me while I was sitting down, and he was standing behind me, bending over to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I looked at myself. I looked terrible and I was late to work. I stood up and started the elevator, ironing out my shirt and picking up my breath case. I walked in the garage and got the car. I turned the car on and listened to the radio. Pillow talk by Zayn was on. I sighed when I realized the car was getting slower. I looked at the gas tank. "Shit!" I yelled. I was on the highway and cars were coming and going. In the second lane, I stepped out of the car. I took my heels off and remembered back to the time when I went to Dallas and played the game of  'run in the streets and don't get it' I let the car pass by and I ran. I ran fast and soon I was looking over the cement divider. I bit my lip. The next exit wasn't for five miles. I sighed and sat on the divider. After hesitating, I jumped and landed in a mud puddle. "At least it's good for your skin" I looked up to see a man with ripped clothes and messed up shoes with a Golden Retriever. I smiled slightly. "I know" and then I began to walk. I was already thirty minutes late, so I didn't have time to speak to that man.
************ 34 minutes later***************
Steven stood at the desk looking angry at me. "Mrs. Newell, a word" I looked at him with a quivered lip and watered eyes. I stepped into his office and he slammed the door. I flinched and a little bit of mud fell to the floor. He sat and twiddled his fingers. I was in for it. I wondered had he seen the televisions and the web tabloids. I didn't know much about them, but I knew they updated things fast. He walked up to me. I gulped. What was he gonna do? "Why are you almost forty minutes late?" I stayed quiet. Was it rhetorical, or? He picked up his phone and began typing. "What the hell is this?" I looked at the phone screen. Gray and I were kissing. Jazz and Steven: Are they done, and has she found someone new? Without wasting another second, Steven slapped me. I was breathing hard and my eyes were even more watery. I seriously wanted to cry. "Steven" I said. He pointed to the door. "Get out" "what?" "'I'm not a hoe' remember saying that?" I cried silent tears. "Goddamit answer me" he yelled. I nodded. "Yes, yes I remember saying that" I cried even harder. Something about angry Steven scared me. Like at any moment he could kill me, or hit me harder. "Steven" he looked at me sternly. "Mr. Newell, I want you to know I'm sorry and that as of today I'm leaving" I stated softly to bring the heat down. "What?" He asked. "I'm leaving" I slid the engagement ring off my finger and placed it on his desk by the picture of us when I was fifteen. "I'm sorry" he looked down at it then back at me. "You're not going anywhere, Mrs. Newell" I looked at him dumbfounded as he walked around the desk and made his way over to me. He continued to walk closer, and I continued to walk backwards. I hit the wall and a quick flash of fear entered my eyes. I turned my head to the ground. He lifted it and made me look at him. "You're mine, ok? You're not leaving me. We are gonna get married, have kids, and die old and be happy" I nodded. "You're fired" he took my breath case and opened it up. Curse me for giving him the passcode. He took the designs out and stored them in his desk. "Fired?!" He nodded. "Goodbye Mrs. Newell" I angrily walked over to the door. I walked out and went to the house. I gathered all my things and a large Samsonite luggage. I packed and walked out. By the time I found Gray, it was 11:59 am, and TMZ was about to come on. We walked into Starbucks and sat. "So Jazz, I have some very important news!" He smiled. I did too. "I'm moving to Tampa Bay!" I smiled. "Gray, oh my gosh! That's awesome. When are you moving?" I asked. "I already did" I stared at him. "I don't get it, how did you already move? You live in London" he smiled and pulled out some keys. "I moved with my friend Parker when you came" I smiled and we got up and hugged. "I'm so happy for you! Where do you guys live?" I asked. I was so happy for him and this Parker person. "Come on, I'll show you" I grabbed my luggage and followed behind him. We walked since neither one of us had a car.... The car! It was still on the highway. Mr. Newell,er, I mean Steven would kill me. I shook my head and walked silently just thinking about everything that has ever happened to me. I wasn't allowed to date boys, I got pregnant, and I lost my son. I lost the gymnastics meet because of dad, Adrian, and Ryan. When someone says, 'No flash photography' that's what they mean. I ended up getting distracted by their yelling and flashing lights. I fell off the balance beam mid-air and broke my leg. I thought back to when I first got to London. I met Zack. Getting pregnant has probably been the best thing to happen in all of my 23 years of life. I didn't have a happy childhood or teen life. My three years of adulthood haven't been good either. Come to think of it, I've never had the life I wanted. I'd always tried to live up to everyone's expectations, and didn't live up to my own. My phone rang. Dad "hello?" I asked. He sounded cheerful. "Hey Jazzy. What are you doing?" I told him going to see a friend's new house. "What ya need?" I asked because I didn't want to look rude to Gray. He was taking me to his house and I was on the phone, not paying him any mind. "It's my dad" I mouthed. I showed him the pic of us. I was hugging him and he was smiling. Gray nodded and we continued to walk. "I was wondering would you like to join your brothers and me for a dinner at the house tonight?" He sounded so happy. I couldn't say no. "Uh, sure. About what time?" I asked. "7 o'clock sharp" I said ok and hung up. It was one so I had a little less than six hours since I'd be at Gray's house. We walked in front of a tall building. "This is my apartment complex" I looked so fancy. We walked up to the door gate. He typed in the password and the door unlocked. Once we got to his apartment I noticed that it was really clean for two men to be living here. There was no woman to keep the house clean. I'd been here at least two months almost three. It was shocking. Adrian and Ryan's room was never this clean. The kitchen had dark brown wood cabinets and a red backsplash. There was a Samsung fridge and freezer. The living room had dark brown wood flooring, the house probably had a dark brown wood theme, and a red leather couch. There was a 50 inch tv on the wall. All three rooms were carpeted with a light brown carpet and had a window on the right side of where the bed would go. "This is really nice" I smiled looking at Gray. Five minutes later, Gray went to the bathroom. There was rapid knocking on the door. I was afraid, so I went into the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan. I stood by the door hidden so the intruder wouldn't see me. I unlocked it and opened it fast. I used the frying pan to hit him, like Rapunzel. He fell to the floor. He had on a black ski mask. He was about to rob Gray, but I stopped him! I twirled the pan. "Don't mess with my friend, robber!" Gray came out the restroom. He stared at me and the robber. "Jazz! What did you do?!" He ran over to the body on the floor. "He was trying to rob the house!" I said. Gray chuckled. "No Jazz. This is Parker, my housemate" I gaped at them both. Parked got up slowly. "You ok dude?" I stared at him as he took his mask off. He had Gray eyes and brown hair. He stared at me. "She's crazy!" "Says the one banging on the door with a black ski mask!" I shouted since he wanted to yell at me. Gray came and pulled me in the kitchen. "Did you seriously hit him with a frying pan?!" He smiled. I nodded. I checked my phone. It was two o'clock. Wow time flew. "I have To go" I stated. He nodded. I walked over to Parker. "Sorry" I apologized. He nodded. "It's cool" I waved bye to them both and grabbed my four wheeled luggage. I went home. There was nowhere else for me to stay. I showered, ate, flat ironed my hair, and put my clothes on. By the time I was done with all of that, it was 4:45 pm. I decided to go get the red Lexus from the garage since I left the Spyder on the highway. Someone probably had a good day finding that,but not too much of a good day because I still had the keys. I drove to my old house. Ryan and Adrian were already here. I was kinda happy that it was just us four. No dates or invites, just the family. Dad had cooked some lasagna for dinner. He said he cooked it, but I knew it was probably just a Stoufers he threw in the oven. We all sat at the table. "How have you been Jazz?" Dad asked. I knew what he meant, but if I said anything about Leo, I would cry. I was certain of it. "Uh, I'm fine. Steven is too" I fake smiled. He sighed. "You're just like your mother" he chuckled. His smile erased. "Dad. You ok?" I asked. Ryan and Adrian stared at him. "I'm fine"he shrugged. The oven beeped and dad ran over to get it. He brought it back to the table and smiled. "Dad" I looked at my lap. "- I have questions" The men all looked at each other and then back at me. "What's your question?" Dad smiled. "What happened between you and mom?" It got silent. So silent that I had to look at him. "Don't worry about that. Eight years later and it's still not important" I looked at him with melancholy eyes. "What do you mean it's not important? That was your wife, it was my mom" I could feel the anger rising in my body. How dare he say it wasn't important? Right now, it was the most important thing in the world. "Look what happened between us doesn't matter. She's gone, and I've moved on" "Did you pay someone to hit her car?!" I asked sounding exactly how dad was sounding: Heartless. "Jazz, this is not the time, nor the place for your games right now!" He yelled. I looked at him with watered eyes. "Dad, you're the only one playing games! I'm 23. I deserve to know what happened!" I yelled. "Do not raise your voice at me!" He shouted. "Dad!" Ryan said calming everyone down. "Tell her. She needs to know" So Ryan and Adrian knew? He could tell them, but not me! "No! She doesn't need to know!" Dad got up and walked into his bedroom. He slammed the door. I stood up and grabbed my phone. "Are you two gonna tell me what happened, or will I have to wait until I'm ninety to know?" The boys took me on the porch. We sat on the swing. I was in the middle. "Dad and mom split because of you" Adrain said. I literally felt my heart break. Because of me? I was the cause. "They argued about you every night. Mom said you should have more freedom. Dad disagreed because he said you'd get out of control, which you did. He was so cross with mom that he wanted a divorce" Ryan explained. "And dad had affairs with other women while on the road". I stayed silent. So this was all my fault. Because of my selfishness and desire to be a real teenager. Part of me wanted to be angry at dad, but the other part said I should be mad at myself. "What about the car crash? Was that real?" I asked. The boys looked at each other. "No" Adrian said looking at me with hurt eyes. "She attempted to commit. She overdosed" I began to cry. Why mom? My brothers embraced me in a hug. "I'm sorry Jazz. I know how much you loved her" I wiped tears and mascara off of my face. "Why would she do something like that?" I asked sobbing. "She was depressed. She didn't  want to tell you, because, she didn't want you to hurt" Adrian explained. I walked into the house. "Dad?" I asked walking in searching for him. I found him in his room. "Are there any other things I need to know? Like, um I don't know, why'd you cheat on mom?!" I yelled at him. He walked over to me violently. "You don't know anything about that!" He hollered. "Yes. I . Do! Adrian and Ryan explained it to me!" "They don't know!" He yelled. "-You can't trust them!" I stood there looking at him like he was stupid. "I know I can trust them more than I can trust you! You think I'm too young to know what happens in my family. I'm twenty three years old. I think I can handle all of this!" "You think you can handle this, Jazz?" I stood silently. I think I can handle it. I hope I can. "You can't! You got pregnant at fifteen, and lost the damn kid. You think you're ready? You ran out of the house because you couldn't date a boy! You think you're ready?" He asked bitterly. "Everything that has ever happened to me was your fault! You never loved me! You never taught me right from wrong! I never had a dad to teach me all of that! You were out of my life for most of my childhood! How is that my fault?" I yelled at him. I felt fifteen again. Arguing and yelling with him. I didn't like it, but I had to. To prove a point. "That was your fault! Don't you dare question my love for you!" I began to cry. "What we have, isn't love. You don't love me. I was probably a mistake, but you kept me to prove that you weren't a fuckup!" I yelled. He slapped me! It hurt like hell! My dad had heavy hands. Adrian and Ryan had yelled my name before he hit me. I turned and ran out. I grabbed my purse and sped off. I didn't know where I was gonna go. I wasn't going back to the Penthouse unless I had to. That looked like we're I'd be tonight, only because I didn't want to sleep in the car. It was almost ten o'clock. The radio was off. It was silent, except for my sniffles. I wiped my eyes and turned into the parking garage. I was the only one in the garage, and my heels made a loud clacking noise. The lobby was quiet. No one was here. I went over to the elevator. It was close to 11 o'clock. I wiped my tears away. It wasn't worth it to cry. It was my fault, in fact dad was right. Everything that had ever happened to me was my fault. Me getting pregnant, loosing Leo, their divorce. It was all my fault. Everything. I walked off the elevator, and opened the door. The lights were off, and it was quiet. I closed the door softly. I didn't know if I could be here after our argument. Kam ran up to me. He licked my face and I scratched him behind his ears. He began to bark. I could tell Steven would yell at him at any minute. "Kam Shut up!" He yelled. He stopped when he saw me. "What are you doing here?" He asked bitterly. I thought he'd be happy to see me. Guess not, I mean, is anybody happy to see me? "Uh, I needed a pace to stay" I said quietly. He arched his eyebrow. "Just for tonight" I added quickly. He chuckled and motioned for me to follow him. "I can sleep on the couch" I said. In the morning, I wanted to be gone before he even woke up. "You sure?" I nodded. He went to the end of the hall and handed me two thick blankets, and a pillow. "Thanks" I grabbed my luggage and took it to the bathroom. After my shower, I made my 'bed' and grabbed my phone. Gray had texted me. How was dinner with your dad :) He texted me two hours ago. "Jazz...." I looked up. "-Stay as long as you need to" He came up to me, and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, mama". He walked off. Kam jumped on the couch and laid at the foot. He went to sleep. We'll talk about it tomorrow😂😉. He texted back in five minutes. Ok😭
It was 5:45 am. I got up and grabbed my luggage. There was a sticky note on my forehead. See you at work, mama Love Steven. I laughed. As if. This meant he was gone. Where was he? I didn't care. I grabbed an apple and went to the door. Kam whimpered. "Come on, bud". We walked out at 6 am, and got in the car. I took out my phone. Cheap houses/apartments for sale. I remembered what mom had told me. No Hollywood Park. I clicked on a website. ' 2.5 Bath, 3 bed, 1 garage' It sounded nice, but the price would be if I bought it or not. I scrolled down. $134,500. That wasn't that bad. I was interested. Open House: 8am- 6:30 pm. I logged into the Bank of America app. Available Balance: $200,000. I smiled. I could buy it today! I was gonna have my very own house! It would be mine, not anyone else's! I began to cry happy tears. I'll be there at exactly 8, and if I feel like it, I'll go to work! Kam began wagging his tail. I scratched him behind the ears. "We're gonna have a house!" He licked my face.

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